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  • The Two Debtors

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 24, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    The Two Debtors (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Matthew chapter 18 verses 21-35. Quote: “Forgiveness is a marvellous idea; Until you are the one who has to do it”. Ill: • Old Joe was dying. • For years he had been at odds with Bill, formerly one of his best friends. • Wanting to straighten things more

  • The Debtors Dinner Series

    Contributed by Marc Bertrand on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    The Pharisee’s were so furious over the forgiving of this woman’s great debt of sin, that they neglected the fact that they too had a debt which they were unable to pay.

    Introduction: Two men took a line of credit from an individual financier. Both used the line of credit for various purposes. One was careful to only dip into it for small amounts, a little extra to cover the mortgage on a tight month, or a few hundred extra to cover financing on a good used more

  • Bankrupt Debtors Discharged

    Contributed by Tylor Cates on Apr 8, 2002
    based on 118 ratings

    Two men who differ considerabyl in amount owed but have a few similarities that saves both of them.

    Bankrupt Debtors Discharged by: Tylor Cates (Luke 7:41-42) "There was a certain rich creditor, which had two debtors: the one owed 500 pence, and the other 50. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore which of more

  • Parable Of The Two Debtors Series

    Contributed by L Lee on Sep 15, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    God has forgiven our sins. How grateful are we to Him? What are the signs that we are being ungrateful.

    The Parable of the two debtors (Luke 7:36-50) Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. {37} When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought more

  • Forgiven Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Mar 12, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    The parable of the two debtors in the context of Simon, the woman, and Jesus, yields four tributaries of thought which flow into the one great truth of forgiveness.

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: Just about every Saturday, a man especially given to neatness, went into his barbershop for a haircut. So this one Saturday he told his barber that he was going to Rome. The barber asked what airline he was going to take. The man responded "Delta" The barber yelled, more

  • Deep And Wide

    Contributed by David Roth on Mar 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Proper 19 (A) The unforgiving servant's heart was cold and shallow. But God's grace and mercy to us is deep and wide. Therefore, it not only changes our hearts, but overflows through us to others.

    J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. “Deep and Wide” Last week in the Gospel, Jesus had taught his disciples about being the greatest and least, and to seek unity, being One Flock, more

  • Forgiveness (The Parable Of The Two Debtors) Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Dec 31, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Forgiveness – The Parable of the Two Debtors. (Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Jesus and the Pharisee (vs 36 & 39). (2). Jesus and the Woman (vs 37-38). (3). Jesus and the parable (vs 41-43) (4). Jesus and forgiveness (vs 44-50). SERMONBODY: Ill: • Dale Carnegie once noted; • That there was only animal that the grizzly bear would allow to eat with more

  • Who Needs Forgiveness?

    Contributed by Susan Blader on Aug 25, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Sometimes the people we think need forgiveness are the ones who already have it.

    Tradition tells us that Abraham Lincoln once went to a slave auction. While he was there, he noticed a black woman who was about to be auctioned off, and entered the bidding. The bidding went back and forth until eventually Lincoln won, paid the price, and purchased her. When they brought more

  • Over The Top Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Apr 6, 2014

    Looks at the principle of giving and receiving, not only in finances but also in Judgment and forgiveness

    Over the Top Well here we are, for some of you it is your favorite month of the year at Cornerstone, for others, not so much. If you are new to Cornerstone or a guest today a little background, each year at Cornerstone during the month of April Denn preaches on Money. Well to be exact I preach on more

  • The Pharisee & The Woman Weeping At Jesus' Feet: The Two Debtors Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Oct 31, 2022

    When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”

    What does it really mean to say our sins are truly forgiven? In our Christian faith we call that justification. A word rooted in the word justice. Which is what my name comes from, justin, means justice or to be justified. “What is justification? It is the declared purpose of God to regard and more

  • The Debt We Owed

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Aug 12, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    An explanation of how exactly we were debtors to God.

    The Debt We Owed A parable in Matthew 18 speaks of us sinners as being debtors to God. Many of our favorite hymns and spiritual songs we sing speak of our debt to God being paid by Christ. The question we may have is: just how exactly were we in debt to God? We are created to glorify and please more

  • Don't Be Surprised!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Oct 18, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    I believe that there are people who will be surprised at many things. People will someday stand before the judgment of God & express surprise that they are lost.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK ILL. The A P Wire Service reported this story out of Nashville, TN a few years ago. A TN Highway Patrolman stopped a car that was a total wreck. It had 3 flat tires. Every window had been broken out, & the roof was caved in, indicating more

  • We Are Debtors

    Contributed by Alton Coleman on Mar 11, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    We are indebted to God in many ways.

    We Are Debtors! Scripture Reading: Matthew 22:15-22; Psalm 116:1-8,12-14 Scripture Text: Romans 8:10-12 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. [11] But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in more

  • Debtor's Prison Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 17, 2002
    based on 67 ratings

    What can we learn from the story of the Prodigal Son about dealing with debt?

    OPEN: I have a quiz for your today (I found this at two different sermoncentral sermons and I don’t know who to it credit to): 1. Ellen is 30 years old. She has a $3,500 balance on her Citibank credit card at 18% interest. She makes the minimum payment each month. How old will she be when her more

  • Are You A Debtor?

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Success and failure is a part of life. When we face failure we tend to blame others for it. When successful, our tendency is to take credit for it. Whom do you give credit for the success in your life? As we come to the last Sunday of 2009 we are going to

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Are you a debtor? Introduction: Success and failure is a part of life. When we more