
Don't Look Back: A Lesson from Lot's Wife

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Jesus cautions us about the perils of longing for a past life we are meant to abandon, as illustrated by the story of Lot's wife in Luke 17:32.


Last Wednesday was Women's Day, a day to commemorate women's rights. In Luke 17:32, Jesus urges us to remember an unnamed woman and the grave dangers of looking back to a life we are called to leave behind. This warning is one of the most sobering in the entire Bible. Lot's wife, though married to a righteous man, serves as a cautionary example. She may have professed religion, but her heart was filled with wickedness. Jesus specifically instructs us to remember her, as we are all at risk of forgetting this crucial lesson. Let us reflect on three key aspects of Lot's wife that we should remember.

I. Remember the disobedience of Lot's wife

Lot, the nephew of Abraham, chose to live in the sinful city of Sodom, while Abraham chose to dwell in Canaan. When God decided to destroy Sodom due to its wickedness, He sent two angels to rescue Lot and his family. The people of Sodom demanded that Lot hand over the angels so they could commit acts of violence against them. The angels blinded the mob and led Lot, his wife, and their two daughters out of the city. Before leaving, the angels warned them not to look back. Sadly, only Lot's wife disobeyed this command.

Lot's wife was married to a righteous man, but she herself was unrighteous. Despite being surrounded by God's people and witnessing His miraculous works, she lacked true faith. She clung to her sinful desires and refused to accept salvation on God's terms. Her disobedience led to her damnation.

II. Remember the desire of Lot's wife

Lot's wife looked back because she loved the sinful world she was leaving behind. No worldly pleasure is worth sacrificing our eternal lives for. We must choose between following God or following sin; we cannot do both simultaneously. Lot's wife's desire for the sinful world was stronger than her desire for God. She had the opportunity to choose salvation, but she couldn't tear herself away from the corrupt and wicked place she loved. We must examine our own hearts and ask ourselves if we are willing to leave behind the world and its sinful pleasures for the sake of our eternal souls.

III. Remember the destruction of Lot's wife

Lot's wife met a unique and tragic fate. She was transformed into a pillar of salt, a physical representation of what she should have been spiritually. If our hearts are attached to the world, we will perish with it. We must not allow our desires and delights to be rooted in this sinful world, for it will lead to our own destruction. The punishment God inflicted upon Lot's wife serves as a reminder that if we refuse to be the salt of the earth, we will be cast aside and trampled underfoot.


Privilege alone cannot secure our salvation. We may have access to spiritual advantages, attend the best churches, and hear the most powerful preaching, but if our hearts are not truly devoted to God, we remain lost. We must guard against backsliding and the temptations of a fallen world. Let us fix our gaze on heaven and salvation, leaving our sins at the foot of the cross. May we never be like Lot's wife, who was almost saved but ultimately lost. Pray that the Lord would protect our hearts and keep us steadfast in our commitment to Him. Amen.

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