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Sermons on types of love:

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  • Love: The Four Types Of Love Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Feb 10, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Of the four types of love, only one can be chosen -- Agape. God did this intentionally because Agape is the most powerful, and echoes the love He has for us.

    Last week we began our series on the L Word with lust, as an example of what love is not. That means that tonight we will begin to learn about what love is. But which love are we talking about? If that question doesn’t make sense, don’t worry -- you’re not alone. We only have one more

  • The Greatest Of These Is Love Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 30, 2014

    America is adrift without a moral standard, a moral anchor, and until we get back to the word of God, we’re going to get further and further away from God’s standard.

    INTRODUCTION During World War II when the Nazis were bombing London, there was an Anglican Church that had a statue of Jesus with his arms outstretched on their lawn. The caption below the statue read, “Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden.” As the bombs fell, the more

  • The Greatest Of These Is Love Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Love is the first of the nine Fruits of the Spirit.

    INTRODUCTION Over the summer we’re going to be spending time examining all nine fruit of the Spirit. My main goal for this series is the same as God’s goal—for each of us to display these nine character qualities every day of our lives. But you don’t have to try to be more

  • (Secion 1) Intro, Personality Types, Stages Of Love Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jul 6, 2018

    After an introduction, What causes attraction, four temperaments

    RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE INTRODUCTION I. BEFORE YOU MEET Attraction, Love, Beauty, Temperament, God designed you to be married II. WHEN YOU MEET Stages from meeting to intimacy. III. BEFORE YOU PROMISE Things to consider IV. YOU PROMISED Taking it serious V. ENJOYING, ENDURING, more

  • Gods Love Vs Mans

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Dec 5, 2023

    There are 3 words for love but only Agape defines fully Gods love

    The love of God – seems those 4 words shouldn’t really be too difficult to understand. But the truth is more often than not they are, and more so today than in generation that came before us. Why is that? Well 1st off God’s love in any of our lives, or in any generation for that matter is more

  • “looking For Love”

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Feb 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Here is a short teaching on the four types of love that can be enjoyed by a human being.

    “Looking For Love” God is Sovereign over all things, even over great rock bands. The rock band Foreigner sings an awesome song, I Want To Know What Love Is. In this powerful song are these lyrics; "In my life there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again. more

  • The Bible Teaches Real Love

    Contributed by John Donnelly on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Examination of 1 Corinthians 13, describing different types of love. Sermon aimed at teenagers and parents.

    Sermon: The Bible teaches Real Love” I Corinthians 13 By the Rev. John Donnelly St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Wayne, NJ <> A young woman named Andrea wrote this story. Her story may be found on the web page of, an internet dating service. “Jeff more

  • And The Greatest Of These Is Love

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Feb 15, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    A 5-point sermon dealing with different types of love, including the love God has for us and the love we are to have for His church.

    As humans, our emotions can vary widely throughout a whole range of subjects. And while this is certainly true, since Valentines day was yesterday, I want to focus on love. We are capable of feelings several types of love, too, and each type has its own focus of intensity. There is an old more

  • Love

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Feb 4, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    A 5-point sermon about the different types of love in our lives - from romantic, to parent-child, to the love of God. Text, audio, and communion message will be at

    As humans, our emotions can vary widely throughout a whole range of subjects. Valentines day is this coming Thursday, so today I want to focus in on love. We are capable of feelings several types of love, and each type has its own focus and intensity. There is an old saying concerning love. more

  • The Fruit Of The Spirit- Love. Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What kind of love do you have? The Fruit of the SPirit gives us God’s type of love. This series is a revamp of a 2006 series.

    INTRODUCTION • How do I know if God is working in me? What evidence do I have to shows me that God’s Spirit is in me? • How can others see God working in me? • Today we are going to being a sermon series that will help us to answer the above questions. • SLIDE #1 • Today we are going to begin to more

  • Types Of Shame Used As Controls

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 19, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    Types of Shame Used as Controls

    Types of Shame Used as Controls Romans I Pet 4:16 1). Innocent Shame - Shame felt when one’s character is slandered without justification 2). Guilty Shame - Shame felt before others when one violates an ethical norm. 3). Social Shame - Embarrassment felt when one makes a social blunder or error more

  • Types Of Church Members

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Oct 24, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    What types of Church Members can we see in the 21st century church and identify in Biblical Principles? This message suggests 5 different types.

    Types of Church Members Jude, Thessalonians, John, Corinthians, Ephesians, Peter * Last Sunday evening, as a part of our testimony time, we heard Bro. J.D. give an emotional word about being a ‘lost church member.’ I know from private discussion that he existed as a lost church member for many more

  • What Kind Of Love Is This?

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Jul 22, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Young love, romantic love, brotherly love, Christian love, so many types of love, so often disappointing; but, what about the love of God? What kind of love is this?

    Dakota Community Church July 22, 2007 What Kind of Love Is This? In the summer of 1982 I was fresh out of high school and on my way to life as a BMOC (Big Man on Campus) at St. Mary’s University in Halifax N.S. That same summer a rock band from Saskatchewan – (Some of you may remember more

  • Types Of Fools Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Jun 28, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Good intentions don’t always end in good decisions. Intentions don’t define our lives, decisions do. We need to temper and steer our good intentions with wisdom and prudence

    Types of Fools Prov. 6:1-19 Proverbs 6 is filled with various statements that counsel against foolish living. Solomon’s intent here is to teach his son how to live a godly, prudent, and productive life. He knows that the only way that this is possible is if he follow the ways of Wisdom, so he more

  • Prayer Types

    Contributed by Adam Cain on Dec 4, 2009

    Categories of prayers that God likes and dislikes

    Prayer Types (10/17/2001) Before we discuss prayer let’s actually pray. God, bless these words and bless those that hear them. May the words fall on receptive hearts and be applied as truths from your word. Amen The Bible says a lot about prayer. Did you know there are 667 prayers recorded in the more