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  • Reading The Blueprint Of A Godly Life Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Discipleship is following Jesus. Our beliefs and our behavior go together. When we are truly disciples, we will be mentoring others.

    11/01/2009 Reading the blueprint of a Godly life Titus 2:1-15 Introduction- Titus Chapter 2:1-15 (Book after 2 Timothy) Prayer This is the sixth part of the series B.A.S.I.C. Last week we began on discipleship. We again this morning will continue more

  • Jesus Reaching Out To All Series

    Contributed by David Hodgin on Nov 11, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    During Jesus discourse with the "Woman at the Well" He revealed six points of His divinity and seven life changing behaviors for the Christian.

    John Chapter 4 is our passage for today, it begins with the account of “the woman at the well”. This is a powerful message showing Christ willingness to reach across the boundaries of prejudice in order to provide salvation to all people. In our culture, it is difficult to relate to the more

  • The Price Of A Kiss

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 19, 2009

    Black History Month: There is a price to pay for friendliness: Christlike behavior even when others disappoint us, commitment to the development of others.

    The passage I am about to read is the very ending of the Second Corinthian letter. It includes a verse which has a warm place in my memory because it was the favorite verse of lots and lots of male seminarians back in the 60’ s when I was in school. You see, in the 60’s there were not very many more

  • Embracing Change: A Life Transforming Walk With Jesus Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Sep 4, 2012

    Although change is not always fun, it is something that Jesus wants his followers to embrace as we are being transformed in this likeness in character and behavior.

    Title: Embracing Change: A Life Transforming Walk with Jesus Text: John 3:3; II Corinthians 5:17; and Philippians 1:6 Thesis: Although change is not always fun, it is something that Jesus wants his followers to embrace as we are being transformed into the likeness of Christ in character and more

  • Living And Serving In Unity Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Oct 29, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Paul admonishes "UN" Christian like behavior, and encourages the believers in Rome to fulfill the purpose of Christ in this world, to bring others to salvation!

    SERMON BRIEF Date Written: October 29, 2012 Date Preached: October 28, 2012 Church: Oak Park BC (AM) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Series: A Series In Romans Title: Living and Serving in Unity Text: Romans 14:1-10 [NLT] ETS: Paul taught there were some truths that could NOT be compromised more

  • The Freedom Of Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Oct 8, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Some say that religion is merely moral rules to control behavior, Jesus transcends religious rules to address a deeper spiritual need.

    Introduction Some people have said that religion is the development of myths and stories to provide moral principles to control human behavior…to create moral rules in order to control social behavior. There are certainly some destructive tendencies that social groups would want to contain. I more

  • Behaving Badly

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Aug 2, 2015

    Bad behavior and the consequences thereof may be far-reaching but in coming clean we find the grace of God to be equally far-reaching.

    20150802 10th Sunday after Pentecost B Web Site Title: Behaving Badly Text: II Samuel 11:26-12:13a Thesis: Bad behavior and the consequences thereof may be far-reaching but in coming clean we find the grace of God to be equally far-reaching. If this text were to be funneled through the College more

  • Nit-Picker Or Disciple? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 21, 2021

    It’s a constant battle to make prayer not just external, but an action of listening to God that can change our hearts and behaviors.

    Tuesday of 21st week in Course Today we have one of the great analogies of Biblical literature–only St. Matthew has it–you strain out the gnat and swallow the camel. Jesus says “Oy! You nitpick the little stuff and neglect the critical duties.” The people described by the Hebrew word more

  • Sermon On Virtue

    Contributed by William Meakin on Feb 2, 2023

    Virtue is defined as a behavior that depicts high moral standards. It promotes integrity, solidity and significantly features kindness and understanding toward others.

    Matshona Dhliwayo, a Zimbabwean-born and Canadian-based philosopher, entrepreneur and author once remarked: “When truth looks in the mirror, virtue looks out. When courage looks in the mirror, faith looks out. When charity looks in the mirror, love looks out. When contentment looks in the mirror, more

  • Together: One Vision, One Church, One Purpose PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 21, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon explores Ephesians 4, emphasizing the importance of unity, purpose, and Christ-like behavior in building a strong, cohesive Christian community.

    Good morning, dear brothers and sisters. Isn't it a blessing to gather together in the presence of our Lord? To find solace in the sanctuary of His grace, to bask in the warmth of His love, and to seek wisdom from His word? Today, we stand on the precipice of a profound revelation, an understanding more

  • Wake Up PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 8, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages Christians to awaken from spiritual complacency, cast off sinful behaviors, and live vigorously in the light of Christ's truth and righteousness.

    Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. It is always a joy to gather together in the house of the Lord, especially as we prepare to unpack the rich truths found in the book of Romans, chapter 13, verses 11-14. Let's read the passage together, "And do this, understanding the present time: more

  • What To Wear To Church Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 2, 2022

    If you’re involved in public ministry within the church, dress to honor your head; dress to honor yourself; dress to honor your gender; dress to honor each other; and dress to honor proper custom.

    Dr. Laura Schlessinger, in her book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, talks about the difference between men and women. She says they are different physically, psychologically, motivationally, and temperamentally. Anyone who has had exposure to babies and children can tell you that boys and more

  • The Pure Heart Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 28, 2010
    based on 41 ratings

    Keeping our life pure is done by keeping our life in line with God’s Word. Keeping our life pure or right is accomplished by hiding God’s Word in our heart.

    Matters of the Heart PSALM 119: 9-11 THE PURE HEART [Job 22:22] The main point or argument of Psalm 119 is that a faithful man should stir up himself to meditate on God’s word so that he might establish himself in the Lord. The verses of Psalm 119 are group by eights and each set of eight more

  • There Are No Advantages To Sin

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jul 27, 2021

    The Scriptures are filled with illustrations of people who learned the hard way and oftentimes too late that sinful actions carry a high price and prove to be of no advantage to anyone. What, then, is your excuse?

    The Bible has never been shy or unapologetic when it comes to exposing the sins, deceit, and wickedness of fallen humanity and our war against the righteousness and holiness of God. The Bible is open and blunt about the penalty for sin, but has also shown that the Lord God is not willing that more

  • Expectations For Godly Living-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 21, 2023

    1 of 6. Titus was exhorted by the apostle Paul, to expose God’s people to the expectations for godly living. All God’s people are answerable to His expectations for godly living. But, What are some expectations for godly living by God’s people?

    EXPECTATIONS For GODLY LIVING-I—Titus 2:1-15 Attention: Use Your Elbows: A Grandmother was giving directions to her grown grandson who was coming with his wife, to visit her for the first time in her new place: She told him, “You come to the front door of the apartment complex. I live in more

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