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  • 1 Peter Ch. 4 Commentary Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 18, 2021

    In chapter 4, Peter urges Christians to be fiercely committed to fulfilling the purpose of our lives in Christ. Prior chapters made the case that we are a “holy people.” We have been rescued from meaningless lives and set apart from the world to be used for God’s purpose.

    And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? —1 Peter 4:18 Text: 1 Peter 4:1-19 (KJV) Living for God’s Glory 1Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh more

  • Are You Listening?

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jun 1, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The psalmist distinguishes between the life of the righteous compared to the ungodly.

    Are You Listening? Psalm 1:1-6 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3And he shall be like a tree more

  • Strength In Relationships (Version 2: October 31, 2021 Used As An All Saints Day Sermon)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Nov 4, 2021

    What would have happened if Naomi and Ruth would have gone their separate ways because they were widows? What happens when we withdraw, throw our hands up and quit? What will happen if we stop meeting together to encourage one another?

    STRENGTH IN RELATIONSHIPS Text: Ruth 1:1 – 18 Ruth 1:1-18  In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land, and a certain man of Bethlehem in Judah went to live in the country of Moab, he and his wife and two sons.  (2)  The name of the man was Elimelech and more

  • Angels

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Sep 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Christian Bible, slightly more often in the New Testament. Let's learn about angels.

    Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Christian Bible, slightly more often in the New Testament. The word angel comes from a Greek word ???e??? (angelos) meaning a messenger. So, the study of angels is called angelology. Were angels created by God? “For in him all things were created: things more

  • Daniel In A Putrefying (Decaying) World Series

    Contributed by Dotun Jegede on Feb 6, 2022

    Daniel 6: 3-5 KJV 3 Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him...

    Daniel 6: 3-5 KJV 3 Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him... 4 Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; for as much as he was more

  • Power Hungry Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 24, 2022

    Bad things happen. Bad things happen to good people, and bad things happen to bad people. Why?

    POWER HUNGRY Bad things happen. Bad things happen to good people, and bad things happen to bad people. Bad things happen. Sometimes the cause is obvious: greed and hatred, poverty and ignorance, all cause suffering in greater or lesser degrees, and we can point to sin as the reason. But more

  • Metamorphosis

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Mar 6, 2023

    Being 'born from above' will create a new person

    John 3:1-17 Today's scripture from John contains probably one of the best-known lines of text in the Bible. You can find this reference on billboards and marquees, spray-painted as graffiti on walls in tenements and rocks and rooftops. You can't watch a football game on television without more

  • The Widows' List Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Aug 29, 2011
    based on 16 ratings

    I break down these widows into two different categories: 1- The over sixty servers 2- The younger idlers

    INTRO.- One of life’s difficulties is losing loved ones. And it seems like men generally die before women, which makes the wife a widow. ILL.- I read this note about Vicki Kennedy, widow of the late Teddy Kennedy who passed away Aug. 25, 2009. (NEWSER) – All agree that Vicki more

  • "The Eternal Celebration"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 1, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    A sermon for All Saints Sunday.

    ISAIAH 25:6-9 “The Eternal Celebration” By: Kenneth Emerson Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA Most of us were given our first glimpse of Jesus through one of His saints. Maybe it was our mother or father. Maybe it was a neighbor, school more

  • Mission Possible Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Feb 12, 2011

    The Church grows as each of us does their part. The Church can team up with Bible Colleges to help the ministry of the Word spread.

    Mission Possible Eph 4/Acts 6:1ff The Church grows when each of us does their part. What is the purpose of the Church? Survey says: To win souls. But if that is all we are to do then we are selling the Church short. 1. The Church is to Build (Eph 4) a. In order to build they need to be more

  • Choral Symphony No. 2

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 27, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    At last, the tears are wiped away from our eyes.

    CHORAL SYMPHONY No. 2. Revelation 7:9-17. As in Revelation 5:11-14, the Lamb is the focus of the praises of the redeemed here in Revelation 7:9-10. We are presented with an innumerable number of worshippers, drawn from “every nation, tribes, peoples, and tongues” (Revelation 7:9). This more

  • Holy. Brothers. Servants.

    Contributed by Todd Catteau on Jan 28, 2022

    This sermon examines three words used in the New Testament as designations of followers of Christ and how they define the believer even today.

    HOLY ONES. BROTHERS. SERVANTS. - WORDS THAT DEFINE US It’s not unusual for a group of people who share somethings in common to be given some designation. People who live north of the Mason-Dixon line are “Yankees” In the 60’s and 70’s a subculture develop – long hair, tye dye, peace signs - we more

  • The Bright Side Of Growing Older

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 19, 2014

    The reason for the luxuriant growth of believers is that they are planted in the house of the Lord and they flourish in the courts of our God. In other words, they live in daily fellowship with the Lord, drawing their strength and sustenance from Him.

    February 23, 2014 Title: The Bright Side of Growing Older Scripture: Job 11:17 (KJV)—“Thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shalt shine forth.” Introduction Our devotion for today is about the brightside of growing old. If you don’t think there is a bright more

  • Saints Are Just Sinners Who Fall Down And Get Back Up

    Contributed by Richard Cook on Aug 25, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Help believers understand that the Bible doesn’t teach sinless perfection; but rather endurance, perservering to the end and being an overcomer is what it’s all about.

    MICAH 7:8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me. THE SAINTS ARE JUST THE SINNERS WHO FALL DOWN AND GET UP In our modern day vernacular we have made the term “SAINT” synonymous with perfection. If someone: Lives a more

  • The Heavenly Reward

    Contributed by Dustin T Parker on Nov 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for saints...

    † In the Name of Jesus † Mercy and Peace, are yours, incredible gifts given to you, from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Birdie’s letter The communion of saints All Saints Hebrews - “Aunt Berdie was a member of Shepherd of the Valley before she and her husband Walther moved to more

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