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  • When Dagon Fell On His Face

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 26, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God is the Living God; He is able to uphold his own Name & honor. He’s not a fabrication of human ingenuity; He’s independent of us. What a miracle when he enters a human life.

    WHEN DAGON FELL ON HIS FACE 1 Sam. 4,5 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. My son John Wesley got married yesterday. During the reception they had 2 couples who’d been married over 50 years tell how they’d stayed married. The women said, “Have lots of patience.” The men said, more

  • For His Name’s Sake

    Contributed by Tabbotha Mcgee on Feb 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon shows how God allows believers to suffer and prosper so that he can recieve glory out of every area of their lives. He does it for his name’s sake because he has a reputation to uphold.

    For His Name’s Sake It’s Not About You Jeremiah 29: 10-14 I Sam. 12: 22 Background • letter from Jeremiah the prophet to the Jews when king Neb. had taken captive from Jerusalem into Babylon • Jerusalem = city of peace Babylon = confusion of tongue • Were told to get married, build houses, more

  • Revelation Chapter 1 – The Revelation Of Jesus Christ – The Father’s Perfection Part 6 Of 6 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 31, 2022

    Revelation chapter 1 is about the glory of the Lord Jesus that John saw on Patmos. The whole chapter is an unveiling of the glory and Person of the Lord. Revelation after revelation came to John as he saw almost too much to take in. PART 6 concludes this wonderful chapter of Revelation.

    REVELATION CHAPTER 1 – THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST – THE FATHER’S PERFECTION PART 6 OF 6 This wonderful devotional series on Revelation chapter 1 is all about the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ as John saw when on the Isle of Patmos. The whole of the chapter is an unveiling of the glory and more

  • Why Christ Is Insulted And Mohammed Is Honoured

    Contributed by Michael Stark on May 25, 2014

    A religion without a saviour that has suffered cannot endure insults to win those who mock. A religion that cannot bear insults must bear the impossible load of upholding the honour of one who did not give his life for others.

    “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues, and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them more

  • The Songs Of Ascent – Part 7 – Psalm 125 – The Unmovable Mountain And The Righteous And The Wicked Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 17, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Mt Zion was a comforting security for the pilgrims. It means our stability too. Wickedness rules our nations but we must uphold the scepter of righteousness and do good to one another for God does good for us. Contrast of good and evil.

    THE SONGS OF ASCENT – PART 7 – PSALM 125 – THE UNMOVABLE MOUNTAIN AND THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED Psalm 125 A Song of Ascents [A]. THE GREAT SIMILE – THE MIGHTY COMPARISON {{Psalm 125:1 “Those who trust in the LORD are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.”}} We take more

  • Santified In The Lord - Give An Answer Series

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jan 17, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Peter urges the church body to come together, in the same mind of Christ. Our actions and the conversation of our lives should uphold a godly life. This may provoke the question for our hope. YOUR ANSWER COULD BE THE DIFFERENCE of life and death to th

    2011.01.16A.Sermon Sanctified in the LORD 1 Peter 3:8-15 Peter urges the church body to come together, in the same mind. Our actions and the conversation of our lives should uphold a godly life. Unity among believers, Righteous Living, What’s your message of hope? As Children of God, we more

  • The Integrity Of The Holy Bible Series

    Contributed by Kamil Solomon on Sep 5, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    Muslims claim that the Holy Bible which Christians have today is a corruption of an original text which has been lost. They charge Christians with distorting the Holy Bible. Yet, on the other hand, Muslims believe that the Koran upholds this same Bible, c

    KIMO (Missions for Jesus) (Nonprofit Organization) PO Box 58112 Raleigh, NC 27658-8112 USA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What ministries God touched your heart to support: + Sharing Jesus + Radio more

  • When The Good News Isn't Good News

    Contributed by James May on Feb 27, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Ahab and Jehoshaphat sat and listened to the good news from Ahab's prophets, but their good news was bad news because it came from deceitful lips. Let us have the Spirit of discernment to know the will of God in all things and not fail to uphold the trut

    When the Good News isn’t Good News By Rev. James May Good news is hard to find in the media of this world. Sensationalism, bad news, murder and mayhem are what sells papers or keeps the public tuned in to their favorite news channel. I discovered a long time ago that if I listened to too more

  • Why Membership Matters Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Unlike membership in clubs or other organizations, church membership is not a way that we gain some sort of special access. Rather, it is a covenant made between fellow Christians to establish and uphold one another in our journey as Christ’s disciples.

    One weekend in August of 2001, I was preparing to head to South Carolina for my senior year of college. With my car loaded, my plan was to get up Sunday morning and immediately head off for South Carolina. That would give me plenty of time to get there, unload, and settle into my apartment before more

  • Pilate The Procurator – A Double Minded Psychopath - Part 1 Of 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 13, 2022

    Jesus was brought before a very evil man who was supposed to uphold the Roman law but compromised. It was Pilate a man who freely murdered. This message examines that man, one of the Characters of John’s Gospel, and draws several lessons from the account.

    PILATE THE PROCURATOR – A DOUBLE MINDED PSYCHOPATH - PART 1 THE CHARACTERS OF JOHN’S GOSPEL PART A. To understand the man better we will start with some secular history:- FROM DON STEWART “Pontius Pilate was the prefect of Judea from A.D. 27 to 37, and sentenced Jesus to death by more

  • Rev'd Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 26, 2018

    We read in the annuals of church history and the Bible of people who gave up their lives for the cause of Christ – to uphold his name even in the face of death. Jesus appears to John and sends 7 messages to His church telling them he sees.

    Series: Rev’d Up Thesis for Series: We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and Revelation tells us to be ready at a moment’s notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and be ready to meet Jesus! Scripture more

  • The Christmas Covenant[2018]-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 26, 2018

    3 of 6. God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. The covenant people of God are promised...--OR--The Christmas Covenant is...

    The CHRISTMAS COVENANT-III—Jeremiah 31:31-34 God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. What is the Christmas Covenant? Why is the promise more

  • The Christmas Covenant[2018]-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 26, 2018

    2 of 6. God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. The covenant people of God are promised...--OR--The Christmas Covenant is...

    The CHRISTMAS COVENANT-II—Jeremiah 31:31-34 God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. What is the Christmas Covenant? Why is the promise more

  • The Christmas Covenant[2018]-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 26, 2018

    1 of 6. God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. The covenant people of God are promised...--OR--The Christmas Covenant is...

    The CHRISTMAS COVENANT-I—Jeremiah 31:31-34 God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. What is the Christmas Covenant? Why is the promise more

  • The Christmas Covenant[2018]-4 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 1, 2019

    4 of 6. God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. The covenant people of God are promised...--OR--The Christmas Covenant is...

    The CHRISTMAS COVENANT-IV—Jeremiah 31:31-34 God informed Jeremiah & Jeremiah the people, of the promise of a new covenant to supplant/fulfill/uphold/empower the ineffective covenant. God’s people have the promise of an effective covenant. What is the Christmas Covenant? Why is the promise more

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