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  • Living With(Out) Regret Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 24, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    We all have regrets, things we've done or have had done to us in the past. Paul describes two ways of dealing with these regrets- worldly and godly. Consider these thoughts from our Family Minister Scott Jewell on living without regret.

    Our current series is called “What Keeps You Up At Night?” We’ve explored anger/bitterness, concern for family, and today I want to talk about regret. It’s the idea of dealing with our mistakes/sins, whether real or perceived from our past. Personally, the concept takes me back to my more

  • Beyond Regret

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jun 11, 2016

    As Christians we are to learn from our past mistakes only to the extent that it redeems the present and get our eyes focused on what truly matters: winning the prize of eternal life with Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour!

    BEYOND REGRET Philippians 3:7-14 Live Sermon: We all have regrets for those things done or not done, said or not said, imagined but not realized. Even though an average life has over 2.2 billion seconds to live; life span is short, for we truly are here more

  • Regret, The Gift Nobody Wants Series

    Contributed by David Owens on May 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God has given us the ability to feel regret so it will lead us to repent and trust God to make something beautiful and useful out of our lives.

    A. One day, Lou Gehrig, the famous New York Yankee first basemen came to the plate with two outs in the 9th inning and the potentially winning runs on 2nd and 3rd bases. 1. The count against Gehrig went to full count – 3 balls and 2 strikes. 2. The pitcher wound up and let the ball go with all he more

  • No Regrets

    Contributed by Mike Mizell on Dec 6, 2002
    based on 75 ratings

    Learn to live a life without regrets.

    No Regrets 2 Timothy 4:5-8 Read Story In 3 weeks we will rejoice at surviving this year and celebrate the beginning of a new year. Let me ask you, “How has 2002 been for you? Did you make resolutions this year and if you did, how did you fare with them?” If you are like the vast majority of more

  • No Regrets

    Contributed by Toby Powers on Apr 14, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    As Paul neared life’s end he wrote to Timothy a message of NO REGRETS. If your life was nearing the end today, could you say the same?

    From the Desk of Pastor Toby Powers Truth Baptist Church Bremen, GA Have No Regrets II Timothy 4:6-8 Intro: The Apostle Paul writes to young Timothy as he looks out at the chopping block where the Roman guards will soon chop off his head and he says these words in this more

  • No Regrets

    Contributed by John Scott on May 4, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Too often we go through life with regrets, this message informs us how to life a life of no regret.

    No Regrets ARE YOU READY Text: Philippians 3:12-14 / II Timothy 4:6-8 Vs. 1-5 a final charge, blueprint for success -Tell background Introduction: (1) James Dobson- has “End of Life” Test, what matters is Who you loved Who loved you How you loved God (2) Illustrations: Voltaire- more

  • No Regrets

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 22, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    If we do not have support systems we risk losing strength and stability. Everyone needs support systems. How do you draw strength for the journey? If you don’t have a close spiritual advisor, mentor, friend, you may want to look for one.

    I read a great little story this week. “In 1904 William Borden, heir to the Borden Dairy Estate, graduated from a Chicago high school a millionaire. His parents gave him a trip around the world. Traveling through Asia, the Middle East, and Europe gave Borden a burden for the world’s hurting people. more

  • No Regrets

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The rich man dies and leaves his self with eternity and many regrets that will haunt him forever.

    Don’t Have Regrets Luke 16:19-31 Many jokes link regret to the choice of a mate. (According to one, a woman inserts an ad in the classifieds: "Husband more

  • Worldliness

    Contributed by Donald Jewell on May 28, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Cheap substitutes for the peace of God

    1Jo 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1Jo 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Does more

  • Worldliness

    Contributed by Ronnie Smith on Jul 8, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Worldliness I John 2:14-16 This is not an easy message. People may be offended. Please receive in love. · It’s o.k. for the garden to be in grass, but it’s bad when grass is in the garden. · It’s o.k. for a boat to be out in water, but it’s b

    Worldliness I John 2:14-16 This is not an easy message. People may be offended. Please receive in love. · It’s o.k. for the garden to be in grass, but it’s bad when grass is in the garden. · It’s o.k. for a boat to be out in water, but it’s bad when water gets in the boat. I. My text more

  • Worldliness

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Nov 2, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Has worldliness invaded our churches?

    1 John 2:15 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not more

  • Haunted By Regret Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Oct 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    WE can be haunted by regret or we can move

    INTRODUCTION • October, scary movies, Friday the 13th part 25, cute little trick or treaters roaming the streets. • October is a rather haunting month; however, for some people, they are haunted by issues in life twelve months out of the year. • Since October is a month of more

  • No Regrets I

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Nov 16, 2022

    Two fundamental truths that I want to establish before I preach on revival in our month of prayer and fasting: first that revival is “fresh life based on a renewal to closeness to God,” and second, revival presupposes a church with a tainted or languishing intimacy with God.

    Background to passage: Paul is talking about a letter that he wrote to confront the church about a sin in the church. In brief, there are two kinds of sorrow/grief in view; godly sorrow vs. worldly sorrow. “The difference between godly grief and worldly grief is that the first issues in repentance more

  • Living With No Regrets

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Oct 14, 2013

    Life lived without regrets is lived with the awareness that our choices matter and make a difference in this life and the afterlife.

    Title: Living with No Regrets Text: Luke 16:19-31 Thesis: Life lived without regrets is lived with the awareness that our choices matter and make a difference in this life and the afterlife. Introduction: I talked with a man this past Thursday evening whose wife is dying of terminal cancer. more

  • The Remedy For Worldliness Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Oct 31, 2022

    Based on James 4:1-10 - Encourages hearers to consider a 3-step remedy for worldliness.

    “THE REMEDY FOR WORDLINESS” James 4:1-10 FBCF – 10/30/22 Jon Daniels INTRO – Hance Dilbeck – New CEO for Guidestone. Bible Treasures at Ms Baptist Convention. Told story of time when he & his wife were taking care 3 of their 8 grandkids one weekend so son & daughter-in-law could go on more

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