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  • Increase Our Faith ?

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on May 1, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    “It is impossible to live life having not been offended, but woe to the person through whom they do come! It would be better for him that a millstone be tied around his neck and to be thrown into the sea, than to cause one of these ‘little ones’ to stumble.”

    Happy “Refuge” Saturday, Everyone! 4/30/16 Not every child who starts out in church stays in church; in fact, the number of kids and young adults walking away from the faith is ever increasing as time moves on. Did you know (I did the research) that less than 1% of young people in the more

  • A Matter Of The Heart

    Contributed by Mike Schmelzer on Oct 7, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    This message illustrates how we could be good people and follow the law, but not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    INTRODUCTION The encounter of this young man is recorded in three of the gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It reminds me of a game show I used to watch when I was a kid. ILLUST: It was called, “Let’s Make a Deal”. The Young Man and His Desire for Eternal Life There are some more

  • Rich Young Ruler Pt.3 Beware Of Money - Mark 10:17-27 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jan 15, 2024

    You can’t overstate how dire the warnings about money are in Scripture—especially Jesus’ warnings. He always connected it to your eternal destiny. It’s a really, really big deal.

    Introduction: Greed When Zacchaeus voluntarily offers to give up half of his possessions and to restore fourfold whatever he may have gained by fraud, Jesus said, “Today salvation has come to this house” (Luke 19:8–9). You can tell someone has caught a glimpse of the treasure in the more

  • Good News For The Weak Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Dec 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God uses the weak to shame the strong; he does this by choosing the young Mary for the important task of bearing his Son.

    INTRODUCTION • Over the next three weeks, we will look at different characters in the Christmas story to see how the birth of Jesus was good news of great joy for all of them, a poor young couple like Joseph and Mary, the marginalized shepherds, or even cosmic beings (angels). • We tend to focus on more

  • "God Has Come To Help His People."

    Contributed by Paul Johnson on Sep 4, 2015

    Words of Assurance given at a funeral of a young man who I did not know.

    Grace and peace to all who have gathered this morning to remember, reflect and rejoice as we celebrate the life of Mr. J.R. Reid Franklin. This is a time to mourn because the earthly journey of someone so young has come to an end. But this is also a time to rejoice because to depart from the body more

  • Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time; 28th Sunday B Rich Young Man

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 9, 2021

    By the apostles leaving all of that, we can see that Jesus relativized all of the central institutions of his society.

    The rich young ruler is not boasting; he is just speaking as a devout Jew. Not all Christians are called to literally give away their possessions, but all disciples are called to give up everything by way of detachment; that everything we have ultimately belongs to God. Spiritual poverty means to more

  • "But You Shall Receive Power"

    Contributed by Pastor Dre on Jan 8, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The disciples were going through a time because Jesus the one they were able to hang out with, the one whom they got to spend a lot of time with, and the one they even saw Him do many miracles was now crucified, but they had a promise to receive Power.

    “And you shall receive Power” Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” There are a few things that I would like to point out tonight and then I will be more

  • Where Was Jesus Till He Was 30?

    Contributed by Romesh Daniels on May 1, 2021

    Friends, where was Jesus till He was 30 years of age? We read in the Bible about His birth, His dedication at the temple and then as a young boy of 12 years old. What happened to Him over the next 18 years?

    Friends, where was Jesus till He was 30 years of age? We read in the Bible about His birth, His dedication at the temple and then as a young boy of 12 years old. What happened to Him over the next 18 years? Was He doing mighty miracles? Was He preaching mighty sermons? Was He saving souls? What was more

  • 12th Sunday After Pentecost

    Contributed by Michael Tkachuk on Sep 1, 2014

    A rich young man approaches Jesus and asks Him what more must he do to achieve everlasting life. He has kept all the commandments that Jesus mentioned but felt that he needed to do something more. Jesus tells him to sell all he has and follow Him.

    In our Gospel reading this morning we find a rich young man talking to Jesus about a very important matter. This young man is deeply concerned about eternity and wants to know what he must do achieve everlasting life. But when Jesus offers him with some very good advice, the man isn’t ready more

  • No Way

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Apr 2, 2023

    When Jesus tells the man to go and sell everything so that he will have treasure in heaven … what do you picture? Gold? Jewels? Crowns? Isn’t our treasure Jesus? Our relationship with Jesus. An eternity in Heaven with Jesus, the most precious treasure in all the universe?

    One time a man was sent to prison. Sitting in his cell in the dark, he heard someone yell: “42.” The whole cell block burst into laughter, including the new man’s cellmate. Just as he was about to ask his cellmate what that was all about, another prisoner shouted out “67” and the whole cell more

  • The Quiet Years Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Oct 15, 2007
    based on 30 ratings

    With the little information that the Bible gives us about Jesus’ childhood and young adulthood, we see that Jesus was a good example for us in repecting His parents, obeying His Father, and working toward spiritual growth.

    Introduction: A. Art Linkletter is best known for interviewing kids, because “Kids Say the Darnedest Things.” 1. A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. a. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run more

  • The Jesus Boat

    Contributed by Jackson Snyder on Jun 22, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    The Jesus of Faith meets the Jesus of history in the discoveries of Peter’s House and the Jesus Boat in Capernaum.

    The Jesus Boat one of 600 sermons by Jackson Snyder, June 20, 2002 Mark 4:35-41 Today’s Gospel story is known as “The Calming of the Storm.” Jesus and the disciples are in a boat, crossing the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret). A great storm overtakes them and the boat is more

  • #3 - How To Put Jesus First Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Dec 6, 2005
    based on 114 ratings

    If you really want to be a follower of Jesus, he’s got to be first. (rich young ruler) But how can I make Him first? By getting rid of 4 common excuses... *HANDOUT INCLUDED* Discipleship resources here:

    To see the NewStart Discipleship Journal that Darrell uses for discipling new believers on how to follow Jesus, check out ----------- 95% commitment to Jesus Christ is 5% short. What does it mean to put Jesus first? What does it mean to have total commitment more

  • God Sent His Love

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Dec 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God delivered His love to mankind through a poor young virgin named Mary.

    Text: “….God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9). There are some people who do not realize how important they are to Almighty God. They do not seem to understand that they are not here by accident, but that God the Father has a definite plan more

  • Rich Or Poor?

    Contributed by Dr. C. David White on Mar 30, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Jesus offers a challenge in His conversation with a Rich Young Ruler.

    Poor Little Rich Man Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?" 17 "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." 18 "Which ones?" the man enquired. Jesus more

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