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Sermons on Yochanan 12:6:

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  • Fresh Encounter

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Aug 13, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    All of us need a Fresh Encounter. Without any apology, Richard Blackaby was my inspiration for developing this message. Everyone needs a "First Encounter" with Jesus followed by a "Fresh Encounter"...It's life-changing.

    Fresh Encounter Jerry Watts John 12:1-11 * Have you ever had an experience which you would call an ‘encounter?’ Encounters are those events in your life which you ‘remember!’ I’ll never forget the time I almost stepped on a cotton mouth moccasin. I’ll never more

  • Rules For Giving

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 26, 2012
    based on 15 ratings

    As we look at Mary’s anointing of Christ we have a demonstration of three rules for giving to the Lord –Giving with the right attitude; Giving the best you have; and Giving your all.

    Rules for Giving John 12:1-8 Introduction: In Deuteronomy 16:17 we read, “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee.” God has given to everyone of us more blessings than we can begin to count – blessings of time more

  • At His Feet (Showing His Worth) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Apr 2, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    This three sermon series focuses on Mary at the feet of Jesus. In John 1, Mary is at His feet showing his worth. Expository and alliterated, custom PowerPoint is available if you e-mail me

    AT HIS FEET (Showing His Worth) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 4/1/2012 The feet that once used the mountains as their footstool, would soon be nailed to a rough wooden cross. Today, as many of you probably know is Palm Sunday. And Palm Sunday was the day that Jesus rode more

  • Living Complete Devotion Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Feb 14, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus has many interactions with the sisters, Mary and Martha, throughout his ministry. What we learn in looking at each of these encounters is that together, the sisters model complete discipleship, learning and living fully with Jesus.

    The sisters Mary and Martha make multiple appearances in the gospels, particularly John’s gospel. And in each passage, as they interact with Jesus, we learn something new about them. The dinner recounted in this passage immediately followed the raising of Mary and Martha’s brother, more

  • Want Whine Wit Dat Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 26, 2017

    A study of the Gospel of John 12: 1 – 8

    John 12: 1 – 8 Want Whine Wit Dat 1 Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been dead, whom He had raised from the dead. 2 There they made Him a supper; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with Him. 3 Then Mary took a more

  • A Sinful Woman Anoits Jesus Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 30, 2017

    Jesus was very approachable, by all classes of people, as we shall see in today’s scripture lesson. It is the story of the sinful woman who worshiped Him, at a dinner given in the home of a well-to-do Pharisee.

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 28- Galilee (22) A Sinful Woman Anoits Jesus Luke 7:36-50, John 12:1-8 Jesus was very approachable, by all classes of people, as we shall see in today’s scripture lesson. It is the story of the sinful woman who worshiped Him, at a dinner given in the home of a more

  • Judas Iscariot Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Aug 30, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon is going to focus on the life of Judas and in doing so encourage us to never take our spiritual blessings for granite but instead out of thankfulness examine our hearts and confess our sins so that we might keep our eyes fixed on the perfecter of our faith, Jesus Christ!

    Judas Iscariot Matthew 27:1-10 Online Sermon: Today we are going to finish the sermon series on the Twelve Apostles by examining the life of Judas Iscariot. Before I begin, I want to acknowledge that the book “Twelve Ordinary Men” by John MacArthur more

  • Breaking Your Alabaster Box

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 1, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    This is one of the most beautiful pictures found in the Gospel. It is a picture that reveals what Jesus expects from every one of us in the realm of service.

    Breaking Your Alabaster Box John 12:1-8, Mark 14:3-9 This is one of the most beautiful pictures found in the Gospel. It is a picture that reveals what Jesus expects from every one of us in the realm of service. He sums it up in verse 8 as he gives us his evaluation of what she has done. Others more

  • Glass Houses: The Great Enemy (Palm Sunday) Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Oct 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus overcomes evil through the power of choice and adoption

    We have been sharing a lot of information about our faith and trying in this season of repentance not to judge. It has been an incredible learning time for all of us. The title of the series comes from the old saying about judgment; “People in glass house shouldn’t throw?…..stones.” Right. The more

  • God Wants Us To Get Closer To Him Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    1. Jesus wants us to be confident in Him (John 12:1-2). 2. Jesus wants us to be committed to Him (John 12:2-5, 9-11). 3. Jesus wants to take care of us (John 12:4-8). 4. Jesus wants to commend us (Matthew 26:7-13).

    God Wants Us to Get Closer to Him The Gospel of John John 12:1-11, Luke 10:38-42, Matthew 26:7-13 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - May 3, 2017 (Revised December 5, 2019) BACKGROUND: *Here in John 12, God's Word jumps forward about two months. We are now only six days before more

  • Judas: The Tale Of A Traitor

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 17, 2020

    Nobody knew Judas was going to be a traitor--except the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Note: this message is structured as a "textual" message, in that the texts are structured to show the progression and true agenda of Judas Iscariot. Introduction: Can you think of anyone who is a worse influence than a traitor? A traitor, by definition, is one who pretends to be loyal to more

  • When Mary Cared Enough To Give Her Very Best

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 21, 2020

    Ever heard the phrase, "no good deed ever goes unpunished"? Mary of Bethany may have felt that way when she showed Jesus how much she loved Him.

    Based on a sermon preached at Carrington Baptist Church, Fulton, MO 3-08-2015. (This is not an exact transcription.} Background Many events took place during the last several days before Jesus died on Calvary. He had left the area some time before, according to John chapter 11, and had stayed more

  • Whining Worker, Willing Worshiper, Walking Witness

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on May 6, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A study of three characters from the Gospels—Martha the whining worker, Mary the willing worshiper and Lazarus the walking witness.

    Whining Worker, Willing Worshiper, Walking Witness TEXT: Please note with me three texts: Luke 10:38-42 – “Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat more

  • Extravagant Devotion Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 9, 2018

    Message 23 from our journey through John's gospel. This message explores Mary anointing Jesus' feet as an example of extravagant devotion deserving of an extraordinary Savior.

    Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Extravagant Devotion” REVIEW Chapter 2 – Lord over nature and the temple Chapter 3 – God’s gift of love for salvation Chapter 4-- Living water springing up to eternal life Chapter 5 – Father’s obedient Son Chapter 6 – Bread of Life out of heaven offering life more

  • Faithful To The Bitter End. John 12:1-11 Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Apr 6, 2017

    A sermon based on John 12 on the anointing of Jesus for burial by Mary. A look at the true disciples of Jesus Christ who remain faithful to the bitter end.

    Follow us on: Website: Podcast : Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: more

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