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  • God Has Chosen You

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Oct 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Like the potter placing the clay on his wheel and fashions a vessel, God carefully fashions you on His wheel. You are His creation and he is very proud of how you look.

    God Has Chosen You Introduction Do you remember when you were a child and played childhood games? Weather it be dodge ball, red rover come over, flag football, or hid and seek there was a time that teams were chosen and sides were chosen and you waited patiently for your name to be more

  • Aren’t You Forgetting Something?

    Contributed by Kayode Adeel on Dec 29, 2013

    The only story of the young adult / teenage Jesus recorded in Luke 2:40-52 presents some lessons to us all.

    Aren’t You Forgetting Something? Luke 2:40-52 Illustration Many of us have watched the one or more of the Home Alone films. Home Alone is a 1990 American Christmas family comedy film. The film stars Kevin, an eight-year-old boy who is mistakenly left behind when his family flies to Paris more

  • Christ Is Risen And That Is What We Believe. Series

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on May 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Although the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10), our searching the Scriptures does us no good if we do not seek an understanding of this Godly wisdom by delving into the deeper things revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.

    Christ has risen. Matthew 28:1-17 Regardless of how you view the 28th chapter of Matthew, the point of the narrative found in it is a dead man came back to life and got out of his grave. When we consider the events that redefined everything the world knew about God, life, and death; we develop a more

  • The Gospel Unveiled Series

    Contributed by James R. Debusk on Mar 25, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The message develops the results that took place in Paul

    Galatians 1:11-24 “The Gospel Unveiled” 2-13-2011 Introduction: We have observed the Lord’s Supper this morning. “This do in remembrance of Me.” What Jesus did, dying on the cross, is the most significant event in the history of mankind. Paul was converted on more

  • The Resurrection Of The Lord Jesus Christ: What Do The Scriptures Say?

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Apr 28, 2022

    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the faith and the greatest event in the story of civilization. The proofs from Scripture and the lives changed by it cannot be ignored or denied.

    Note: These verses and the order of events are adapted from THE OPEN BIBLE (KJV) (c) 1975 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN. When the Lord Jesus told Martha at the tomb of Lazarus, "I am the Resurrection and the Life" (John 11:25), He proved it by bringing HIs friend and her more

  • The Harsh Reality And Unavoidable Issue Of Sin

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Oct 13, 2021

    Sin is a serious and destructive fact of life. We define it as a series of "mistakes", "errors of judgment", or "bad behavior". We need to see sin for what it is -an abomination in the sight of a Holy God (Ezekiel 18:20; Romans 6:23).

    Modern society more and more makes very little of or does not even bother to think about sin as a serious and destructive fact of life. There are varying attitudes towards the subject of sin. Some view the idea as an illusion, the construction of ancient religious fanatics, or fantasy. Many deny more

  • Sermon On The Necessity For Pollination

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jan 29, 2022

    The list of creatures that can pollinate is long and includes such insects as bees, flies, wasps, beetles, butterflies and moths.

    Albert Einstein the German-born theoretical physicist once reputedly quoted: “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” Genesis 1:25 reminds us: “And God more

  • Experience The Spirit In The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 11, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Today is the greatest celebrated day of the Church of Jesus Christ. The validity and the message of Easter is what set’s Christianity apart from all the other religions in this world. It’s a day filled with joy, it’s a day filled with eternal expectations

    Series: Experience the Spirit Theme: The Body of Christ needs to learn to experience the Spirit in their everyday lives so that they grow spiritually. We can learn to experience true spirituality as we see the Spirit at work in our daily lives and activities. As we learn to recognize the Spirit more

  • Rock N Roll

    Contributed by Terry Hovey on Mar 30, 2024

    The resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is the singular most important event in all of human history.

    Rock n Roll Mark 16:1-8 Mar 16:1-8 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might come and anoint Him. (2) Very early on the first day of the week, they *came to the tomb when the sun had risen. (3) They were saying to one more

  • The Happiest Of Endings Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 4, 2023

    Mark concludes his Gospel in chapter 16 with the angel's announcement at the empty tomb, and then the appearances to Mary, the two disciples, and then the eleven apostles. Finally, he declares Jesus return to heaven and His work in and through the apostles as they carried out His mission.

    Introduction A. In an old poem called “The Widow in the Bye Street,” John Masefield depicts a scene of heartbreaking agony. 1. He depicts a young man about to be executed by hanging for crimes he had committed. 2. In the crowd witnessing this fatal event was his mother. 3. As the trap door more

  • Fully Alive By Faith Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Jan 9, 2023

    The Gospel of John was written with a specific purpose. This brief overview of the book will serve as an introduction to our study of the entire book over the next several sermons.

    Who is Jesus? Who does the world say Jesus is? who do you believe Jesus is? Near the end of his Gospel, John clearly delineates the purpose or premise of his account of the life of Jesus. John 20:30–31 ESV Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not more

  • The Fourth, Fifth, And Sixth Commandments Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 12, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    This series is taken from the book, "The Ten Commandments - God's Essential Rules For A Happy And Healthy Home" by Craig A. Nelson, and available at Amazon

    THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or more

  • That Was Then...

    Contributed by Richard Jones on Nov 3, 2000
    based on 108 ratings

    A look at today and where we are headed, as opposed to where we should be going.

    “That was then, what is it now?” John 3:16 Until I was 27 years old God not only didn’t play a significant role in my life He basically had NO role in my life. Just like Paul, I thought Christians were weak and foolish. But at 27 years old I was confronted with the “Gospel” through a situation more

  • God's Call To Repent

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Sep 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God calls on every person to be sorry for their sin and turn to the Lord Jesus by faith for salvation.

    GOD’S CALL TO REPENT--Luke 3:1-14 Proposition: God calls on every person to be sorry for their sin and turn to the Lord Jesus by faith for salvation. Objective: My purpose is to challenge people to be willing to repent of all their sins and make things completely right with more

  • Introduction To Christianity Explored Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 17, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This message answers three questions: (1) Does God exits? (2) How Can We Know for Sure That God Exists? and (3) How Can We Know God?

    Scripture Today I am beginning a new ten-week series of messages. It is based on a series that is titled Christianity Explored by Rico Tice and Barry Cooper, out of England. The purpose of Christianity Explored is to introduce people to Jesus Christ. My interest in this series was aroused when I more

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