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Sermons on Yirmeyah 17:8: showing 61-75 of 94

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  • A Tree Planted By Water

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Aug 27, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    God wants us as believers to be fruit bearing as a tree planted by water. To bear fruit while we are going through our desert experience, and to not be anxious in a year of drought.

    A Tree Planted by Water Jeremiah chapter 17:5-8 talks about two different people. A man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, and a man who trusts in the Lord. In our lives, all of us have experienced a desert, either you are in a desert now or have experienced one before. When we speak more

  • In God We Trust?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 9, 2021

    To serve God we need a holy respect and absolute trust. In dark nights of hard trials do we run to God or do we run away from him? Let us study some trust verses in the Bible.

    IN GOD WE TRUST? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. OUR MONEY SAYS: IN GOD WE TRUST, is this a valid conclusion? There are several things that can seldom be recovered. A stone that is thrown, a word after it is said, a missed opportunity, wasted time, trust after it is lost. WHAT IF? more

  • 6th Sunday After Epiphany, Year C. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 7, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    February 16th, 2022.

    Jeremiah 17:5-10, Psalm 1, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Luke 6:17-26. A). A TREE PLANTED BY THE WATERS. Jeremiah 17:5-10. The prophet Jeremiah’s response to the political and international situation of his day was, “Thus says the LORD” (Jeremiah 17:5). And what does the LORD say? He says, in more

  • Healthy Independence-7

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 8, 2020

    7 of ? The prophet Jeremiah contrasted two major aspects of Independence—Independence from God versus independence from the world. Dependence upon YHWH brings independence from worldly influence. How can I be independent of worldly influence? A Healthy Independence Engages...

    HEALTHY INDEPENDENCE-VII—Jeremiah 17:1-14 Attention: A gastroenterologist goes to return some books he borrowed from the library... After checking the doctor’s books in, the librarian snidely quips... "Sir your books are always returned with the last page missing in every single more

  • Healthy Independence-8

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 13, 2020

    8 of ? The prophet Jeremiah contrasted two major aspects of Independence—Independence from God versus independence from the world. Dependence upon YHWH brings independence from worldly influence. How can I be independent of worldly influence? A Healthy Independence Engages...

    HEALTHY INDEPENDENCE-VIII—Jeremiah 17:10(:1-14) Attention: Graduation Speech Notes: When a young man was graduating from high school, he had to give a speech. He began by reading from his prepared text. “I want to talk about my mother & the wonderful influence she has had on my life,” he more

  • Healthy Independence-9

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 27, 2020

    9 of ? The prophet Jeremiah contrasted two major aspects of Independence—Independence from God versus independence from the world. Dependence upon YHWH brings independence from worldly influence. How can I be independent of worldly influence? A Healthy Independence Engages...

    HEALTHY INDEPENDENCE-IX—Jeremiah 17:11(:1-14) Attention: The following was written by a pastor describing one of his experiences... I love children. I love being around them & watching them play. Once in a while, I get it into my head to give a children's sermon. Even though I know I more

  • I'm Confident Of That (Part One)

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Nov 1, 2020

    We can view the word confident in a purely negative light. We associate confidence with pride and arrogance, but that's not always the case. There are times where the word is used in a positive way. Let's look at some of them and see what we can take away.

    I'M CONFIDENT OF THAT (part one) In the Wed. night study we've been going over verses regarding boasting about tomorrow and making plans for tomorrow but things not going as planned. Sometimes we're too confident that things are going to go a certain way and are blindsided when they more

  • The Growing Tree/Person

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on May 10, 2021

    This sermon looks at what it means to be a Psalm 1:3 person. A person who has deep roots, experiences continual progressive growth and becomes a person of great resource in their own life and in the lives of others.

    Scripture: Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:8 Theme: Spiritual Formation Title: The Growing Tree INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I want to talk to you today about trees. That is right – Trees. According to the latest statics there are over 3 trillion trees more

  • Psalm 1 – This Way And That Way – Which Way Are You On? Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 5, 2022

    Part 2 continues the examination of Psalm 1, the Psalm of The Two Ways. One is either in Christ or not in Christ; in the camp of the saved, or the camp of the unsaved; living with a glorious hope, or living with a fearful expectation. We draw out lessons from this Psalm.

    PSALM 1 – THIS WAY AND THAT WAY – WHICH WAY ARE YOU ON? PART 2 PSALM 1 – THE TWO WAYS This message continues on from PART 1 THE TREE OF VALUABLE BLESSING VERSE 3. {{Psalm 1:3 “and he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does more

  • Are You Trusting In God

    Contributed by Nancy Peren on Jun 25, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    When we start to become dependent on man, we are no longer dependent on God.

    The base text for this message is in Jeremiah 17:5-10. When we start to become dependent on man, we become less dependent on God. In fact, we eventually become far away from His presence. We no longer have a firm foundation. So then when man fails us and deceives us, we are alone. We have more

  • Be Strong And Bear Fruit

    Contributed by Nancy Peren on Jul 1, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    A fruit tree must be cared for so it can bear as much fruit as possible.

    Open your Bibles and turn with me to the book of John 15:1-16. A fruit tree has to be cleaned. It must be watered. The tree has to be taken care of in order to produce as much fruit as possible. In this passage, Christ is telling us He is the vine and we are the branches. God is the laborer. more

  • Sermon On Flourishment & Growth

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jul 2, 2022

    Flourishment is defined as: To grow luxuriantly. It includes thriving amidst adversity, achieving success and energising prosperity.

    Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, an American dynamic speaker, entrepreneur and academician once remarked: “Love is like a seed, if nourished and taken good care, it grows and flourishes but if neglected and not taken good care, it stagnates and eventually dies.” Psalm 32:19 confirms: “They are planted in the more

  • Fear And Worry

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Mar 25, 2022

    This morning lets take a hard look at what scares us.

    Fear and Worry Good morning everyone, welcome to online service- Let’s pray- Prayer- Father, thank you for Jesus- Thank you Father for your willingness to meet us where we are at and take us where we need to be. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that desires to guide and lead through life’s trials more

  • Hope For The Future PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 26, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages trust in God's wisdom and guidance, as found in the Bible, to navigate life's challenges and foster spiritual growth.

    Beloved friends, as we gather together under the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ, let's allow the words of Jeremiah to flood our hearts and minds, to illuminate our path, and to guide us through the challenges of life. It's in these sacred moments, when we open up the pages of God's Word, that we more

  • Flourishing In Faith: The Transformative Power Of God's Word Jeremiah 17:7-8 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Jeremiah 17:7-8, is a passage that offers timeless truths for the Christian journey. Let us delve into this Scripture to uncover the transformative power of God's truth and the promise of flourishing despite life's challenges.

    Flourishing in Faith: The Transformative Power of God's Word Jeremiah 17:7-8 Introduction: Today, we gather to explore the profound wisdom found in Jeremiah 17:7-8, a passage that offers timeless truths for the Christian journey. Let us delve into this Scripture to uncover the transformative more

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