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  • Call Me Barabbas

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Mar 12, 2008
    based on 58 ratings

    Politician Pilate is on trial now, and he has a finger in the air checking the wind’s direction. Instead of doing what is right, he does what is easy. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint Template.

    Call Me Barabbas Matthew 27:11-31 Last time we saw the religious phase of Jesus’ trial, in which He was accused of blasphemy. But that charge wasn’t worthy of death in the Roman world, so they need to try to dig something else up. How about treason? more

  • Questions That Need Answers

    Contributed by John Scott on May 1, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    I will ask 6 of life’s most important question but only answer 5.

    Questions That Need To Be Answered TEXT: Romans 11:30 and James 1:5 Introduction: 1. kids are full of questions (who, what, when, why …) a. they are not afraid to ask b. have no foolish pride that hinders them from getting the info they need. 2. Adults have may questions too a. Often too scared more

  • Questions That Need Answers

    Contributed by John Scott on May 1, 2007

    I will ask 6 of life’s most important question but only answer 5.

    Questions That Need To Be Answered TEXT: Romans 11:30 and James 1:5 Introduction: 1. kids are full of questions (who, what, when, why …) a. they are not afraid to ask b. have no foolish pride that hinders them from getting the info they need. 2. Adults have may questions too a. Often too scared more

  • How To Use The Rest Areas Of Life Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Apr 20, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    When the storms of life have calmed and God has brought us into the rest area to refresh, we need to make sure we use it to our advantage before heading into the next valley.

    Following In the Footsteps of Faith How to Use the Rest Areas of Life Genesis 21:33-34 Intro: There are times in life that are simply difficult to tolerate! There are battles to fight, valleys to cross, long nights to endure and storms that must be weathered. All you have to do is read the story of more

  • The Nature Of Man

    Contributed by Tim Huie on May 6, 2009

    What is the nature of man? 1) He is a marred being. 2) He is a dying being. 3) He is an eternal being.

    THE NATURE OF MAN GENESIS 1: 26-27, 2: 7 1. Illus. of teenager • Went into room and slammed door, saying under breath, “people, people, PEOPLE!” • Mom went to door and said, “what’s wrong?” Girl replied, “people, that’s what’s wrong!” • “Let me in, and we’ll talk about it.” “No, you’re a people more

  • Take Up The Shield Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We are to take up the Shield of Faith; but remember, it is mainly for defense not offense; know your apologetics, defend your faith, and not be offensive!

    Is there evil in the world? All we have to do is follow the recent quadruple murder here in Milwaukee, which includes 2 babies!! Did you know that one of the ladies murdered witnessed the murder of her own mother when she was a kid right here in Milwaukee? Although God through Jesus Christ has more

  • State Of The Church Address

    Contributed by Mark Price on Aug 21, 2006

    This message was shared with the church as we approach a transitional period through which we will address the needs of the church and add ministries, classes, and outreaches to better enable us to reach our community for Christ

    Introduction Q. What do you spouse people picture in their minds when we mention Porter Free Will Baptist Church? • For the unchurched, they may envision a tan brick building which sits on a hill behind Gampps’ BP. • For the Christian community, they may envision the people that utilize that more

  • The Gift Of Salvation Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 9, 2016

    Our God is a giving God who provides the GIFT of salvation.

    1. Who and Where The story is told of the time Albert Einstein was taking a train to an out of town engagement. The conductor stopped by to punch his ticket, but the great scientist preoccupied with his work, explained that he couldn't find his ticket. Not in the coat pockets, not in the more

  • The Truth And The Elevator Speech Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 16, 2012

    In a culture convinced that all truth is relative, we should be able to say words that will attract others to our way of life and lead them to Christ and the Church.

    Fourth Sunday in Advent 2012 Verbum Domini If the Word of the one true God, Jesus Christ our Lord, refused to disclose the day and hour of the end of the world, how is it that so many were convinced that an obscure Mayan rune, from a civilization long ago destroyed, could have accurately predicted more

  • Jerusalem Countdown 2018

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Jun 27, 2018

    Message about timeline of Jerusalem in History and recent events of US moving capitol to Jerusalem

    This past week there was a significant event that took place in the history of the nation of Israel And because of that I have entitled my message Jerusalem Countdown On May 14, 2018, the U.S. officially opened its Embassy in Jerusalem Why should we care? What does this have to do with more

  • God Is Mercy: Epiphany 7, Year C

    Contributed by Fr. Rian Adams on Mar 5, 2019

    The Rev. Rian Adams. This sermon informs people to rest in the mercy of God.

    Sermon: “God Is Mercy” Epiphany 7, Year C The Rev. Rian Adams Introduction: Mercy as Listening Jesus says, “Be merciful as your Father is merciful." In Matthew's version, Jesus goes a bit farther, "Go and learn what this means; I want mercy and not sacrifice." Some of you more

  • Core 52 Week 10 - Prophecy Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 10, 2020

    Have you ever considered how improbably it is that Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies made about Him in the Old Testament? (He did, of course.) We'll take a look at Psalm 2, as well as other OT passages and discover more reasons to put our faith in Him.

    You can listen to the sermon on my podcast after 3/16/20 at: Intro: • People are really bad at predictions, estimating the probability of an outcome. o [slideshow of bad predictions made by experts over the past century. o Reasons why: ? Internal more

  • Vengeance Is Mine

    Contributed by Michael Fredette on Nov 11, 2019

    Be warned, the majority of crisis have a deep sinister purpose and are designed to lure you , discourage you and frustrate you.

    There are a lot of people who are in the middle of crisis’s right now. I mean the attacks seem to be coming out of nowhere, without notice and without discriminating. Everyone is susceptible, and no one is excluded Be warned, the majority of these crisis have a deep sinister purpose and are more

  • Spiritual Strength

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on May 19, 2020

    We are weak, if we know ourselves at all. But God is the opposite of weak, and in knowing Jesus, God gives us His power to live for Him!

    Where Do I Find Spiritual Strength? When we face hardships, when we dwell on the past, when we are not being good to ourselves, we can feel weak. And yet hardships are not possible to avoid. The past cannot be willed away or ignored. We are not good to ourselves for a lot of complex more

  • The First Sin Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jun 22, 2020

    Why does God allow sin?

    We are doing a series of messages surrounding the truth from Romans 3:23 which states “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God”! As we noted last week, this is a truth we need to deal with, especially as we anticipate the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Each one of us sins and the whole more

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