
Summary: Every Christian is fighting a spiritual warfare, and the Lord has given us spiritual weapons that are adequate to ensure our sustained victory in the battle.

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The Weapons of our Warfare

Study Text: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-12


- As Christians, we need to understand that we are engaged in a spiritual warfare and it is expedient that we war a good warfare.

- Understanding that we war in the Spirit and understanding the enemy is of great importance, however it is still insufficient to gaining dominion in the Spiritual war without understanding our weapons of war and how to use them efficiently.

- In every Battle there are weapons at the disposal of the actors of war, and effective use of these weapons go a long way in obtaining Victory.

- From our text, we recognize that our weapons are of a spiritual kind. They are not physical in nature and character.

- A lot of time we tend to operate in the flesh and apply physical and fleshly strategies of war for spiritual battles, but we need to understand that our battles begin from the realms of the spirit before it emanates to the physical.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Description of Our Warfare

2. The Distinction of Our Weapons

3. The Discussion on Our Welfare

1. The Description of Our Warfare.

- The Bible refers to us Christians as Soldiers and as such we should be prepared for battle.

- Every soldier is consistently in training and preparation for battle because the enemy can attack at any time.

- Our warfare have been described as wrestling against the wiles of the enemy. We are in constant spiritual battle with the kingdom of darkness. Ephesians 6:10 - 12.

- We became enlisted in this battle the same day we truly surrendered to Jesus Christ, and received Him as our Lord and personal Saviour, and the battle will continue until we are called home unto glory. Colossians 1:13.

- The kingdom of darkness that we battle with has been organized into four categories:

1. The Principalities

- These are the principal demons and spiritual head of territories. They have several demons under their control, and report directly to Satan.

- A very good example is the Prince of Persia that resisted the Angel sent to Daniel at his prayer for twenty one days. Daniel 10:13.

2. The Powers

- These are leaders of various domains, and take authority from and report to the principalities. They coordinate the various demonic activities all around.

3. The Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.

- These are the various demons moving in the air, and always ready to carry out instructions from the powers of darkness. They may work alone, or in conglomerate against an individual or group of persons.

4. The Rulers of Darkness of this World.

- These include every living human being that are operating in the spirit realm by Satanic powers. They include the Witches, Wizards, Necromancers, and all occultist.

2. The Distinction of Our Weapons.

- Our warfare is against the spiritual forces of evil, therefore, worldly weapons of aggression and violence are grossly inadequate in fighting our battles.

- The only weapons adequate to destroy the fortresses of Satan, unrighteousness and false teachings are those given to us by God.

- The weapons are mighty through God. When God is not the source of our lives a mighty weapon can become ineffective in the Hand of an individual. Acts 19:10-16.

- It is very important that the we are prepared through our relationship with Jesus and living in righteousness, detesting the sinful nature so we can operate effectively the weapons of warfare.

- We must put on the whole armour, fully dressed and ready for spiritual warfare. Without the full amour of God, we cannot withstand in the evil day.

- These weapons are powerful because they are spiritual and come from God. They are described as the whole armour of God. Ephesians 6:11-19.

- Summarily, they include: Commitment to the Truth, Righteous Living, Gospel Proclamation, Faith, Hope of Salvation, the Word of God, and Persevering Prayers.

- By using these weapons against the enemy, the Church will emerge victorious. God's presence and kingdom will be powerfully revealed.

- Sinners will be saved, demons will be driven out, believers will be sanctified, the sick will be healed, and many shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

- Worldly weapons cannot bring about the kingdom of God, for such weapons cannot possibly destroy the strongholds of sin, deliver us from Satan's power or overthrow the evil passions running rampant in the world today.

- If we use the world's weapons, we will only secularize the Church and separate it from the weapons of faith, righteousness and the power of the Holy Spirit.

- Tragically, the Church itself will then be overshadowed by the powers of darkness and its families thrown down and taken captive by the world forces.

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