Steven Cordle
Contributing sermons since Feb 14, 2018
Newest Sermons
The Lesser Of Evils (Or Choose Your Sinner)
Contributed on Sep 6, 2024
Since we are getting close to Election Day and there's a lot of discussion about Christians voting and whether or not Christians should vote for certain candidates and how Christians should vote on the various issues and initiatives that appear on the ballot I thought I would share this.
Since we are getting close to Election Day and there's a lot of discussion about Christians voting and whether or not Christians should vote for certain candidates and how Christians should vote on the various issues and initiatives that appear on the ballot I thought I would share this. I ...read more
Why Have You Sent For Me?
Contributed on Feb 14, 2018
A look at the work of the preacher. This is the first sermon I preach in a new congregation. I received the original outline from Wayne Burger at the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver and modified it over the years.
Change is something new and exciting. Not only that, it can be scary because when things change there is a certain unknown element we face. What will change bring? Will it be for the good or bad? Will this work? Did I make the right decision? All of these questions and thoughts are ...read more