
Summary: The is message was used right before a baptism. I allowed the children in our church to stand near the baptistery and observe. I wanted them to get a picture of what baptism means.

This morning I want to invite all of the children 6th grade and younger to come and stand right up here. Because I want to talk to you today about baptism. Most of you have seen someone get baptized before but you probably haven’t seen it this close up.

And I think the best way for me to illustrate what baptism is all about is for you to actually see it.

Sometimes when I am explaining baptism to children and also to adults I open my wallet and I pull out a picture. I say this is ______________ (Ross) Now it’s not really Ross is it? It’s a picture of Ross. Ross is in Texas.

Well, sometimes when people are being baptized they think that baptism is how you are saved. But it’s not. Baptism is a picture of your salvation. We can only be saved through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Buried with him in baptism. Raised to walk in newness of life.


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