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  • Nativity (Part Two)

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Dec 19, 2016

    The word, "nativity" comes from the Latin word meaning, "to be born". But Christmas isn't just about who was born, but also what was born. Last week we looked at how hope and peace were born when Jesus was born. Today we'll look at love and joy.

    NATIVITY (Part Two) INTRODUCTION: The word, "nativity" comes from the Latin word meaning, "to be born". But Christmas isn't just about who was born, but also what was born. Last week we looked at how hope and peace were born when Jesus was born. Today we'll look at love and joy. RECAP: Our hope more

  • A Tale Of Two Mothers

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on May 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This is not your typical Mother’s Day message.

    A Tale of Two Mothers Good morning and Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers here today. This morning, in pulpits around the country, pastors will be singing the praises of their mothers and the mothers of their children. They will probably talk about the impact their mothers had on their lives more

  • Two Ways To Live

    Contributed by Mark Hiehle on Jul 19, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    Do you live according to God’s will or the world’s ways? This message helps us know the difference.

    James 3:13-17 " Two Ways To Live" By Pastor Mark Hiehle Do you live your life with certainty or with confusion? Are you sure of what is right and what is wrong? Is there anything today that does not change? Instead of black and white, does everything seem gray and is the line of distinction more

  • A Tale Of Two Saviors Series

    Contributed by Travis Jarrett on Mar 4, 2009

    Part 4 of 7 in the teaching series, "Storybooks, Fairytales & the Life God Wants You to Have."

    This week we continue our teaching series, "Storybooks, Fairytales & the Life God Wants You to Have" and we also celebrate this morning the second Sunday of Advent. The past couple of weeks, we’ve looked at a couple of areas in our lives that prevent us from living out the life that God wants us to more

  • A Tale Of Two Gardens

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Apr 6, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    It was in a garden that humanity fell and it was in a garden that humanity was redeemed!

    TALKING POINTS: 1. A mother was teaching her young son to use the phone. She showed him which numbers to push and explained about the dial tone and the sound of the other phone ringing. The process had begun. The son waited anxiously for the call to be completed, but no one picked up the phone on more

  • Two Wolves Inside

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Why do we complain,get angry, and are so impatient, perhaps it is a result of two wolves inside.

    Two wolves inside Numbers 21:4-9 A Cherokee Elder was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me... it is a terrible fight between two wolves.”One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, more

  • Understand Two Things

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on May 20, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    I. EXORDIUM: There are two things in this life worth remembering II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To enumerate these 2 things we need to remember. IV. TEXT: 2 Thessalonians 3:5 (Amplified Bible) May the Lord direct

    I. EXORDIUM: There are two things in this life worth remembering II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To enumerate these 2 things we need to remember. IV. TEXT: 2 Thessalonians 3:5 (Amplified Bible) May the Lord direct your hearts into [realizing and showing] the love of God more

  • Two Profound Questions

    Contributed by Ed Warfield on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus asked his disciples 2 questions, he’s asking the same questions today.

    Two Profound Questions – Matthew 16:13-19 Intro.: The ability to know God is one aspect of our eternal inheritance that God has released in the earth. It’s what we were created for. But we have to qualify before we can pursue this knowledge. Jesus asked his disciples 2 questions, he’s asking the more

  • Two Kinds Of Wildernesses

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Feb 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Do you feel like you're in the wilderness with no way out? This message looks at two possible reasons why someone might wind up there, by examining both the “sin-driven wilderness” and “Spirit-driven wilderness.”

    The wilderness is a place that captures the imagination and stirs the soul. Native Americans, for example, will journey into the wilderness on a vision quest; thrill seekers will flock to the mountains and remote places in search of adventure; those who are overworked will retreat there for peace more

  • A Tale Of Two Apostles

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    James is killed; Peter is set free.

    A Tale of Two Apostles Acts 12:1 – 12:19 Jeff Hughes – August 17, 2003 Calvary Chapel Aggieland I. Introduction a. Have you ever been in a situation that you though was completely hopeless, just to have something happen to turn things around? God has a unique way of bringing hope to hopeless more

  • The Kingdom Torn In Two Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Aug 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A journey through the Bible in 32 weeks. Inspired by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee. A look at the tearing apart of the Israeli kingdom into north and south.

    The Kingdom Torn in Two January 16, 2011 The Story - 14 When I think about the Bible, I picture it as one movie or television program which is cut into many parts. It’s like watching a television series or sequels that you don’t want to miss. Remember programs like The FBI, or more

  • Two Streams Converge Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The collision of the charismatic and evangelical, and a call to deep love.

    Two Streams Converge: Series: How Broad Is The Kingdom Of God Luke 4:1-14 January 29, 2006 Intro: Gasoline and a spark. Car keys and a 16yr old. Vinegar and baking soda. Stephen Harper and Paul Martin. Sometimes, when you put two things together, the end result can either be messy and more

  • The Tale Of Two Men

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Mar 17, 2001
    based on 98 ratings

    An inductive use of narrative contrasting the two men and their eternal homes in Luke 16:19-31.

    Text: Luke 16:19 -- 31 Title: The Tale of Two Men Series: Lent 2001 Topic: Salvation/Evangelism Theme: Receiving Salvation Purpose: to be the Holy Spirit’s second witness calling God’s people in my care to receive the salvation only God can give. Response: Individuals will come to the altar rail to more

  • The Parable Of The Lost Son - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Mar 21, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    The parable of the lost younger son in Luke 15:11-16 teaches us about the consequences of sin.

    Scripture We are studying chapter 15 in The Gospel of Luke. It is a marvelous chapter as Jesus explained the good news of salvation in the parable of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son. William Barclay says, “There is no chapter of the New Testament so well known and so dearly loved as more

  • The Contrast Of Two Kings

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Dec 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The story of the Wise Men of Christmas shows the sharp contrast of two kings:King Jesus and King Herod. It also shows the sharp contrast of two Kingdoms.

    The Contrast of Two Kings of Christmas Matthew 2 I. King Herod WAS: A. preoccupied with power, prestige and possessions B. preoccupied with paranoia and self-preservation. II. King Jesus IS still: A. filled with promise. B. filled with peace and paternal glory: Nazareth: “the more

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