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  • Gadarene Demoniac Healed Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 7, 2017

    When Jesus stepped ashore, He was met by two men who were under the control of demons. There is only one Devil, so a better translation is demons. They were horrible looking and dangerous.

    -AD 28- East Shore of Galilee Lesson: Gadarene Demoniac Healed Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, Luke, 8:26-39 -Matthew Chapter 8- 28 And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so more

  • Living Under Authority Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Having instructed Timothy on relationships with widows and elders, now Paul addressed relationships between slaves and masters. Paul emphasized the importance of submission and obedience so that God's Word will be held in high esteem.

    Introduction: A. The relationship between bosses and employees can be fodder for many jokes and most of them are not too funny! (Especially if you are the boss) 1. I heard about a boss who put a sign on the company bulletin board that announced: “To err is human, to forgive is not a company more

  • Alive And Kicking For God (Living Hope)

    Contributed by Cesar Datuin on Apr 19, 2022

    What does it mean to be alive and kicking? It means that we are healthy and active. So, if we say that we are “alive and kicking” for God it means that we are healthy, active and strong our walk for God! It is because we have a kind of hope that keeps us alive – it is because of our “living hope”.

    Alive and Kicking for God! 1 Peter 1:3-7 Intro: What does it mean to be alive and kicking? It means that we are healthy and active. So, if we say that we are “alive and kicking” for God it means that we are healthy, active and strong our walk for God! It is because we have a kind of hope that more

  • A Warning Against Apostasy Part Ii

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Aug 20, 2022

    Expository message from the book of Jude.

    Title: A Warning Against Apostasy – Part II Scripture: Jude 1:12-16 Type: Expository Where: GNBC 8-21-22 Intro: “Tweet” is a word that has become a part of our vernacular. Literally, tweets used to only be for birds, but now, even world leaders can apparently “tweet”. Nowadays, to “tweet” is more

  • 3 Simple Rules For Making A Marriage Work Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Sep 12, 2022

    In the next few moments, I want to help you celebrate marriage, whether married, divorced, or single. God gave us marriage for our happiness. God gave us marriage to be a blessing in our lives. Your marriage can serve as a catalyst for your relationship with God.

    When I say the word “marriage,” what do you think? Are you a little jaundice about the idea of marriage? I spoke to a lady recently who said when I got married I was looking for the ideal, instead, the marriage became an ordeal, so now I want a new deal. One day, a man went to the Super Bowl, more

  • Real Peole , Real Problems A Study Of 1 Samuel Part 2, Eli- Kid Problems Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on May 29, 2017

    Part 2 of our study of 1 Samuel

    Real People- Real Problems A study of 1 Samuel Part 2 “Eli” 1 Samuel 2: 12-36 Today we are going to continue our study of 1 Samuel And the series titled Real People- Real Problems Last week we studied a great woman of faith Hannah And learned how she overcome her problems, By Placing more

  • How To Share The Gospel

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Sep 28, 2023

    This is the 4th in a series on evangelism that explores the heart behind sharing our faith and gives some practical ways to share.

    I was one way… And now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between… Was Him“. Repeat. That is a quote from Mary Magdalene in the TV series about Jesus' public ministry called The Chosen. She is trying to explain to someone who was witness to her transformation, from more

  • Persecution And Mission Of The Church Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Acts 8:1-8 shows us four encouraging ways God guides the church in accomplishing its mission of making disciples.

    Introduction On Sunday, January 8, 1956, on the shore of a lonely river deep in the Ecuadorian jungle, five missionaries were murdered by primitive Auca Indians, known today as the Waorani. News of the massacre shocked the world. To some, their deaths seemed a senseless tragedy. Many decried more

  • Protecting The Saints From Scams

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 4, 2024

    Being aware of the tactics of financial scammers can help protect us from them, but we are also protected by the spiritual practices of faith, contentment, and humility.

    A. Today’s sermon is a unique one in that it is part sermon and part public service announcement. 1. I have titled the sermon: “Protecting the Saints from Scams.” 2. And that’s what I hope to do in today’s sermon – protect our church family from financial exploitation. 3. Our deacon of benevolence more

  • Let’s Kill The Messenger

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Mar 3, 2023

    Amos is not well received when he visits Israel and holds a mirror up to their behavior.

    REPORTER Good morning. I am special correspondent Shinon Byorus for the Mesopotamian News Network, coming to you live from Bethel in Israel. Controversy has been stirring here for months around the inflammatory rhetoric from the prophet Amos, who appeared some time ago from Judea with a very harsh more

  • 5th Sunday After Epiphany, Year A. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 20, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    FEBRUARY 5th, 2023.

    Isaiah 58:1-12, Psalm 112:1-10, 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Matthew 5:13-20. A). THE NATURE OF TRUE FASTING. Isaiah 58:1-12. Surprisingly, the only place where the law of Moses commands fasting is in the “affliction of soul” associated with the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:29-31; Leviticus more

  • Sermon # 27 - Heed God's Warnings Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Nov 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    God’s message through the Prophet Jonah was one of warning to the people of Nineveh to repent of their sinful ways. The call of God all through the bible is for people to repent and turn back to Him. Genuine repentance alone can bring genuine change that will please God and bless others.

    We read in Jonah 3:3-4, “So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city, of three days' journey. And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be more

  • First Sunday In Lent (B C P). Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 5, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    Sermons upon the Bible readings of the Book of Common Prayer.

    Psalm 91:1-12, Genesis 3:1-6, 2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Matthew 4:1-11. A). OUR REFUGE IS THE LORD. Psalm 91:1-12. The opening verse of this Psalm seems to state the obvious: “those who take their shelter under the Most High are sheltered by the shadow of the Almighty” (PSALM 91:1). Yet there is a more

  • Songs We Sing: "holy Forever" Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Mar 12, 2025

    As we think through this song, we are going to first look at a central belief that we hold about God… that He is Holy. Then we will look at the passage that inspired the song which is the vision of the Apostle John in Revelation chapter 4.

    SONGS WE SING: ‘HOLY FOREVER’ Revelation 4:1-11 #HolyForever SING ‘HOLY FOREVER’ VIDEO: TIM HAWKINS ON ‘HAND RAISING CHURCH’ [2:39] INTRODUCTION This morning we are continuing a sermon series called: “The Songs We Sing” and that previous video had little to do with the sermon other than the topic more

  • Don't Be A Pain! Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Apr 20, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    We need God’s help in defeating sin’s results.

    DON’T BE A PAIN! I Chronicles 4:10 S: Evil, temptation and sin Th: Prayer: A Passion for His Presence Pr: WE NEED GOD’S HELP IN DEFEATING SIN’S RESULTS. ?: How? KW: Admonitions TS: In our final study of the prayer of Jabez, we will find five admonitions to follow that will help us defeat sin’s more

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