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  • Great Faith Scrutinizes Human Counsel!

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Feb 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Do you want to know how to be able to give good counsel and point people to hope in the midst of their suffering?

    Great Faith Scrutinizes Human Counsel! Job 4-5 PROPOSITION: Because Christ showed compassion to you at the cross, you must compassionately point people to hope through a genuine saving faith in the midst of their suffering. I. TRUE FAITH DEPENDS ON THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD! A. Your more

  • God's Peace Surpasses Human Understanding

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 30, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Pentecost 6(A) - God’s peace surpasses human understanding because God’s peace can cause conflict. God’s peace also desires dedication.

    GOD’S PEACE SURPASSES HUMAN UNDERSTANDING (Outline) July 8, 2007 - PENTECOST 6 - Matthew 10:34-42 * * * * * * * * * INTRO: Almost everyone on earth desires peace. This peace can be quite local. Families desire peace on one’s household. A nation may more

  • God’s Wrath And Human Denial Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 26, 2019

    God’s wrath is evident to those willing to see it, but sinful human nature is not willing.

    God’s Wrath and Human Denial (Romans 1:18) 1. How many people in denial does it take to change a light bulb ? There is nothing wrong with the light bulb. 2. The study of denial is a study in its own right. 3. The word denial can refer to a refusal to grant a request. The judge denied a new more

  • The Image Of God And The Value Of Human Life Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jan 17, 2017

    Creation, Sin, and More Sin The Image of God and the Value of Human Life Gen 1:26-28 David Taylor December 17, 2016

    Creation, Sin, and More Sin The Image of God and the Value of Human Life Gen 1:26-28 David Taylor December 17, 2016 Emil Brunner said that “the most powerful of all spiritual forces is man's view of himself, the way in which he understands his nature and his destiny; indeed it is the one more

  • The Image Of God And The Value Of Human Life Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jan 24, 2017

    Creation, Sin, and More Sin The Image of God and the Value of Human Life Gen 1:26-28 David Taylor December 17, 2016

    Creation, Sin, and More Sin The Image of God and the Value of Human Life Gen 1:26-28 David Taylor December 17, 2016 Emil Brunner said that “the most powerful of all spiritual forces is man's view of himself, the way in which he understands his nature and his destiny; indeed it is the one more

  • Nothing, Human Intentions Brought To Nothing!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 30, 2020

    Have you ever given your best effort and it seems like NOTHING? No one sees? No one says THANK YOU? The fruit seems to "not remain?" Peter says: LORD WE HAVE FISHED ALL NIGHT, WE HAVE TAKEN NOTHING. Does your work seem like NOTHING? Why do we get frustrated?

    NOTHING, MY HUMAN INTENTIONS, NOTHING By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. *FRUSTRATE, FRUSTRATION: to bring to nothing, disappointment, to make of none effect, to make void, I AM SO TIRED OF NOTHING… I AM FRUSTRATED REALLY BAD. NOT ONLY FISHING WHAT WE EAT… FISHING IS HOW I more

  • The Disease Humanity Can’t Cure

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Looking at the story of Naaman the Leper from the Old Testament, we’ll examine what the world cannot do, and what humanity cannot heal, but Jesus can, as He forgives our sins and heals our relationship with God, bringing us back into harmony and unity with Him.

    The Disease Humanity Can’t Cure 2 Kings 5 WATCH: With all our scientific and medical advancements and breakthroughs there still exists a disease that humanity cannot find a cure for. As I began to think about this, and the story I will be sharing, more

  • The Sovereignty Of God And Human Responsibility. Abridged.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 29, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The true Wisdom is revealed to the children of God.

    THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD AND HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY. Abridged. Matthew 11:16-19, Matthew 11:25-30 I). Matthew 11:16-19. The children were out playing on the streets. ‘Let’s play weddings,’ suggested the girls: but the boys would not. ‘Let’s play funerals,’ countered the boys: but the girls more

  • The Dignity Of The King Vs. The Depravity Of Humanity

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Apr 21, 2022

    John 18:12-36 continues the story of Jesus' journey towards the cross as He faced His enemies and an illegal trial based on false charges. What they didn't know was that Jesus was in control and that this was part of the redemptive plan (1 Corinthians 2:7-8).

    The Lord Jesus had been arrested while in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-11). He was being hauled off to an illegal trial on false charges. This is the beginning of an obvious plot using any means possible by the Pharisees and the other more

  • Heaven's Hope For Humanity

    Contributed by John Daniel Johnson on Feb 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Most people would ask, “What does God want from me?” However, the more that I’m growing in my relationship with the LORD, I’ve slowing been learning that question is not quite right. Instead, I’ve been asking, “What does God want for me?” Learn the 6 things God desires for humanity.

    Heaven's Hope for Humanity Scripture Reference: Micah 6:6-8 Preached at Mount Zion Baptist Church on February 7, 2021 Delivered by Rev. John Daniel Johnson ( Statement: My personal relationship with the LORD will affect how I perceive Him. (Audience Say it Out more

  • Human Sacrifices, And Getting Out Of Ruts.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 14, 2021

    Perhaps one of the greatest messages preached at Crane Eater Community Church. Paul is asking us to make is not a "Sin Offering", but a "Thank Offering.”

    Human Sacrifices, And Getting Out Of Ruts. Romans 12:1-2NKJV Today, we get to talk about human sacrifices! This should be fun! Any volunteers? In Alaska there are only two seasons: Winter and July. When the weather gets warm in the summer, the snow melts and the dirt roads become muddy. Cars more

  • God's Perspective On Cremation Of Human Bodies

    Contributed by James Linders on Jun 19, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    With THIS sermon I DON'T argue the fact that ALL human remains will eventually turn into dust. I however question modern opinion on the issue in relation to Biblical view. What is GOD'S view on cremation? Did HE approve of it? Is it right or wrong?

    Amos 2:1-2:3 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Moab, even for four, I will not relent. Because he burned to ashes the bones of Edom’s king, I will destroy her ruler and kill all her officials with him.” In ancient times there were three ways of disposing of the more

  • Dr. Luke And The Sanctity Of Human Life

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 18, 2016

    From Luke’s gospel, let’s look at the principles for Sanctity of Human Life (First point adapted from this sermon:

    HoHum: Francis Schaeffer said that “cultures can be judged in many ways, but eventually every nation in every age must be judged by this test: How did it treat people? Our own is no exception. Those who regard individuals as expendable raw material do battle on many fronts with those who see more

  • Religious Freedom, Fundamental Human Right Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 9, 2016

    Religious freedom is a fundamental human right that is not restricted to the confines of a church.

    Thursday in Third Week of Easter 2016 Joy of the Gospel Those of us who are blessed to be in the Catholic church for many decades tend to take for granted our sacramental realities, especially the Blessed Eucharist. I recall reading about a Muslim who, though totally without faith in the more

  • God's Plan For Genuine Human Life

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jun 4, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    Psalms 1 provides for us God's plan to experience a Genuine Human Life. 1. Being a progressive learner. 2. Being a productive and prosper person 3. Knowing how to finish strong

    Scripture: Psalms 1 and Genesis 1:26-28 Theme: God's Plan for Genuine Human Life INTRO: Good morning and God's richest blessings! What a wonderful Lord's day! What a great time to live and experience the joy of God's Love, Mercy and Holy Spirit in our worship and in our lives. What more

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