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  • Asking According To Jesus' Direction Lesson 4 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 22, 2019

    Prayer acknowledges our limitations to help ourselves.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Prayer acknowledges our limitations to help ourselves. 2. Our many needs motivate us to pray. 3. We don’t need to be told to pray, Jesus directed us to proper prayer by His example and directions. 4. The Greek word used of Jesus’ prayer is proseuchomai (pros toward, more

  • Resolving Conflict Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 11, 2017

    Don’t be envious, and don’t be an enemy of God. Instead, submit to Him, and watch Him bring peace to your turmoil.

    William Muir, a biologist at Purdue University studied chickens to determine what could make the egg layers more productive. Chickens live in groups, so first, he selected just an average flock, and he let it alone for six generations. He also created a second group of the individually most more

  • Sermon On The Mount - Part 6 Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jun 20, 2019

    Part 6 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” as described by Jesus to a crowd as he delivered what is more familiarly known as the “Sermon on the Mount.” This part examines the beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

    Part 6 - Beatitudes – peacemakers Sermon on the Mount The Christian Character Matthew 5:3 - 7:27 (Cf. Luke 6:20-49) This is Part 6 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” as described by Jesus to a crowd of people on a Galilean hillside as he delivered what is more more

  • Sermon On The Mount - Part 14 Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 3, 2019

    This is Part 14 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” in the “Sermon on the Mount.” This part deals with Jesus' assurance - Ask, seek, and knock; the narrow gate; false prophets; and building on the rock.

    Part 14 - Ask, seek, and knock; the narrow gate; false prophets; building on the rock Sermon on the Mount The Christian Character Matthew 5:3 - 7:27 (Cf. Luke 6:20-49) This is Part 14 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” as described by Jesus to a crowd of people on a more

  • Going Into Battle Series

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Sep 16, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    The spiritual world is real. Evil battles good. We need to go into battle only in God's power. And Paul uses armor to describe entering into fervent prayer.

    Going into Battle Ephesians 6:10-18 Sometimes Veterans will ask me, “If there is a God, how could he allow such evil to happen in the world? Why doesn’t he do something about it? Does he not care? Is he not strong enough?” I assure them that God does care and that he is strong enough. And that he more

  • Wise Or Otherwise

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Sep 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We must chose between living with God's priorities or the priorities of the world.

    Wise and Otherwise James 3: 13 – 4:3 Intro: A minister, a Boy Scout, and a computer expert were the only passengers on the small plane. The pilot came back to the cabin and said that the plane was going down but there were only 3 parachutes and 4 people. The pilot said, “I should have one of more

  • James 4 - Get Smart By Putting Faith In Action! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 14, 2018

    We need to put our faith into action by controlling our anger, our emotions, we do this step of faith by losing our self-centered mindsets. If we do this God promises to draw nearer to us, to lift us up, to answer our prayers and to enable us to resist the enemy of our soul, the Devil.

    Series: James – Let’s do it! Thesis of Book: The message of the book is “Let’s do it – live the faith – put it into action! The half-brother of Jesus is speaking to the scattered Jewish Christians across the nations – they were scattered right after Stephen was killed. James tells these more

  • James 5 Pray Smart Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 21, 2018

    I first titled this message “Pray right” but I changed my topic because it’s about “praying smart” – we need to be using the wisdom of God to pray the smart way which then touches the heart of God and eventually our hearts!

    Video: Prayer Series: James – Let’s do it! Thesis of Book: The message of the book is “Let’s do it – live the faith – put it into action! The half-brother of Jesus is speaking to the scattered Jewish Christians across the nations – they were scattered right after Stephen was killed. James tells more

  • The Provision Factor Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 19, 2018

    8th message in a series exploring the wonder of God as our Father. This is a continuation of looking at God as our provider.

    “The Provision Factor” Pt 2 (The Fatherhood of God Pt 8) Supplement to notes from July 22, 2007 Review The Bible uses a number of visual and emotional aids to communicate the relationship between the Creator and His creation. Shield, Master, Lord, Creator, Eternal God, Almighty, Fortress, more

  • Don't Take The Bait

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on May 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Offense is one of the most devistating lures Satan uses to keep Christians from being effective in ministry. In this sermon I am going to review the Bait of Satan by John Bevere and suggest that it is possible to avoid and overcome offense.

    Don’t Take the Bait James 4:1-3 Online Sermon: Whom amongst us does not know that we are one body of Christ, instructed to love, support and build each other up in the faith? And yet whom amongst us does not have one or several other more

  • God's Love Has Content!

    Contributed by Gregory Fisher on Feb 20, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Our society values inclusiveness and acceptance. But sometimes the Bible presents us with a God that divides and separates. James 4:1=12 seems to be one of these passages. Or, is it?

    In our society one of the worst things that can be said of us is, “They are so divisive”. Our society is all about inclusiveness. We are all about acceptance; all about respecting differences; all about making room for all. That is what makes preaching from James 4:1-12 difficult. It is so more

  • Living Above The Passions Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Message 19 in our explorations of James. This message focuses on the war on the inside that triggers wars on the outside.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Living Above the Passions” The book of James is all about living by genuine faith. James describes the kind of life the one who claims to live by faith lives. I. Faith’s response to trials 1:2-27 II. Faith’s response to partiality and prejudice 2:1-13 more

  • Restoring A Broken (Twisted) Heart Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 4, 2018

    Message 20 in our study of James. This message continues our discussion of the inside war that triggers outside conflict.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Restoring A Broken Heart” The book of James is all about living by genuine faith. James describes the kind of life the one who claims to live by faith lives. I. Faith’s response to trials 1:2-27 II. Faith’s response to partiality and prejudice 2:1-13 more

  • Uprooting Bitter Roots 1 Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 14, 2018

    This message addresses the second deadly virus in the family - Bitterness. These messages were also part of a series on Future Focus Present Faithfulness.

    “Uprooting Bitter Roots” Hebrews 12 addresses three specific life goals to consider as individuals and as a church family. It is my hope that they will guide the direction of our church family throughout the year. a) Promote Healing among the body b) Pursue peace with ALL men c) Pursue purity more

  • Draw Near To God: Three Obstacles To Overcome

    Contributed by Barnabas Park on Jan 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In our efforts to draw near to God, we have three things to overcome: myself with sinful nature; the world; the devil

    “Draw Near to God” (James 4:1-10) 1/6/2019 1. What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not more

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