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  • The Weapons Of Our Warfare

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Nov 1, 2020

    Every Christian is fighting a spiritual warfare, and the Lord has given us spiritual weapons that are adequate to ensure our sustained victory in the battle.

    The Weapons of our Warfare Study Text: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-12 Introduction: - As Christians, we need to understand that we are engaged in a spiritual warfare and it is expedient that we war a good warfare. - Understanding that we war in the Spirit and more

  • The Spirit Of Holy Warfare

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Today, we consider holy warfare. For this I will direct you to a famous story that William Booth recounts, and is commonly referred to as “What will you do?”

    “You must fight devils, lies, fleshly indulgences, hardships, disappointments, and everything that sets itself up against God, or that is apposed to the living of a holy life, or which threatens the damnation of man. At all risks and consequences, you must fight for God and the salvation of souls.” more

  • Angels And Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Jul 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Call upon the Lord for spiritual strength to continue your battle. Guard your heart and mind and soul, for the Lord and His angels are always watching over you. Spiritual warfare is not an easy battle but know that God and His angels are right by your side.

    Angels & Spiritual Warfare “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” - Ephesians 6:12 For the last two weeks, we have been more

  • Spiritual Warfare - The Battle Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Jun 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Christian life is a battle and the battle is supernatural.

    The Christian life is a battle. There are those who will tell you that life will be peaches and roses, if you pray and keep a good attitude that you will have health, wealth, and prosperity. These are liars, they are false prophets. They are mostly “for profit” charlatans. Jesus and throughout more

  • Timing In Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by John Gaston on Nov 3, 2021

    David had already defeated them once, you’d think he’d feel confident he could ‘do it again.’ But David inquired of the Lord, and God told him to circle behind them and wait for the sound of angels marching before he attacked!

    TIMING IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE 2 Sam. 5:17-24 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A doctor had trouble with his plumbing. The pipes in his bathroom began to leak. The leak became bigger and bigger. 2. Even though it was 2 A.M. the doctor decided to call his plumber. Naturally the plumber was upset at being more

  • Wage The Good Warfare Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 4, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    1 Timothy 1:18-20 shows us several responsibilities of elders living in God’s church today.

    Scripture Paul stated the reason for writing his First Letter to Timothy in 1 Timothy 3:14–15, “I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and more

  • The Believers And Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Feb 28, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    As believers in Jesus Christ, we are engaged in spiritual warfare with unseen wicked forces. To overcome our enemy in the power of the Holy Spirit, we must remain resolute in our confidence in God and determine never to accept defeat. -

    THE BELIEVER AND SPIRITUAL WARFARE Study Text: Ephesians 6:10-18 Introduction: - Most Christians have forgotten that the Christian life is not a playground, but a battlefield. As a result, very few of the Lord's people are armed, equipped and ready to wage spiritual battle. - Whether we ever more

  • Occupying In Prayer And Warfare Series

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on Apr 27, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    Prayer is not a mere routine or ritual. Prayer is actually a spiritual confrontation with the kingdom of darkness. When we pray, we are wrestling; we are engaging in a fight, a battle or warfare with forces and powers of darkness.

    Introduction In Luke 19:13, the King of Glory gave us a guideline to follow until Christ returns. This verse tells us what to engage in or spend our time on until we meet with the Lord. We are told to occupy till Jesus comes, to put what God has given us to work, to make profitable divine more

  • Partnering With God In Warfare

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on Mar 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When we partner with God in warfare, we become a battle axe in His hand that He uses to shatter and scatter meetings and plans of the kingdom of darkness.

    Introduction GOD IS SEEKING PEOPLE TO PARTNER WITH HIM God has always been on the lookout for people to partner with Him. The whole of the Bible from Genesis down to Revelation is about God seeking people to partner with Him. It is about God seeking:  Partners to manage His resources more

  • The Weapons Of Our Warfare

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 19, 2024

    We need to know who we are fighting for, who our true enemy is, what weapons we need to employ to achieve victory, and to know where we need to fight this war.

    The Weapons of Our Warfare 2 Corinthians 10:3–6 NKJV For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the more

  • Live In Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 10, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 15th sermon in the series "Live Well".

    Series: Live Well [#15] LIVE IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE 2 Peter 2:1-9 Introduction: As Christians, we are members of God’s Army. We are at spiritual war every day and God has given us the armor necessary to not just survive but to be victorious. 1 of the tactics of the enemy is that Satan uses more

  • A Model Of Spiritual Warfare.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 23, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Speaking as a prophetess, Deborah gave Barak a directive from the LORD.

    A MODEL OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Judges 4:1-7. JUDGES 4:1-2. At the very outset of this short passage we discover that war MIGHT come against the LORD’s people as a direct result of their sin. This simple fact is echoed throughout the book of Judges: “And the children of Israel again did evil in more

  • The Spiritual Root Of Warfare

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Nov 24, 2023

    Though we were delivered from sin, most of us continue to listen to the voice of Satan. We are deceived by him, we believe what he says, and we are entertained by his schemes. That does not need to be the case

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD We just finished a series in the Sermon on the Mount, and if you remember, Jesus started his sermon by listing the Beatitudes for the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, recently, I found the Devil’s Beatitudes, and it more

  • Understanding Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 24, 2023

    Multiple sermons on the wearing of the armor of God in our lives. Part one- Belt of truth

    Understanding Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:10-18 Intro- Good Morning to those listening online- Happy New Year We are glad that you are here- if you would turn to the book of Ephesians chapter 6, We will be looking at the armor of God and how it works or doesn’t work in our lives. Because we more

  • Understanding Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Mar 4, 2025

    This is a short book on an important topic for every believer in Jesus Christ to gain an understanding of. Spiritual Warfare comes to us, whether we are prepared of not. This breaks down nicely into sermons for all you preachers and teachers. God bless you!

    UNDERSTANDING SPIRITUAL WARFARE Pastor Eric J. Hanson Spiritual warfare is not something that we have a choice about. It comes to us unbidden. If you are a Christian Believer, you are already in God’s Army. You already have a commander, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has given you weapons and armor. more

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