Sermon Series
  • 1. Samuel The Boy

    Contributed on May 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We look at a foundational practice that Samuel started as a young boy and that allowed him to build a life of integrity; it is the practice of telling God’s truth.

    There are some characters in the Bible who seem to stand out more than others. Take Elijah for example, there was a man who called fire from heaven, who confronted wicked kings and who did amazing feats in God’s name. Moses was a great man. He also did miraculous feats through the power of more

  • 2. Samuel The Judge

    Contributed on May 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We'll look at the life of Samuel as a judge of Israel. We'll look at a six step process that he used to bring the nation of Isreal bac to God; a process that each of us can use as well.

    At a 1999 conference in Houston, speaker Marti Ensign, a missionary to Africa, told of bringing some African pastors to the United States for a big meeting. During their free time, these Africans wanted to go shopping. Even though they were in a small town, Marti knew there was a chance someone more

  • 3. Samuel The Old Man

    Contributed on May 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We look at six lessons that Samuel teaches us about how to deal with people who will not follow godly advice.

    Well today we are going to wrap up our series looking at the life of Samuel. If you recall in week one we looked at Samuel’s lifelong habit of telling God’s truth. And then as a Judge of Israel, in week two, we examined the 6 step process that Samuel used to return people to God. But more