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  • A Picture Of Baptism Series

    Contributed by James Lyons on Aug 5, 2022

    Part III in a series on the book of Jonah

    As we begin looking toward our mission conference next month, I want to share some thoughts with you from the book of Jonah – a prophet who ran from God to avoid carrying a divine warning to the people of Nineveh. Jonah undoubtedly feared the bloodthirsty Ninevites, but in Jonah 4:2 he more

  • The Picture Of Baptism

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Apr 27, 2011

    Paul detailed the rich meaning behind the ordinance of baptism of the power of Christ’s resurrection. (Christian)Baptism is a picture of the power of Christ’s resurrection. But How is it seen? Baptism pictures...

    The PICTURE of BAPTISM—Romans 5:19—6:18 Need: How are Baptism & Resurrection Sunday related? Why do we Baptize? What is the significance of Baptism? Paul detailed the rich meaning behind the ordinance of baptism of the power of Christ’s resurrection. (Christian)Baptism is a picture of the more

  • What We Believe About Scriptural Baptism Series

    Contributed by Brandon Max on Jun 7, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Paul declared in Ephesians 4:5 that there is only "One Baptism". Now if there is only one kind of has to be the right kind of Baptism for us to follow. The Bible teaches this to be Scriptural Baptism and the very same Baptism that Christ Himself received. 36) WE BELIEVE IN SCRIPTURAL BAPTISM Text: Ephesians 4:4-6 BRIEF REVIEW Welcome brethren to our weekly Bible Study - and to our ongoing challenge which is to: “...set forth in order a declaration of more

  • 4 Pictures Of Water Baptism

    Contributed by Ted Mulder on Nov 20, 2004
    based on 331 ratings

    A picture is worth 1000’s words! The Bible gives 4 powerful pictures of what Baptism in Water is all about.

    4 Pictures of Water Baptism This morning I want to talk to you about something that every believer in Jesus Christ should do. However, the decision to do this thing is scary for most people, and not all for the same reason. The awesome part about this thing is that there are blessings for you and more

  • What Is Baptism?

    Contributed by Joel Sumagaysay on Jan 9, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    What is Baptism? Romans 6:4 Baptism is a ceremony which pictures our union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. When we stand in the water to be baptized, we testify to the fact that we have been crucified wi

    What is Baptism? Romans 6:4 Baptism is a ceremony which pictures our union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. When we stand in the water to be baptized, we testify to the fact that we have been crucified with Christ, when we are placed under more

  • A Picture Of God's Love

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Oct 17, 2002
    based on 85 ratings

    A Picture of a Soul Winner and a Spiritually Lame person

    A PICTURE OF GOD’S LOVE Date: April 21, 2002 AM service Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: 2 Samuel 9:1-13 Introduction Imagine with me for just a moment a large screen, a large white screen. And on that screen is a black dot, about 12 inches in diameter. What will your attention be drawn to? more

  • Baptism, A Beautiful Picture Of Grace

    Contributed by Benny Horn on Dec 3, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    Baptism is a beautiful picture of the death, burial and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

    "Baptism, a Beautiful Picture of Grace" Introduction: * Question: Do you have to be baptized to be saved? Answer: No, only trusting in the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross ever saved anybody. . * Question: Does everyone who gets saved have to be baptized? Answer: No, more

  • Baptism

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Apr 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Baptism is an amazing picture of three things

    Matthew 28:19 Baptist Distinctives: Baptism Introduction A. Matthew 28:19 B. Though baptism is a subject we don’t often discuss, it is one that raises questions in our minds. (Work through PP questions & pictures) C. Historically few things so controversial as baptism: John the Baptist, infant more

  • Believer's Baptism Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 17, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ, part 9 Believer's Baptism Colossians 2:11-15 David Taylor March 22, 2015

    The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ, part 9 Believer's Baptism Colossians 2:11-15 David Taylor March 22, 2015 We are in chapter two of Paul's letter to the Colossian church, in our series, “The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ.” Paul wrote this letter to help the Colossian more

  • Baptism

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 29, 2014

    The is message was used right before a baptism. I allowed the children in our church to stand near the baptistery and observe. I wanted them to get a picture of what baptism means.

    This morning I want to invite all of the children 6th grade and younger to come and stand right up here. Because I want to talk to you today about baptism. Most of you have seen someone get baptized before but you probably haven’t seen it this close up. And I think the best way for me to more

  • Getting The Whole Picture Series

    Contributed by Chris Heimsoth on Aug 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 10th sermon in the series, and deals with Baptism from a diferent passage then expected, and also deals with living within the fulness of the resurrestion instead of just in repentance.

    Acts – Getting the whole picture: Baptism There was a radio show that I still remember today, which for those of you under 20, is like a pod cast before there were pod casts. The radio announcer would walk through an interesting story of someone, which would be fine, but right near the end more

  • What Is Baptism?

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Apr 26, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon takes a biblically balanced view of baptism and what it symbolizes. It is topical and alliterated. Power Point is available, just e-mail me.

    If this sermon is helpful to you look for my latest book, “The Greatest Commands: Learning To Love Like Jesus.” Each chapter is sermon length, alliterated, and focuses on the life and love of Jesus. You can find it here: WHAT IS BAPTISM? Scott Bayles, more

  • What Is Baptism Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Jan 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    verse by verse through Acts

    You know there’s some things that we can do to express important messages without ever saying a word. Flag in the front yard – “I love my country…it’s the best…” Sports team jersey – “I love this team…it’s the more

  • What Is Baptism

    Contributed by David Trexler on Jan 8, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    I like to think of Baptism as a humidifier for my mind, body, and soul.

    Sermon for Matthew 3:13-17 Baptism of our Lord January 9th 2005 First things first. What is Baptism? It is simple water combined with God’s word of Promise. It is one of two Sacraments in the Lutheran Tradition along with Holy Communion. Both of which we will experience today. So what is a more

  • What Is Baptism?

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Nov 24, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Baptism is a step of obedience, a public declaration and a personal commitment.

    WHAT IS BAPTISM A drunk stumbled along a baptismal service on Sunday afternoon down by the river. He proceeded to walk down into the water and stood next to the Preacher. The minister turned and noticed the old drunk and said, "Mister, Are you ready to find Jesus?" The drunk looks back and says, more

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