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  • The Cradle That Rocked The World

    Contributed by Robert Baldwin on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    Hebrews is a powerful book, one that reaches from the sacrificial offering of the Old Testament to the glorious fulfilling in Christ Jesus.

    The Cradle That Rocked The World (Heb. 1:1-3) Intro. Hebrews is a book without a formal introduction, the writer, who we believe was Paul, didn’t speak of salutations to the elect etc. The author did not identify himself as he did in more

  • Islam--Submission Vs. Grace Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Aug 17, 2003
    based on 101 ratings

    An analysis of Islam from a Christian perspective, highlighting the doctrinal contrast between rules-keeping and seeking mercy.

    World Religions…Islam--Submission vs. Grace Scripture reading> Romans 5:1-9 -Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus MA Having participated in Desert Storm, I received training from the Dept of Defense in Arab culture and Muslim thought. I’ve read the Koran and have spoken more

  • The History Of The Jw's

    Contributed by Tylor Cates on May 24, 2002
    based on 151 ratings

    This is an outline of the History of the JW’s

    JW’s I. The History of the JW’s A. The founder = Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916) 1. CT Russell was of a Scottish-Irish birth to Scott-Irish Presbyterian parents. 2. At age 15 he rejected the doctrines of the Presbyterian Church and joined the congregational church. 3. By age 17 he dropped out of more

  • Christ Our Joy PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 22, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the joyous announcement of Jesus' birth and the profound, sustaining joy found in union with Christ. Key

    Good morning, beloved family in Christ. Isn't it a wonderful day to gather together in His name, to bask in the warmth of His love and the light of His word? We are here today, not by chance, but by divine appointment. Our hearts are ready to receive, our spirits are eager to embrace the message more

  • Of Whom The World Is Not Worthy

    Contributed by Michael Milton on Dec 26, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    The least likely people, through God’s grace through Jesus Christ, are transformed to become the heroes of the faith.

    Of Whom the World Is Not Worthy Joshua 2; Hebrews 11:30-12:2 Dr. Michael Milton, Senior Minister First Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee Many Americans and Presidents have made their way to the center of Arlington Cemetery to a monument that is beloved by all Americans. It is the Tomb more

  • Narnia: A World Without Jesus Would Be A Darker World Series

    Contributed by Scott Weber on Dec 16, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    The is the second of a series that coincided with the release of the film "Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe." It explores the question, "What If Jesus Had Never Been Born." I used the book by the same title written by D. James Kennedy and J

    What If It Was Always Winter And Never Christmas? (What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?) Part #2 – December 18 – “A world without Jesus would be a darker world” I read about how Japan celebrates Christmas, which has become a major event over there. They put up decorations, exchange presents, send more

  • An Upside-Down World Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This continues in my expository series through the book of Acts.

    What is it about the bad that seems much more tantalizing to us than the good? Mark Twain said that a lie could travel halfway around the world while the truth was still putting on its shoes. And the old maxim is that while good news travels, bad news travels fast. The mainstream media has been more

  • Living In A World Of Chaos Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Mar 20, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We are living in a very troubling time in the world. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. The world conditions have escalated from confusion to chaos.

    We are living in a very troubling time in the world. The atmosphere of our world has dramatically changed. The world conditions have escalated from confusion to chaos. In recent days this has been confirmed by the events in many countries of the world. Tragically, things must often get worse more

  • Embracing The Call To World Evangelism PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 24, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages Christians to actively live out the Great Commission, supporting missionary work and understanding the global impact of sharing the Gospel.

    Welcome, dear friends, to our gathering of worship and fellowship. We are gathered here, not by chance, but by divine appointment. We come together as a family, united under the banner of Christ's love, bound by the cords of His grace, and driven by the mission He has entrusted to us. We stand more

  • Joseph: The Savior Of The World Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on May 5, 2010

    I want to consider Joseph’s humiliation, his exaltation and his salvation. As I move through these thoughts, I want you to get a fresh glimpse of the Lord today. Let the life of Joseph remind you of Who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

    Joseph: The Savior of the World Genesis 41:41-54 Introduction Last week we left Joseph still in prison, with the hopes that the cupbearer would remember him, after the favorable interpretation of his dream and the cupbearers release from prison and reinstatement into Pharaohs’ more

  • Living In A World Of Chaos Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Jun 2, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    "What I see happening in Atlanta is not Atlanta. This is not a protest. This is not in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. This is chaos."- Atlanta Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms 5/29/20

    LIVING in a WORLD of CHAOS - We are living in a very troubling time in the world. In March of 2016 the Lord showed me that the atmosphere of our world had dramatically changed. The world conditions escalated from confusion to chaos. In recent days this has been confirmed by the events in many more

  • Jesus: Light Of The World Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Sep 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 24th sermon in a series on the Gospel of John. In this sermon we look at Jesus' claim to divinity by His statement "I am the Light of the World."

    Jesus: Light of the World (John pt. 24) Text: John 8:12-30 Well Church; we’ve made it to John chapter 8. And We’re actually going to jump down to verse 12, and not read verses 1 through 11 this morning. And you say, “Why are we doing that Pastor Ken?” Well I’m glad you asked that question… If more

  • Sermon On The War Of The Worlds

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jan 31, 2025

    War is primarily defined as a state of armed conflict between separate countries or secular groups within a particular country.

    In his science fiction novel entitled: “The War of the Worlds” published in 1898, the renowned English author Herbert George Wells (H. G. Wells) remarked: “No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences more

  • Deuteronomy 34 (The Death Of Moses )

    Contributed by David Smith on Nov 19, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The Death of Moses ...

    “There has never arisen another prophet in Israel like Moses - one whom the LORD knew face to face.” (Deuteronomy 34:10) So read the concluding verses of the book of Deuteronomy, bringing to a close the saga of one of the Bible’s greatest heroes. I know that all of us want to be more like Jesus, more

  • This Is My Father's World

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    God is sovereign!

    I feel this morning somewhat like the numerous TV reporters covering events in the Middle East, who have to stay alert to a variety of events beyond their control while trying to focus on the story they are reporting. Off-balance is probably a good description. Being off-balance also describes us. more

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