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  • Joshua: A Token Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Aug 11, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon 6 in the series. Alliterated exposition of Joshua 2. Chronologically, the events in chapter two were already completed before the events in chapter 1. Joshua had said, Prepare to go in three days. These spies were in Jericho three days, so they had

    A Token of Grace! The Sending of the Spies CBC Joshua Series #6 Joshua 2:1 - 24 INTRODUCTION: • Chronologically, the events in chapter two were already completed before the events in chapter 1. • Joshua had said, Prepare to go in three days. • These spies were in Jericho three days, so more

  • The Traits Of Token Religion

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 17, 2009

    Just because someone attaches the word "worship" to a religious service, doesn’t mean that the term fits. This was often the case with Israel’s religous rituals. Sadly, it is often true of many church services in our day.

    The Traits Of Token Religion Text: Phil.1: 3-11 Intro: Today I want to focus on the thought mentioned in the second half of Philippians 1: 10. Paul tells the Philippians that he was praying that their love for Christ might continue to grow, resulting in knowledge, discernment, and sincerity. more

  • Tokens Of Love... Giving

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 17, 2016

    LOVE TOKENS. Let us consider love? Love gives. You can give and not love. But you can never love without giving. Let us remember love gives.

    TOKENS: SOME OF THE GREATEST GIFTS--- By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TOKENS: I have a bag of little rocks that I purchased at Hobby Lobby. I give a token to each person at the altar at the end of the service. I have used half dollars, dollar coin, ANY TOOL/TOKEN TO BUILD A MEMORY, A more

  • Accept God's Love Tokens

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 12, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Let’s look at the role of tokens in the Bible. The Rainbow, Circumcision, Scarlet cord, water baptism, the RING and etc.

    ACCEPTING GOD’S LOVE TOKENS By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS AND SPIRITUAL DEAFNESS HINDER PEOPLE. A. Many years ago I taught school. I loved teaching, and I loved the classroom. I had been a student for 17 years, but being a teacher taught me more than I ever more

  • Three Tokens Of Love For Christ

    Contributed by Randy Bataanon on Feb 3, 2011
    based on 144 ratings

    Six days before Jesus offer His life on the cross, three people among his friends gave three tokens of love to Jesus. Martha offered the token of Service, Mary the token of worship and Lazarus the token of Testimony for Christ.

    THREE TOKENS OF LOVE FOR CHRIST John 12:1-11 A week before Jesus Crucifixion is saga of popularity to rejection, of friendship and betrayal, of love and hate. On that same week, Jesus is about to face the peak of His mission. He will be offered as a sacrificial lamb. He will bear the sins of the more

  • What Is Your Scarlet Thread?

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Mar 20, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    The world is, for the most part, is in panic mode concerning the coronavirus. As Christians, what should be our response?

    Do you remember the story in the book of Joshua about the two men who were sent secretly to spy out land that included the fortified city of Jericho? After ending their reconnaissance, they spend the night at the house of a harlot named Rahab. Word gets back to the king that two men from Israel had more

  • Quail And Manna: Tokens Of His Presence.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 27, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Deliverance and Discontentment, Provision and Testing.

    QUAIL AND MANNA: TOKENS OF HIS PRESENCE. Exodus 16:2-7a. In this passage, we join the children of Israel just six weeks into their wilderness journey. The ten plagues, the first Passover, the deliverance out of Egypt, and the parting of the Red Sea all lay behind them. Yet now, here in the more

  • Unity Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 15, 2024


    Psalm 86 "UNITY" Their Is But - I. ONE SOVEREIGN - 1-10 1. The Seeker - Hear Me: His Reverence - 1 Bow down thine ear, O Lord, His Request - O LORD, hear me His Recognition - for I am poor and needy. His Condition - for I am poor, His Contrition - and needy. His more

  • Is It True?

    Contributed by Robert Simmons on Feb 28, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Choose if you believe. Live with the consequences of your choice.

    Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. I Kings more

  • The True Life Of A True Christian

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Jan 25, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Christian Maturity is demonstrated by application of The Word

    Message/Devotion February 2, 2020 1 Thessalonians 5 [ with emphasis on verses 16-18 ] The True Life of A True Christian The Reading 5 But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord more

  • True Repentance Series

    Contributed by James Lyons on Aug 21, 2022

    Part 5 in a series on the book of Jonah

    As we begin looking toward our mission conference next month, I want to share some thoughts with you from the book of Jonah – a prophet who tried to escape from warning a savage nation to repent, because he actually wanted God to judge them! So he boarded a ship heading the other way, but more

  • True Communion

    Contributed by Greg Allen on Apr 16, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    I honestly don’t know if Jesus is glorified through crackers and grape juice. And I wonder what he must think when we come together, go through our little religious ritual and leave with the same me-first mentality that we came in with.

    Today I want to look at the different viewpoints of the last supper from the 4 gospels. Traditionally only 3 of the gospels are credited with recognizing the last supper, Matthew, Mark and Luke. Let’s look at those: Matthew 26:20-30 20When it was evening, Jesus sat down at the table with the more

  • True Lies Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Nov 9, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    The people of Lystra are held captive by not only false belief, but also by the spirit of darkness that they serve.

    Common Lies that plague our lives: The check is in the mail. (Well, internet banking has made that one less popular) I’ll start my diet tomorrow. (No comment) We service what we sell. (I won’t mention any of the places you are thinking about right now) Give me your number and the doctor will more

  • True Love Series

    Contributed by Robert Fox on Dec 22, 2006

    Part 3 in series. What is "true love"? Is it biblical? If so, what does the Bible say about it? Student ministry PowerPoint format

    [True Love] 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 This material was originally presented in PowerPoint format to a student ministry. If you have questions or would like a copy of the original PowerPoint, drop me an email at [True Love] Slide Graphic: shamelessly sentimental pictures of me more

  • True Love, No Really, True Love

    Contributed by Jay Mcphearson on Aug 21, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    DT: Love is more important than all the spiritual gifts exercised in the Body of Christ.

    1 Corinthians 13:1-13 “True Love, No Really, True Love” 02.09.03 Sunday Morning Sermon “Love is more important than all the spiritual gifts exercised in the church body.” Intro: Whoever loves much, does much. Thomas a’ Kempis. On the whole, God’s love for us is a much safer subject to think about more

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