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  • A Naked Man And A Bunch Of Crazy Pigs

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Feb 22, 2001
    based on 295 ratings

    Jesus encounters a man with so many demons the man says his name is "Legion." Yet, the community is not afraid of this man. Like our culture, the biblical community had grown comfortable with evil.

    by the Rev. Dr. W. Maynard Pittendreigh, Jr. Sunrise Presbyterian Church Miami Florida When I was in high school, there was a local legend about the Blue Ghost of Maddox Bridge Road. Some 10 or 20 years earlier, two high school students had been out on a date. They were more

  • Christianity For The Real World Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Jul 25, 2002
    based on 13 ratings

    What is Life in the Spirit?

    Christianity for the Real World Part 1 Romans 8:1-16 Preached at Midway Community Church Oct 10, 1999 A billboard attracted my attention. College for the Real World; The ad says I can get an education for the real world. Those who respond will have skills they can draw on as they go out to apply more

  • Why It Is Important To Learn To Cope With Imperfections

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 30, 2002
    based on 85 ratings

    Why It is Important to Cope With Imperfections - 2 Cor. 12:9,10

    Why It is Important to Learn to Cope With Imperfections - 2 Cor. 12:9,10 Quote:Don’t let the littleness in others bring out the littleness in you. The following types of people have a difficult time coping because of their inability to cope with imperfections of various types. 1. Perfectionism more

  • Put On What? Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 6, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    A sermon on Isaiah 3 about the important things to put on.

    Sermon for 5/5/2002 Isaiah 3:16 Introduction: James Gibbons- Worldly Womanhood She has her hair put up in tiers, And from her ears hang chandeliers; Her lips are painted red as blood- All badges of her "womanhood." She drapes herself in clothing tight, A sexy object to the sight; All bright, more

  • The Bottom Line Choice Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on May 9, 2002
    based on 355 ratings

    Some of the decisions that we make in life are not that earth shattering, history will see little difference in the cereal you chose to eat for breakfast, but there are choices in life that important, even life altering. These are choice made by every hum

    A Study of Joshua Sermon # 12 “The Bottom Line Choice” Joshua 24: 14-28 This week I listened as on the popular singers of our day (Alanis Morrisett) was interviewed about her work. When asked to characterize her music she more

  • Walking Like God Walks Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on May 20, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Living life in God’s footsteps

    Walking Like God Walks EPHESIANS 5:1-6 · Going to take this morning about how we walk. Have you ever thought about how you walk. How your walk looks to others. 1) Friend from a church I pastured while in Seminary named David. David is a racewalker. David doesn’t know it but he looks funny when more

  • Removing Relational Roadblocks Part 2 -- Internal Roablocks Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Aug 22, 2003
    based on 10 ratings

    The sixth message in a series looking at what keeps us from really dreaming great things for God.

    (Please see note at the end of this message) REMOVING OUR RELATIONAL ROADBLOCKS PART 2 INTERNAL ROADBLOCKS Colossians 2:8,21-23 / 1 Corinthians 13:31 OPENING ILLUSTRATION: When Sherry and I lived in Pottstown, we shopped at the ShopRite Supermarket I town. In fact I would say that at that time more

  • Escaping A Life Of Comfort Series

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Oct 8, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    Fear will rob you of your dream, don’t let it

    Last week we began the process of exploring our God given dreams as we move into the destiny He has planned for us before we were born. In fact, our dream governed how we were formed. As you began this week to explore your dream potential, ultimately, the dream God has given you will meet a more

  • The Scars Of Life Series

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Aug 19, 2002
    based on 216 ratings

    We all have scars on our bodies, and each scar has a memory that reminds us that moment when the scar was received. When Jesus looks at his hands, he sees his scars. What do those scars mean to Jesus? Love.

    The Scars Of Life The Rev. Dr. W. Maynard Pittendreigh We have been studying the Gospel of John since the Second Sunday of Eastertide. We have moved through this Gospel, studied its miracles, signs and teachings. We now come to the last two Sundays of this Gospel. This morning we turn our more

  • Enoch - The Preacher Series

    Contributed by Stephen Wright on Apr 13, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Enoch preached about coming judgement

    He preached about coming judgement – Jude 1:14,15 Jude 1:14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly We live in a society where tolerance more

  • "Three Things For Christians To Consider In A Time Of War"

    Contributed by Donald Smith on Apr 14, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    ...a message delivered the weekend after the commencement of the war with Iraq.

    "Three Things for Christians to Consider in a Time of War" (a message delivered by Pastor Don Smith on the weekend after the beginning of the war on Iraq.) In any time of uncertainty, confusion and distress, it is appropriate to have a compass that will bring us back to the foundation of who we more

  • New Clothes/New Life

    Contributed by Paul Larsen on Apr 5, 2004
    based on 94 ratings

    An Easter Sunday Sermon that reminds us that just as Jesus left his graveclothes behind we can leave behind our graveclothes of fear, despair and sin. God gives us the robes of righteous and a new life that begins right now.

    Easter Sunday - New Clothes - New Life Alleluia! Christ is risen! Happy Easter. It is wonderful to have you here today as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and the new life he gives us. A pastor went to see a man who lived in the community but never attended church. He told him, "We more

  • Why Are Some Christian Women Living In Hell?

    Contributed by Carolyn Malaika Foster-Brooks on Jun 4, 2003
    based on 66 ratings

    This is message directed to married Christian women who do not have joy in their marriage relationships and are wondering what can they do now?

    Evangelist Carolyn Malaika Foster-Brooks THE MINISTRY OF S.A.R.A.H. (SERENITY*ATONEMENT*RESTORATION & HEALING) LYONS, GEORGIA JUNE 2003 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I prayed years ago to You, asking You to use me according to Your will and plan for my life. Lord I know that there have been times more

  • Mad Cow Disease

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Jan 28, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Mad Cow Disease is an appropriate allegory for sin; it easily infects, it changes our attitude & behavior; but unlike the disease, sin can be cured at the foot of the cross.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church January 25, 2004 Amos 4:1-5 MAD COW DISEASE BACKGROUND: A. Have you ever notice how some folk think you do not belong? 1. Kathie was taking registrations for a seminary lecture series. A man called and wanted to register by more

  • How To Become A Holy Church

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 29, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    A call to personal Holiness from God’s perspective

    "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16 NIV) God has called His sanctified Bride, the Church, to be holy (1 Cor 1:2). He has commanded that we "consecrate" or keep ourselves apart more

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