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  • 7 Things In Hell, We Need In The Church

    Contributed by Mike Holley on May 23, 2001
    based on 126 ratings

    The rich man’s life was over and he was in Hell before he realized what he should have been doing all along, we can learn from his mistakes.

    We had an evangelist in our church for a 3 day revival and on the 1st night he set the tone of his messages by asking those in attendance "What in Hell do you want?" Then he proceeded to show them why they should do everything possible to avoid going there. I agreed totally then and still do! But more

  • God Uses All Things For His Purposes

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    To lead the people to understand how Joseph’s enslavement is allowed to happen by God’s sovereign wisdom for the saving of many lives.

    Hard Times Joseph Becomes a Slave – Gen. 37;39:1-20 Preparation for The Teacher 1. Aim: To lead the people to understand how Joseph’s enslavement is allowed to happen by God’s sovereign wisdom for the saving of many lives. 2. Explanation of the Aim: There are times when we go through hardships more

  • Some Benefits Of Rest And Reflection On Things Above

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 11, 2001
    based on 16 ratings

    True rest comes by starting to reflect on things above rather than on your troubles here below

    The Benefits of Rest and Reflection (Acts 18:18-23) Illustration:There’s no music in a rest, but there is the making of music in it. In our whole life-melody the music is broken off here and there by ’rests,’ and we foolishly think we have come to the end of the tune...not without design does God more

  • Three Sure Things In A World Filled With Maybes

    Contributed by R. Darrel Davis on Jun 16, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    In a world filled with uncertainties, there are three things we can be sure of - A salvation Sermon

    Three Sure Things in A World Filled with Maybes Hebrews 9:27-28 Illustration: A bank in Binghamton, New York, had some flowers sent to a competitor who had recently moved into a new building. There was a mix up at the flower shop, and the card sent with the arrangement read, "With our deepest more

  • Three Things That Can Cause A Church To Die

    Contributed by Robert Kerr on Jan 23, 2001
    based on 399 ratings

    How to evaluate the Spiritual health of your Church and your own personel life.

    THREE THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE A CHURCH TO DIE TEXT: Rev 3:1b "I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead." INTRO: Jesus said the Church at Sardis was dead! I see two meanings here, there could be more. First, this probably means this local Church lost it’s influence more

  • The Things That Are Not Easy But Can Be Done Through Christ

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 24 ratings

    As Leonardo DaVinci attempted to complete the painting of his famous Lord's Supper masterpiece, his mind drew a blank.

    As Leonardo DaVinci attempted to complete the painting of his famous Lord's Supper masterpiece, his mind drew a blank. Apparently, Leonardo was so angry with one of his chief critics that he had secretly used the man's face as a model from which he painted the face of Judas Iscariot. For weeks, more

  • "Three Things Jesus Has Done For Us” Series

    Contributed by George Bannister on Mar 7, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    This message deals with the work of Christ for us. It is a part of my message series on the book of Hebrews.

    Message Series: Oh, What A Savior! Message Title: “Three Things Jesus Has Done For Us” Text: Hebrews 2:5- 18 Introduction: TS: Note three things Christ has done for us: I. HE HAS ASSUMED HIS RIGHTFUL POSITION FOR US (VS.5-8). A. All things have been put in subjection to Christ, not more

  • If It Ain't One Thing It's Another!

    Contributed by Spencer Miller on Mar 9, 2003
    based on 105 ratings

    The testing of our faith.

    We live in a world full of trouble and problems, there are problems after problems. Not many of us can truly say "I don’t have any problems" Job even said it himself, "Man born of a woman but for a few days and full of trouble. But Job goes on to reason that since his days on earth are already more

  • Take Your Unclean Things To Gods Laundromat

    Contributed by Derek Joshua E'lon Sr. on Apr 4, 2003
    based on 86 ratings

    This sermon is about letting God clean up your life so you can live for Him.

    (This was the first sermon I delivered, on the third Sunday of July 1987.) Let me start off by giving you a summary of the 64th chapter of Isa. The 64th chapter of Isa. is a prayer. The Jews or God’s chosen people were praying to God for help. They found out and they realized that they had more

  • "Three Things For Christians To Consider In A Time Of War"

    Contributed by Donald Smith on Apr 14, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    ...a message delivered the weekend after the commencement of the war with Iraq.

    "Three Things for Christians to Consider in a Time of War" (a message delivered by Pastor Don Smith on the weekend after the beginning of the war on Iraq.) In any time of uncertainty, confusion and distress, it is appropriate to have a compass that will bring us back to the foundation of who we more

  • Our God Will Make All Things New Series

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Jun 4, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    EASTER 5(C) - Our God will make everything new by providing believers with a heavenly home for eternal living.

    OUR GOD WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW REVELATION 21:1—6 MAY 18, 2003 REVELATION 21:1-6 1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from more

  • A Wing And A Prayer Is Not The Same Thing As Having Hope

    Contributed by Ric Freeman on Jun 9, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    Dealing with difficulties

    Tonight I want to show three things that people thought they had hope in -- But really it more a wing and a prayer instead of hope. 1) FIRST -- peter thought things couldn’t get any worse Let’s look at Matthew 26:69-75 (Msg) All this time, Peter was sitting out in the courtyard. One servant girl more

  • Three Things That Won't Save You Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Oct 10, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    Three things in a Christian’s Life that won’t bring about our salvation

    THREE THINGS THAT WON’T SAVE YOU ROMANS 2:12-29 · Paul will name names tonight. Beginning in verse 17 he directly confronts the Jews. Three things about them that we can apply to our own lives. The Jews relied on three different things in assuming we might be saved. 1) Paul is going to attack more

  • Things Aren't Always What They Seem

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Dec 23, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    Christmas Eve: There were so many things in the Christmas story that aren’t what they seemed to be. But God used them to bring salvation to the world!

    A visitor to the zoo noticed one of the keepers sobbing quietly in a corner. He asked, “What’s the matter with that poor man?” He was told that the elephant had just died. “Fond of him, was he?” the visitor asked. “No, it’s not that,” came the reply. “He’s the one who has to dig the grave.” Things more

  • Eight "Right Things" Concerning Giving To The Lord

    Contributed by Tim Gresham on Jan 10, 2004
    based on 136 ratings

    King David is preparing the congregation of Israel to give toward the building of the Temple. 8 simple points

    Eight “Right Things” Concerning Giving to the Lord by Pastor Tim Gresham Text: 1 Chronicles 29:1-16 Welcome to another Sunday of Stewardship Emphasis! Before I begin, I’d like to tell you of A little girl who became restless in church as the preacher’s sermon dragged on and on. Finally, she more

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