
Summary: Paul is teaching Timothy how to be a caretaker of people. That’s essentially what leaders are. Good leaders must know how to treat others. How to empower others. And how to uphold standards.

Worthy of Honor

1 Timothy 5

What is the single most valuable thing in this room? In your car, house, at the restaurant, on a plane, in the office? You and the people who matter in your life.

Family is a sacred entity to God. He designed it. He blessed it. And He keeps an album of it. The parts in the Bible that we think are most boring are chapters that list names after names after names. Names we cannot pronounce. They are called genealogies. Think of it as God’s own family photo album.

Today we store thousands and thousands of photos on our phones. We scroll, we delete, and then we keep adding. We capture time. We capture places. We capture memories. But there’s nothing like dedicating a special album for your own family. Photos of people who mean the most within your family circle. Time will never erase your memories. No matter where the photos were taken or how long ago or the quality or pose, what matter most are the people you identify as family.

In chapter 5, Paul is teaching Timothy how to be a caretaker of people. That’s essentially what leaders are. Good leaders must know how to treat others. How to empower others. And how to uphold standards. Standards that would test the integrity of other leaders. Those who aspire to care for others. A safe church must also be a SMART church. 5 SMART rules when using the Internet – Safe, Meet, Accept, Reliable, Tell.

Just as Timothy was appointed to pastor the church in Ephesus, we have the responsibility to administer to one another. A charge to fortify, safeguard - in ways that protect God’s children from the assault or attack by the enemy. We have a sacred duty to take care of God’s big family.

1. Treat one another with respect

1 Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, 2 older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

“As if” or “like”. Father, brothers, mothers, sisters with a caveat “with absolute purity”. We used to address men as sirs, whether older or younger. Women as ma’am – with respect. Younger women as sisters – with absolute purity.

Let’s start with the older man. Rebuking is necessary sometimes. But with a grown male who is also a believer, we have to be tactical, wise, strategic. Some grow old but never grow up.

Do – establish a mutual, respectful, and edifying relationship with one another.

Don’t – Rebuke older man harshly. Exhort him as if he were your father.

Men are uncomplicated yet terribly complicated at the same time. Paul seems to understand about these men. He gave practical advice. Conversations must be had. With wisdom, tact, and humility. Each person is different. But each situation is an opportunity:

• To learn from difficult people

• To have a chance to understand

• To win them over for Christ

I watched how my mom dealt with a grown man, my dad. Free thinker – prostate cancer – broken - asked mom about God. Sometimes it’s not about telling. Praying, showing, loving. Sometimes you just got to let them see, ask, and find their way to God and let God speak to them himself. He accepted Christ – baptized during Christmas season.

v2 Treat younger women as sisters. Margaret and I grew up same church. She treated me as a brother. I treated her as a sister, and then some. She knew it. We have been equally yoked for 33 years. Charles and Phyllis 50 years. That’s worthy of honor. Men, we’re in it for a long haul. As in U-Haul.

Now you understand why in chapter 2:9-10, Paul said, “I want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” Not worldly, but godly.

Young women, your appeal should be seen through the eyes of your Maker. Believe me, God knows beauty like nobody does. He made you. Sees you with the purest perspective. Adores you with heart filled with love. You deserve nothing less. Any heads with eyes turned your way must contain brains that are sensible, not sexual.

2. Support your family with dignity

I did not intend to preach on the subject of widows especially this time of the year. We have been going through 1 Timothy chapter by chapter. It just so happens that we are here today. I have to be faithful not fearful in letting God’s Word speak for itself. We have among us one someone we love and care about. This time last year, nobody knew brother David would be called home to be with the Lord 6 weeks from now. We sang You Raise Me Up last night. Our sister Evelyn, despite losing the love of her life, has been the one raising all of us up.

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