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  • The Sounds Of His Coming

    Contributed by Larry Schoonover on Mar 13, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready? Listen to the distinct sounds on earth, in heaven, and in hell upon his return for His church.

    "THE SOUNDS OF HIS COMING" TEXT: 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 3/11/2003 By: Larry L. Schoonover INTRODUCTION: [Read text] - Spend a minute in explanation: The coming of Jesus is: 1. IMMANENT (Rev. 4:1) 1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I more

  • Unlimited Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Apr 14, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    We have been forgiven much, therefore we must forgive others much.

    Perhaps you’ve heard the story about the stubborn old farmer who was plowing his field. A neighbor who was watching as he tried to guide the mule finally said, "I don’t want to butt in, but you could save yourself a lot of work by saying "gee" and "haw," instead of jerking on the reins." The more

  • How The People You Fellowshipped With Can Have Influence Over Your Percepti

    Contributed by Timothy Lee on Jan 26, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    It is important as Christians that we are not influence with the wrong people.

    How the people you fellowshipped with can have influence over your perception? 2 Samuel 10:1-5 (NKJV) It happened after this that the king of the people of Ammon died, and Hanun his son reigned in his place. [2] Then David said, "I will show kindness to Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father more

  • Spiritual Cleansing

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Feb 22, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    An Ash Wednesday.

    Spiritual Cleansing Delivered on Ash Wednesday, 2005 By The Rev. Dr. W. Maynard Pittendreigh Senior Pastor I John 1:5-9 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have more

  • God Is Just, Not Fair

    Contributed by Mark Woolsey on Aug 1, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Article XVIII : Of Obtaining eternal Salvation only by the Name of Christ: They also are to be had accursed that presume to say, That every man shall be saved by the Law or Sect which he professeth, so that he be diligent to frame his life according to th

    I preached it @: o Providence REC 08/25/02 Article XVIII : Of Obtaining eternal Salvation only by the Name of Christ -- or -- God is Just not Fair Gal 3:16-22: Promise to Seed. Purpose of Law. Faith alone. Luke 10:23-37: Good Samaritan. Does your faith make a damn difference? Acts 4:10-12: more

  • Selfless Love

    Contributed by Greg Tabor on Oct 21, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Loving your enemies?? What??? Yep. That’s truly showing genuine love.

    Selfless Love Read Text: Matthew 5:43-48 "You have heard that it was said, ’Love your neighbor…”(Matt 5:43). Heard from whom? Their teachers. Where did their teachers get it from? Leviticus 19:18 NIV says, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your more

  • Living With A Resurrection Heart

    Contributed by Chad Wright on May 11, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    This text focuses on the epistle lesson for the sixth Sunday of Easter (ILCW series A). Peter reminds us how powerful the Resurrection is in our own lives.

    Introduction: The human heart is a hard-working marvel. It can keep on beating automatically even if all other nerves were severed. In a 70 year lifetime, it will beat an average of 75 times a minute, forty million times a year - or two-and-a-half billion times. At each beat, the average adult more

  • The Reality Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Apr 13, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Sermon for Resurrection Sunday that explains why the resurrection is so important.

    The Reality of the Resurrection By Kenny McKinley Text: Multiple Scriptures (Read Matt. 28:5-6) Christianity stands or falls on the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without the resurrection Christianity would be no different than any other religion. Oh sure there would be more

  • Did You Hear About . . .

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Gossip is a destroyer that must be stopped. Our words ought to build up, not destroy.

    Did You Hear About . . . Griffith Baptist Church – 4/13/08 A.M. Service Text: Matthew 15:10-20 Key verse: Matthew 15:18 - But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. The Introduction Two elderly, excited Southern women were sitting more

  • Are Euthanasia, Abortion And Suicide Options For The Christian? Series

    Contributed by W F on Jun 25, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Some answers to a tough question.

    INTRODUCTION Today we come to the first in a series on Hard Questions. The question we’re asking this morning is this, “Are abortion, suicide and euthanasia option for the Christian?” 1. Abortion Abortion is an emotional issue and even Christians are divided on how to handle it. But nevertheless more

  • Hesitant Warrior Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jul 27, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    3 of 4 on becoming Mighty Men of God. This message focuses on the call to service. It involves asking the men and women to respond to a survey taken during the message.

    Mighty Men of God We as men of God have been called to serve But our greatest fear is… failure. Our greatest desire is for significance. How we get that is different for men and women. For men it comes down to a very simple question. “Do you respect, admire and believe in me?” When I was a more

  • What Do You Believe In?

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Tag-team preaching session. Asking believers "How solid is their faith/knowledge/belief in God" and show how others are so easily confused.

    What do YOU believe? Introduction (Ron) Society tells us to believe one thing Religion tells us to believe another And God’s Word, NOT religion, tells us to believe something else What do you believe in? Where is your faith anchored? How solid is your faith? Tonight, we will look at more

  • A Last Word About Last Words Series

    Contributed by Gary Moore on Jan 21, 2008

    The power of praise.

    Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ … to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen. Paul ends his letter with a doxology (glory to God). It is not uncommon to find Paul’s letters interrupted with declarations of more

  • Another Word About Last Words Series

    Contributed by Gary Moore on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Strengthen in Christ

    Paul closes his letter with a liturgical doxology that easily lends itself to a formal worship setting. As much as the letter is a tightly woven piece of logic, so too one finds a structural symmetry to the text that contributes to its overall cohesiveness. Paul’s final thoughts bear a striking more

  • Demonstration Of Spirit And Power Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 13, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    To show the importance of letting God do the work.

    Title: Demonstration of Spirit and Power Theme: To show the importance of letting God do the work. Text: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 ¶ And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing more

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