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  • Truth Telling

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 8, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Paul sharing his faith before Festus - email for PowerPoint slides -

    Truth Telling Reading: Acts chapter 26 verses 19-29. ill: 4 boys entered the classroom at school two hours late; • And nervously, rather sheepishly; • They told their teacher they were late due to a flat tire. • The teacher knowing what rascals these 4 boys were decided to test their more

  • Truth-Telling

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 19, 2008

    In this stand-alone message to end 2007, Dave makes the point that we never find God until we face the truth, and we only find God to the degree that we face the truth.

    Truth-Telling Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers December 30, 2007 What is truth?  Dallas Willard is one of my favorite thinkers and writers, and I like how he defines truth.  He says truth is what you run into when you make a foolish decision.  Think about that.  Some people, as soon as more

  • Simple Truth Telling Series

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Jan 7, 2002
    based on 168 ratings

    We must keep our promises and people of our word.

    Relationships in the Kingdom – Part 4 May 13, 2001 INTRODUCTION Could you function if you always had to tell the truth? Someone who had to come to terms with this question was Fletcher Reede, the slick lawyer played by Jim Carrey in the movie “Liar, Liar.” Fletcher doesn’t have much of a more

  • Samuel The Boy Series

    Contributed by Merv Budd on May 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We look at a foundational practice that Samuel started as a young boy and that allowed him to build a life of integrity; it is the practice of telling God’s truth.

    There are some characters in the Bible who seem to stand out more than others. Take Elijah for example, there was a man who called fire from heaven, who confronted wicked kings and who did amazing feats in God’s name. Moses was a great man. He also did miraculous feats through the power of more

  • The Spirit Of Truth-Telling Laws Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 20, 2021

    In the Old Testament vows were taken very seriously. There was a positive and negative side of this topic. Let's look at these laws and see what the spirit of the law against lying is for Christians.

    In the Old Testament vows were taken very seriously. The positive side of this topic in the Old Testament was that a vow was taken more seriously than many modern written contracts. The negative side of this topic in the Old Testament was that at least two people died due to foolish vows and more

  • Practices That Sustain Community: Living Truthfully PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the importance of embracing and living in truth, as it shapes our lives, guides us, and ultimately sets us free.

    Good morning, family! It's another beautiful day to gather together, to connect, to learn, and to grow in our faith. I'm thrilled to see all your eager faces. This morning, we're here to talk about living with truth and authenticity in our Christian lives. Now, I know that's a big topic. It's more

  • Truth-Telling: Key To Authentic Relationships Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 8, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    In James’ day, as in ours, people revered the idea of truth in principle but in practice it was blatantly disregarded. In James 5:12 he makes a special point to address this issue of being truthful.

    Scripture In a Reader’s Digest survey of 2,624 readers in January 2004 we read about the percentage of those who said they had: 1. Switched price tags to get a lower price: 12% 2. Cheated on their tax return: 17% 3. Misstated facts on a resume/job application: 18% 4. Lied to their spouse about more

  • Tell The Truth

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Aug 9, 2019

    If you hold to my teachings, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

    Tell the truth! Selective verses Prayer- Father today may it be a day that we are honest with you where we are at in our journey and our walk with you. May we not be afraid to be transparent with you so that you might be able to minister to our needs and our challenges. May the truths of God more

  • To Tell The Truth

    Contributed by David Parks on Nov 1, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    In the 50’s there was a game show called to tell the truth. Everyone was lying but one person and the task of the contestants was to figure out who was telling the truth. Lately it seems that every time we turn on the TV we have to play "Tell the Truth.

    To Tell The Truth TEXT: John 8:30-32 INTRODUCTION: 1. To Tell The Truth? 2. Is it really always better to Tell the Truth? 3. In the 50’s there was a game show called to tell the truth. Everyone was lying but one person and the task of the contestants was to figure out who was telling the more

  • To Tell The Truth Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Dec 1, 2015

    God's word is truth. We, as his people, must practice truth.

    Series: Big 10 “TO TELL THE TRUTH” EXODUS 20:16 OPEN One young boy is constantly late for school and what's worse is that he always has a big lie explaining why. The teacher tells the principal that she has had it with his exaggerations. The principal tells her to send the more

  • Telling The Truth

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Jun 16, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    We can afford to be honest about our flaws and failings, because we are completely loved and accepted in Christ.

    "Most Christians are habitual liars." Let me repeat that: "Most Christians are habitual liars." And quite proficient at it, too. Now, of course we don’t call it lying. And we don’t think of it as lying. In fact, we don’t think of it at all; we just do it, and that’s part of the problem. We’ve more

  • Tell The Truth

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Jul 3, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    We are to be open and honest.

    TELL THE TRUTH Acts 4:32 – 5:11 S: Integrity Th: Community Pr: WE ARE TO BE OPEN AND HONEST. KW: Section TS: We will find in Acts 4:32 – 5:11 a community that is growing in faith and fear. Type: Inductive The ____ section of the narrative describes… I. UNITY (32-33) II. GENEROSITY more

  • To Tell The Truth

    Contributed by Ray Scott on May 29, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    Paul tells the truth about the steps that God uses to obtain our salvation ... and the truth about what to do with our salvation once God has poured out His grace upon us.

    “To Tell The Truth” 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 INTRODUCTION: In our last study we saw how Paul told them the TRUTH about the coming of the Lord (Rapture) … and events during the Tribulation Period (2:1-12) Satan had sent LIES to the Christians at Thessalonica in the form of a fake, counterfeit more

  • Tell The Truth Series

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Aug 12, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    To note the necessity of being truthful at all times.

    The 10 Commandments #9: Tell the Truth Text: Exodus 20:16 Thesis: To note the necessity of being truthful at all times. Introduction: (1) In a book, The Day America Told the Truth, 91% of those who were surveyed admitted that they lied about matters they considered trivial and 36% admitted that more

  • Telling The Truth

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Mar 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating


    TELL THE TRUTH: Prov. 23:22-23 All over this world today people disperately need to hear the truth. There is a big difference between what the people are told and the real truth. There is a credibility gap in the presentation of the gospel also. Countless numbers of people today are lost and on more

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