
Summary: A look into the moment spent between the Rich Young Ruler and Jesus.

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Moments with the Master Series


Mark 10:17-22


This morning I would like for us to look into this encounter today, because I fear that there are many people attending our Baptist churches who are in the same condition as this young man. They want to be saved and they may even feel that they are saved, but they have no understanding of what genuine, biblical salvation is all about.

Well, in this passage, Jesus tells us in no uncertain terms just what it takes to be saved. I do not know where you stand with the Lord today, but I do know that if you are not saved, you need to be and you will hear how you can be today. If, for some reason, you have been mislead about your salvation, then you will hear how you can come to know Jesus today. All I ask is that you let the Lord speak to your heart, and if He calls you to come to Him, then I want you to come. Let’s look together at this tragic moment.


Matthew, Mark and Luke have recorded this particular encounter and given some details on this young man. So for the sake of our study, it would be time well spent to get to know him just a little bit better.

A. The Person Who Came

• All three gospels tell us that he was a rich man.

• Matthew tells us that he was young and Luke tells us that he was a ruler.

• This probably means that he was a ruler in the synagogue.

• When all the facts concerning this man are considered, it becomes clear that this young man had many things going for him in his life.

1. He has Youth - Youth is a wonderful thing!

2. He has Wealth

3. He has Morality and Religion

4. He has Position

5. From every outward appearance, this man was the ideal young person.

B. The Problem He Carried

• In spite of all he has going for him, this man had one mighty big skeleton in his closet though!

 He had found that his youth left him unsatisfied.

 His money had left him feeling unfulfilled.

 His morality, his clean living and his religious activity had not been able to satisfy the deepest longing of his soul.

o So, he comes with haste to Jesus.

• Maybe there are people in this room in the same shape as this young man.

o From every outward appearance, you have it made.

 Life has been good to you.

 You have a little money.

 Maybe you have climbed up the social ladder a little ways.

 Maybe your name is well known and you are well thought of in the community.

 Maybe you are a good person, who has lived a clean, moral life.

 Maybe you are a church member, a leader, a teacher, and everyone thinks your life is complete.

o But, in spite of all you have, there is still something missing in your life.

 You know you have what it takes to live, but you also know that you are unprepared to die.

 You have everything you want and need materially, but you do not have spiritual peace with God.

 Everything looks good on the outside, but the insides are all messed up.

o If that describes you, then keep listening, because Jesus has a word of hope for you!


A. The Confusion (v. 17)

• As this young man comes to Jesus, he gets several things right.

• Notice:

1. He comes to the right Person

• He had evidently heard of Jesus and knows that if anyone can help him, Jesus can.

2. He comes in the right way

• He comes running, because he knows the urgency of the situation.

• Nothing in life is as urgent as your salvation!

• When you do come to Him, you will come as a broken person.

o It won’t be fun and games, but there will be an understanding that you are a sinner and He is holy.

o There will be a desire to come kneeling before Him

3. He comes for the right purpose

• This young man came to Jesus pondering the issues of eternity.

• We live in the midst of one of the most sophisticated and intellectually advanced cultures the world has ever known, yet people still do not know the answer to the most basic and important question of all.

o People do not know how to be saved.

o Thankfully, Jesus had the answer for this young man and He still has the answer you need today.

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