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  • Sinners In The Hands Of A Singing And Dancing God

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on May 6, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    What you believe about Father God is the most important thing contained in your mind. It affects everything about you

    How do you imagine God to be when you pray? Is He far from you or near? Is He assertive or passive? Is He disgusted with you or in love with you? Is He a mean old man, or a kindly grandpa-type, or neither? Is He listening? Does He care for you? Can He help you? What you believe about Father God is more

  • Forgiven Sinners In The Hands Of A Gracious God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 21, 2019

    As followers of Jesus Christ, we can never be completely pure in this life as He was pure. Just as we need showers, baths, or washings, so we need to address the stain of sin on an ongoing basis!

    Forgiven Sinners in the Hands of A Gracious God (I John 1:5-10) 1. President Harry Truman snuck into church one Sunday, and a reporter met him after church. The reporter asked Truman what the sermon was about. 2. “Sin,” the President answered succinctly. 3. “And what did the pastor say about more

  • Are We To Love The Sinner And Hate Sin? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God hates sin. Sin is breaking God's Ten Commandment law.

    a) God hates sin. God hates sin. Sin is breaking God's Ten Commandment law. The Bible says that when we knowingly break any command of God, we are sinning as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (James 4:17), But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the more

  • Are We To Love The Sinner And Hate Sin? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God hates sin. Sin is breaking God's Ten Commandment law.

    The Bible says that when we knowingly break any command of God, we are sinning as a transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (James 4:17), But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. God punishes the sinner and hates all who do iniquity. All unrighteousness is more

  • Venus De Milo: Beautiful But Not Perfect

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on May 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We are not perfect, nor are we beyond redemption. Wake up to correct the inadequacies; strengthen what is worth keeping; and remember the grace of God.

    In the best of us there are deep flaws; but in the worst of us there is something worth redeeming. In the best of us there are deep, profound flaws. Every fine and saintly person I have known has been hard to get along with, had blinders on about some issue, or just hung on to some irritating more

  • Jesus, Our Servant-King, Saves Sinners

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Apr 5, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Palm Sunday(A) - Jesus as our Servant-King saves sinners. This Servant perfectly obeys. Our Father powerfully helps.

    JESUS, OUR SERVANT-KING, SAVES SINNERS (Outline) April 1, 2007 PALM SUNDAY - Isaiah 50:4-9 * * * * * * * * * INTRO: Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the crowds shouted, “Hosanna”. They are looking at Jesus as the king who will deliver Israel from more

  • When Two Sinners Say I Do Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on May 7, 2012

    What's the biggest problem in your marriage? It's probably not what you think it is! If we desire God's best for our marriages, and indeed for any relationship, we need to understand what the root cause of the problems we experience really turns out to

    When Two Sinners Say, “I Do” - Luke 11:17 - May, 6, 2012 Series: After The Honeymoon - #4 [Ideas for this message came in part from Dave Harvey's book entitled "When Sinners Say I Do" - I highly reccomend it for any couple!] You have probably heard the story of the hillbilly who more

  • The Lesser Of Evils (Or Choose Your Sinner)

    Contributed by Steven Cordle on Sep 6, 2024

    Since we are getting close to Election Day and there's a lot of discussion about Christians voting and whether or not Christians should vote for certain candidates and how Christians should vote on the various issues and initiatives that appear on the ballot I thought I would share this.

    Since we are getting close to Election Day and there's a lot of discussion about Christians voting and whether or not Christians should vote for certain candidates and how Christians should vote on the various issues and initiatives that appear on the ballot I thought I would share this. I more

  • #11 Who, Me? — Jesus Loves Tax Collectors And Sinners Too Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Mar 4, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus called an unlikely disciple named Levi, aka Matthew who would later pen the gospel that bears his name. He was a hated tax collector who ran with the riff-raff of society. But Jesus loved him too and had a place of service for someone such as him

    #11 Who, Me? — Jesus Loves Tax Collectors and Sinners Too Series: Gospel of Mark Chuck Sligh March 1, 2020 NOTE: PowerPoint or ProPresenter presentations are available for this sermon by request at Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me find more

  • We Humans Sin But God Still Loves! Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 10, 2015

    If a Christian humbles himself/herself (depend on and trust in God’s grace), God will show favor!

    Ever wonder about this question: If God already knew people were going to sin against Him, why did He create them?? Open your Bibles to James and look back briefly with me to James 1:16-17… God is self-sufficient! God existed sufficiently before humans! God has no need for anything or more

  • We Are What He Ate(2013) Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Dec 9, 2013

    Establish the FACT that ALL ARE SINNERS: by nature and by actions. We are all infected with the SAME DISEASE. Some infections are worse than others and sin is the worst infection of all.

    Today we are going to look at what has been called one of the most important theological ideas in all of Scripture. A definite KEY to understanding the gospel. The heart of the argument to explain our need of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Establish the FACT that ALL ARE SINNERS: by nature more

  • God's Gift

    Contributed by Aage Larsen on Nov 1, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    God deliver’s the Gospel to needy sinners from infants to adults.

    Ephesians 2:1-9 “God’s Gift” We are living in a time of grace. It is a time where God is patiently waiting for the full number of people to be gathered by the call of His Word. God is using those of us who trust Him as witnesses to His grace. We are people who were formally numbered among the more

  • Paul's Story Is Our Story

    Contributed by Edward Frey on Sep 27, 2001
    based on 56 ratings

    Paul’s life story, like ours, is a wonderful example of God’s mercy with sinners through Jesus Christ.

    PAUL’S STORY IS OUR STORY A young lady goes out on a blind date and the first thing her friends ask is, “So, what’s his story?” They want to know all the details – where does he work, where did he grow up, what kind of car does he drive? It seems everybody has a story, and we want to know it. more

  • Secret Sinners. Sacred Assassins. Saving Insignia.

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Nov 10, 2013

    Ezekiel's Hair-Raising Vision

    Have you ever been grabbed by the scruff of your neck - even by your hair and told to pay attention? That happened to me once. I was grabbed by my hair and actually lifted off my seat. I know it’s hard to believe when you look at what little hair I have. But like your pastor, there was a time more

  • God Hates The Sin, But Loves The Sinner! (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jan 20, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    God looks past the sin and looks at the sinner.

    God hates the sin, but loves the sinner! John 8:1-11 The preacher said turn to the person next to you and ask them if they are saved. So the little boy turn to the man next to him and said,"Are you saved?" The man replied,"Son I’ve been a deacon in this church for more

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