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  • Can We Start Over? Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Aug 29, 2021

    Revival doesn’t happen with wishful thinking, my brothers and sisters, but with purposeful prayer, amen?

    I know that I’ve been talking about a lot of discouraging things lately … there’s a lot to be discouraged about. I’ve got my list and you’ve probably got yours. But today, I want to remind us that it is never too late. There is always … hope! You see … as crazy as things are right now … as more

  • What Can We Offer?

    Contributed by Malcolm Chester on Jan 5, 2010
    based on 17 ratings

    What can we offer to God

    I’m not allowed to eat at Mc Donald’s, except on very special occasions, once a year. When you go into McDonald’s you usually find that those who serve behind the counter are spotty kids who can only just bring themselves to mumble words asking you what you want. But they always manage to ask if more

  • Can We Talk To The Dead? Series

    Contributed by Marty Baker on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 137 ratings

    This messages addresses the culture fascination with psychics. It is based on the OT Story of Saul and the Medium of Endor.

    Can You Talk to the Dead? Dr. Marty Baker Stevens Creek Community Church Church of God Augusta, GA 1 Samuel 28:1-25 March 3, 2002 Introduction: Movie Trailer from "Dragonfly". Do you believe that you can talk to someone who has crossed over to the other side? A Washington Post Weekly more

  • How Can We Help? Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 22, 2012

    1. Get impassioned (vs. 1-4). 2. Get informed (vs. 5-11). 3. Get insight (vs. 12-14). 4. Get inspired (vs. 14). 5. Get involved (vs. 14-17).

    For Such a Time as This Part 4: How Can We Help? Esther 4:1-17 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - June 10, 2012 BACKGROUND: *Three weeks ago, we began to look at this story that took place almost 500 years before Jesus was born. The Jews had begun to go home after 70 years of more

  • We Can Count On God

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 21, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    We can put our hope and trust in God, because both His Word and His plan (His will) are unchanging and dependable.

    The world is changing, and more rapidly now then before. • We find ourselves running with the times, and keeping up with the trends and advancements • In computer science, half of what you learn today will be obsolete in less than 5 years. • In Singapore, if you are in the map-making business – more

  • Hope That We Can Believe In

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Feb 25, 2008
    based on 20 ratings

    An African American Perspective - Black History Month Program February 2008

    An Afro-American Perspective - Black History Month Program February 2008 HOPE THAT WE CAN BELIEVE IN Titus 1:2; 2:13 by Reverend Kelvin L. Parks at Shiloh Baptist Church Waukegan, IL on Sunday, 24 February 2008   Hope that we can believe in   As I was preparing myself to speak to you this morning, more

  • Who Can We Trust? Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 11, 2015

    Our God is worthy to be praised and certainly be trusted, as it states clearly in Psalms 33.

    Who can we trust Psalm 33 (1-22) Psalm 33 shows us that purity of heart produced by complete forgiveness leads to that intimacy with God which leads us to be guided by His eye, instead of our eyes. What does complete forgiveness create in His people? That can be seen best, not only by the loyalty more

  • Moving Out Of The Graveyard

    Contributed by John Perry on Aug 6, 2011

    One thing is certain! Unless Jesus comes back before our time arrives we are all going to one day end up in a graveyard. But there is no sense in moving into the graveyard before our time.

    Bunbury Sun am 7/08/2011 “Moving out of the graveyard” Intro: *** Ernie in the Parramatta Church has a very unusual job. I mean there aren’t too many people that can claim to have done for a job what Ernie does. And to add to this he loves his job even though it brings home the more

  • We Can Trust In The Lord

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 12, 2015

    Trust in Jesus: 1. Because He came to destroy Satan. 2. Because He came to deliver sinners. 3. Because He came to defend the saints.

    We Can Trust In the Lord Hebrews 2:14-18 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - August 24, 2014 *I don't know how much faith you have right now, but I know God wants you to have more. God wants us to have bigger, growing faith in Him. He even wants us to have great faith in the Lord. We more

  • We Can Be Good Citizens

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 13, 2017

    Christianity has been around for a long time, and Christians have lived in every country and under all kinds of governments. God requires that Christians put their trust in God and to obey the leaders and laws of the country in which they live.

    Introduction: A. One day during the presidential transition, the “lame duck” President met with his successor in the Oval Office. 1. Near the end of the orientation, the outgoing President presented the incoming President three numbered envelopes, with specific instructions to open them, in order, more

  • We Can Be Thankful (2024)

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 2, 2024

    It is God's will that His people be a thankful people. God will give us the ability to rejoice always and be thankful in all circumstances, but we have to do our part by focusing on our blessings.

    A. Last Thursday was Thanksgiving and I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving. 1. Thanksgiving is certainly one of my favorite days of the year, and it is arguably the most important holiday of the year. 2. I’m thankful that we are a nation that still pauses one day a year to be thankful. 3. I more

  • Found Out"

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Oct 25, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    For those with addictions we will always be found out. This lesson will shed light on how can we live a life that is open to all.

    A couple years ago I was working on a Video Series for Men on Addictions. One of the videos on Men's Addictions is titled “Shrapnel”. To make it realistic I purchased a hand grenade that was hollowed out. It is still very heavy and is quite authentic. People in any type of addiction more

  • The Working Of Saten In The World Today

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Jul 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We need to understand the difference between the devil, demons and unclean spirits. In this out line we can see there is a difference and also that believers cannot be possessed but can be oppressed and even obsessed. 1John 4:4 Ye are of God, little child

    The Working of SATEN in the World Today We need to understand the difference between the devil, demons and unclean spirits. In this out line we can see there is a difference and also that believers cannot be possessed but can be oppressed and even obsessed. 1John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, more

  • A Jesus We Can Grab On To

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Dec 7, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    A pastor tells a story on himself that took place on Christmas Eve many years ago. The bishop was readying his family to go to a candlelight service over which he would preside. On the way to the church, the pastor’s son asked, “Dad, are you going to let

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: A pastor tells a story on himself that took place on Christmas Eve many years ago. The bishop was readying his family to go to a candlelight service over which he would preside. On the way to the church, the pastor’s son asked, “Dad, are you going to let us enjoy more

  • We Can Count On God

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    We can count on God to be present, We can count on God to hear us, we can count on God, we can count on God when we hurt, we can count on God to help, and we can count on God to be holistic.

    We can count on God Luke 18:1-11 1. One thing we can count on is anything can happen The Unexpected is one thing we can count on • Healthy today tomorrow can be a serious or deadly disease • Accidents happen they are random and in a more

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