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  • Who Is Your Guardian Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Feb 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We all need help at times in life Where do you go when you need help? Do you call on family? Friends? Dial 911?

    Who is your guardian? Psalm 121. The collection of psalms known as “The Songs of Ascent,” which includes Psalm 121, are pilgrimage psalms that were sung by God’s people on their way to Jerusalem. If you’ve ever gone on a road trip, you know people traveling together sing together. The more

  • The Traveller’s Psalm Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Life can feel like a challenging or dangerous journey, with no clear idea of what is over the hill in front of you. At times we all need help getting over the hills or mountains.

    The Traveller’s Psalm Travelling far from home involves some degree of risk, Psalm 121 can be used as a prayer to give comfort when travelling: I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the One more

  • Psalm 121 The Traveller's Song Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jul 19, 2016
    based on 14 ratings

    Knowing our “help comes from the Lord” gives us the faith to start climbing, because we know God is keeping a close watch and “He will not let you stumble” (when we keep our faith in Him!). We can be at peace knowing God is always with us day and night.

    Rachel is about to embark on what some would call the journey of a lifetime. She is about to head off to Hong Kong for three and a half years, she’s going on a journey, to work, to learn and hopefully have a little fun too. I prayed about what I should briefly speak on this evening that more

  • The Real Road Less Traveled

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Aug 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The road less traveled isn’t found in any woods. The road of righteousness is the road less traveled. Psalm 15 only has five verses, but contains powerful teaching that can guide us down this road.

    The Real Road Less Traveled Scripture: Psalm 15, especially verses 1–2 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous … (NIV). Introduction: The road less traveled isn’t found in any woods. The road of righteousness more

  • Psalm 121 - Trip Advisor Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 13, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focuses on the concept of travel and the many resources that are available to help ensure a successful and safe trip, but more importantly how Psalm 121 becomes a guide for a safe and successful spiritual journey.

    If you have traveling plans this summer, there are some helpful sites on the internet. There is Expedia, Travelocity, Kayak. One of my favorite travel sites is called Trip Advisor. Does anybody ever use Trip Advisor? Trip Advisor is a really useful travel site. I have been using it now for a more

  • The Traveler Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 26, 2022

    Sarah tells her story, from Ur to Isaac.

    Good evening. My name is Sarah, and I'm Noah's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter [8 greats] and I'm married to Abraham. I came to talk to you because there's no better story than mine to show what a terrific adventure following God can be. Mind you, when more

  • Psalm 84 Sermon 5/2013

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on May 20, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    *Psalm 84 is about a journey to the temple in Jerusalem and the writer was remembering the year before when he made the same trip to a festival there called The Feast of Tabernacles. Every year around late September or early October thousands would go t

    Sermon Psalm 84 05/2013… Psalm 84 Psalm 84:1 To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! 2 My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. 3 Yea, more

  • Traveling Songs With The Lord

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Mar 8, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    A message centered on Psalms 126 It is a song that has three major movements - a. Verses 1-2 Praise the LORD for all He has done b. Verse 3 - praise the LORD here and now c. Verses 4 - 6 challenges us to create a world of joy and fruitfulness

    Scripture: Psalms 126; Isaiah 43:16-21 and John 12:1-8 (Lent Five) A message centered on Psalms 126 It is a song that has three major movements - a. Verses 1-2 remind us to praise the LORD for all He has done for us b. Verse 3 reminds us to praise the LORD in the here and now c. Verses more

  • Traveling Lightly

    Contributed by Judah Thomas on May 22, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    An exciting sermon on lightening the loads in life:spiritual, mental, & physical. Live a simple live. Enjoy the simplicity of Creation.

    · Have you ever been to an airport and seen the people’s suitcases? (some over 100 lbs!) · Have you ever helped someone move and wonder why they have certain things? · Maybe you’ve wondered why you have certain things? (Magazines, school papers, etc.) People are burdened now more than ever: more

  • Traveling With Trust Series

    Contributed by W F on Sep 21, 2004
    based on 67 ratings

    A real believer can trust Gods purposes without knowing why he acts in some ways. (Part 4 "Passing Life’s Tests - the ’why’ test)

    Passing Life’s Tests Hebrews 11:8-19 PART IV - Traveling with Trust - The “Why?” Test. Hebrews 11:17-19 INTRODUCTION There is a saying that goes, “Suspicion enters the door through which love and trust exit.” You know when I read the story of Abraham and Isaac, and how God asked Abraham to slay more

  • Traveling With God

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Apr 19, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    Funeral Sermon for a Believer

    TRAVELING WITH GOD ISAIAH 43:1-3A KEY THOUGHT: God is our traveling Companion I. Life is A Journey With Challenges A. We many times pass through the waters and there are times when we think we’ll drown. Sometimes the worries and things of this life might seem too much. B. We many times pass more

  • Travelers In The Fog

    Contributed by James May on Apr 20, 2001
    based on 61 ratings

    When we walk in our own understanding, without the leading of the Spirit, we are walking in a fog. We must allow the Day Star to arise within our hearts.

    Travelers in the Fog A few days ago, I drove out of my driveway headed to work. It was about 6 AM and those of you who are up and about at that time of the morning will know that it is still dark outside. I immediately noticed that not only was it still dark but that there was also a thick fog. more

  • Traveling Lightly

    Contributed by James May on May 19, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    God’s workers are often too heavily laden to be effective in working in the ministry.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Traveling Companions Series

    Contributed by Dave Rajoon on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Believers must be confident in their walk with Jesus because He has promised not to leave or forsake us.

    Introduction: For three days the body of Jesus lay in a stone cold tomb. On the Sunday morning after his death, the disciples find that his body is missing. Something inexplicable had happened; something unexplainable. There was some talk that Jesus was alive but they were not quite certain. We more

  • Travel Plans Series

    Contributed by Gary Moore on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Paul ambition was to preach the gospel where it has never been declared.

    I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, “Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.” Paul concluded the main section of his letter more

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