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  • Unnamed Hero Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016

    Our Scripture today is the only miracle of Jesus that appears in all four Gospels. It was thus the most significant miracle in the early church: you’re never too young to be a hero

    The Anonymous Hero John 6: 1-14 Who doesn’t love superheroes? Every child grows up watching shows about superheroes, people who were able to do more and be more than the rest of us. In ancient times, you had the heroes of Greek mythology. Then it was King Arthur and the Knights of the Round more

  • The Faith Of An Unnamed Woman Series

    Contributed by Neil Partington on Jun 28, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    We all remember people throughout history who have made an impact. But what about the unnamed people who impact us as well. Today we look at one of those unnamed women who had an impact then, but also now.

    An unnamed woman characterized and remembered by her physical suffering. Day in and day out, this woman was reminded of her uncleanliness She was forbidden from worshiping God in the temple And she was to be removed from society so as not to contaminate others Our Bible’s refer to her as more

  • Example Of An Unnamed Mother

    Contributed by Raymond Perkins on Oct 14, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    A sermon for Mother’s Day.

    EXAMPLE OF A UNNAMED MOTHER Mark 7:24-30 INTRODUCTION: A wealthy Texan was in the habit of giving his mom unique gifts on Mother’s Day. One year it was lessons on hang-gliding. the year before that it was the entire record collection of Slim Whitman’s hits. But this past year he felt he had more

  • The Un-Named Maid Series

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on May 18, 2008
    based on 31 ratings

    Do people know that you are a Christian? How is your testimony at home and in the workplace?

    The Un-named Maid – 30th March 2008 am 2 Kings 5:1-3 The prophet Elijah is named 29 times in the New Testament while Elisha is named only once Luke 4:27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian. Naaman was a more

  • Jesus And Women Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Mar 20, 2023

    Reading of the Gospel according to Mark, inspires and motivates us to know the value of women. Jesus had tender heart and compassionate eyes upon them. He healed them, and forgiven them to live a happy life.

    Mark 7:24-30 Jesus and Women in Mark Jesus and Women in Mark Women are prominent in the story of Christ Jesus. They are mentioned in no less than sixteen contexts. (Fabian Ekwunife Ezenwa). He was born of a woman, had numerous interactions with women, and was seen first by women after his more

  • The Unnamed Mother With Great Faith

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Jan 15, 2010
    based on 28 ratings

    This unnamed woman had great faith. She was determined to receive help from Jesus

    The Nameless Mother With Great Faith Matt 15:21-28 PRESSURES ON MOM TODAY are greater than ever. Its got to be the toughest job in the world. Just think of what’s expected of her in our success-driven society: Have a successful career Keep the house spotless Raise perfect children Be more

  • "The Un-Named Woman" Series

    Contributed by Donald Smith on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 124 ratings

    If we have trouble expressing love, maybe it’s because we haven’t experienced forgiveness. We can learn much from Jesus and a woman with no name.

    Two of the ‘women of faith’ in the new Testament have no names…One is a woman who, after twelve years of living with an ailment, touched the garment of Jesus as he was on his way to resurrect a girl from death. Yearning to touch Jesus and out of desperation, Jesus says to the woman, “Your faith more

  • Are You Willing To Be Nobody

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jun 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone wants to win 3000 in a day and have the largest church in their country, but God has more nobodies than superstars.

    There is an old country song that said, “I’m chasin’ the neon rainbow, livin’ the honky tonk dream.” Very few artists find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow making their dream come true. Few make it to the ranks of a one hit wonder. Many will quit and get a “real job” or continue to more

  • What Only A Mother Can Do

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Mother’s Day Sermon that examines the qualities of an unnamed mother in Mt 15 and Mk 7

    1. Title: What Only A Mother Can Do 2. Text: Matthew 15:1-18; Mark 7:24-30 3. Audience: Villa Heights Christian Church, AM crowd, May 14, 2006, Mother’s Day. Objectives: -for the people to understand the qualities of the unnamed woman that speak of her outstanding faith; for them to appreciate more

  • Touch....down....worship

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Feb 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The posture of an unnamed woman in an innumerable crowd becomes the portrait of a worshipper who moves the heart of God.

    I. Touch (If I may touch) To see this woman you need to look low. Look down. That’s where she lives. Low to the ground. Low on the priority list. Los on the social scale. She’s low. Can you see it? Her hand? Gnarled. Thin. Diseased. Dirt blackens the nails and stains the skin. Look more

  • From Stones To Salvation Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Mar 23, 2025

    It invites us to see ourselves in this unnamed woman and to recognize the gift of mercy that costs our Savior everything.

    Title: From Stones to Salvation Intro: It invites us to see ourselves in this unnamed woman and to recognize the gift of mercy that costs our Savior everything. Scriptures: Isaiah 43:16-21, Philippians 3:8-14, John 8:1-11. Reflection Dear Sisters and Brothers, The stones lay scattered on more

  • Two Post Resurrection Appearances Of Jesus In Jn 20

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 2, 2016

    God treats us an individuals and knows our specific needs just as he did with MAry, Peter and Thomas and the unnamed disciples of Jn 20

    Story: There were once two identical twins. They were alike in every way but one. One was a hope-filled optimist, Peter who only ever saw the bright side of life. The other, Thomas was a dark pessimist, who only ever saw the down side in every situation. The parents were so worried about the more

  • Remember Lot's Wife

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Mar 11, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus warns us through an unnamed woman about the dangers of looking back to a life that we are called to leave behind in Luke 17:32

    Remember Lot's Wife Introduction:  This past Wednesday was Women's Day, a day to remember women's rights, and the Lord calls his disciples to remember one woman in Luke 17:32.  There is no warning in all the Bible more sobering than this one.  The Bible says that Lot was a righteous man, but more

  • The Spoiled One And His Unsung Heros

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Sep 27, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Naaman was well known, but the real heros in this story are the unnamed little servant girl and some other servants who persuaded their master to obey the word of the prophet.

    Naaman 2 Kings 5:1-14 (central text) I. Qualities of this man (v. 1) A. a leader (of rank) B. submissive to his king C. an honorable man D. used by God E. he had a real problem and need Who amongst us has a need? Who does God choose to use to send the message of hope? In this case, an more

  • An Example Of Genuine Worship Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    In Luke 7 two people are in the presence of Jesus, an unnamed woman and Simon the Pharisee. Message compares their worship experience and draws key concepts for meaningful worship.

    01.29.17 Intro We are pursuing a heart of worship. We are desiring to go deeper in our worship experience with God. Last week we saw that achieving this is not so much a matter of methods and techniques, as it is the condition of the heart. In His conversation with the Woman at the Well Jesus said more