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  • Win Souls For Jesus

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Feb 15, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Don't be left out let the soul winning campaign begin and continue in the Lord.

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. TOPIC: WIN SOULS FOR JESUS John 15:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my more

  • Learning To Win Souls For Jesus

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Sep 1, 2016

    We must learn different ways to share the gospel here is a brief but simple way to share your faith

    Learning to Win Souls Daniel 12:3 I. Put People at Ease a. Many people have a fence built up around them in the form of preconceived ideas, customs and religious notions II. Present the Gospel a. The Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation unto everyone that believeth III. Plan your more

  • Godly Influence - Winning Souls For Jesus

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Jan 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    As Christians, we must understand that we are people of influence. We have what most people are looking for...The Answer Jesus.

    Introduction · Through the Word of God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Jesus has given us the ability to influence others for Christ. · As a child of God, you have inherited the blessing, which includes the ability to influence people for God and His kingdom. · A person of influence more

  • Praying, Witnessing And Winning Souls For Jesus

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Adaptation of Jesus Great High Priestly Prayer and Isaiah 53 to soul-winning

    PRAYING for Self/Soul-winners/Witnesses: Jesus High Priestly Prayer (John 17) #1 PRAY: ’That they may be _______ as We are’ (John 17:11) #2 PRAY: ’That they might have My _______ fulfilled in themselves’ (John 17:13) #3 PRAY: ’That more

  • ‘soul-Winning’

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Mar 18, 2020

    Sixty three years ago the greatest joy a person enter my life, Jesus became my personal Saviour. For sixty years the second greatest joy has entered into my heart time and time again as I have won souls to Christ.

    ‘Soul-Winning’ Proverbs 11:30 (KJV) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. 1. Sixty three years ago the greatest joy a person enter my life, Jesus became my personal Saviour. For sixty years the second greatest joy has entered into my heart time and time more

  • Soul Winning Series

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Dec 2, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    Proverbs 11:30 tells us that "He that wins souls is wise." There are three keys to understanding that ought to motivate us to be active soul-winners - the plight of the unsaved, the heart of the believer, and the command of the Savior.

    Church Essentials: Part Four Soul Winning - Acts 4:37-41, 47 Essential to the continued existence of any God honoring, Christ centered, church community is an outward focus with the intent of winning souls. The early church was actively engaged in soul winning on a daily basis. Carl Nelson, more

  • Souls For Jesus

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 25, 2009

    Outline detailing the necessities for Spirit-filled soul-winning

    ’Souls for Jesus’ I. Constraining Love of Christ (II Corinthians 5:10-21) A. In View of Judgment Seat of Christ (v.10) B. In View of the Terror of the Lord (v.11) C. In View of Christ’s Death for All (v.14) D. In View of Men’s Deadness (v.14) more

  • The Joy Of Soul Winning

    Contributed by Gerald Van Horn on Mar 9, 2006
    based on 67 ratings

    Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

    The Joy of Soul Winning by Gerald Van Horn You must assign at least 2 tags. × Edit Sermon Thank you for sharing your sermon, which will inspire others in the process of preaching. Please complete the following submission form to upload your sermon. Sermon Details Status Approved Title The Joy more

  • My Month Of Soul Winning

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Mar 4, 2020

    It shall be your month to shine, stand out and be outstanding because the bible says "Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever" Dan 12:3

    MY MONTH OF SOUL WINNING It shall be your month to shine, stand out and be outstanding because the bible says "Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever" Dan more

  • How To Win Souls…..

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 6, 2022

    The Lord Jesus is the master soul winner. This means that if you are interested in learning how to be a soul winner you need to examine the life of Christ closely.

    For example, look at Matthew 4:18-20, we read, “And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway more

  • The Joy Of A Soul Winner

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Oct 18, 2016

    The Christian who is faithful in soul winning will have abundant rewards and a high position in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ

    THE JOY OF A SOUL WINNER Study Text: Luke 10: 17 - 20 Introduction: - The winning of souls is a surpassing privilege that brings great joy each time a soul is won by the Gospel. - There is no greater happiness and rejoicing than to see someone you have spoken to, prayed for, and cared for more

  • How Jesus Sought A Sinner

    Contributed by John White on Jul 26, 2018

    it should be informative to have a look at just one example of Jesus seeking a sinner. In doing so, we need to remember that this is just one example. The entire ministry of our Lord seems to be focused upon seeking those sinners who are lost.

    How Jesus Sought A Sinner Luke 19:1-10 "And [Jesus] entered and passed through Jericho. And, behold, [there was] a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. more

  • Souls For Jesus Ii

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 25, 2009

    A Biblical plan for witnessing/winning souls

    ’Souls for Jesus II’ I. Direct Approach A. Jesus & Nicodemus (John 3) B. Paul & Philippian Jailer (Acts 16) II. Indirect Approach A. Jesus & Woman at the Well (John 4) B. Philip & Eunuch (Acts 8) III. The Biblical Examples of Four Heart Conditions You more

  • Tad Bits On Soul Winning Series

    Contributed by Harold Hansen on Jan 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    From a class I took along time back. Helps on soul winning

    TID BITS ON SOUL WINNING UNDERSTANDING GOD’S SALVATION Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man more

  • The Importance Of Soul Winning

    Contributed by Daniel King, D. Min. on Jan 15, 2019

    The greatest treasure in heaven, hell, and here on earth is a soul. What are you doing to take souls with you to heaven?

    I. The greatest treasure in heaven is a soul. The only thing God values is a soul. Why are souls so precious to God? Since every human being has free-choice, a soul who chooses to love God is infinitely cherished by Him. Despite the golden streets, beautiful mansions, gemstone foundations and more

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