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  • Revelation Chapter 1 Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Mar 10, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Chapter study of key words and verses to help understand the book of Revelation.

    Rev. Bruce A. Shields First Baptist Church of Tawas City Michigan Revelation Chapter 1 Key Verse; Revelation 1:19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.” Revelation is broke into 3 major parts according to Revelation 1:19. A) more

  • The Passion Of The Christ

    Contributed by Dan Brown on Nov 28, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Easter Message 2006 on Christ’s Love for us

    LBC Sermon-Easter (first service)4.16.06-The message of the cross-God’s love for us brought Christ to give EVERYTHING for us, our response should be to love God and give EVERYTHING for Him Holy week or Passion week Think about all that happened in the life of X that week, especially the last 24 more

  • Intellectuals And Yokes

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jun 15, 2016

    There are many intellectuals who believe themselves to be beyond believing in "simple-minded" Christianity. Is the Gospel found in the Bible just a myth that needs to be reinvented, or, is it the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth?

    Matthew 11:25-30 (Please look this up in your Bibles and follow along as I read today's Scripture) Now let's go back to Matthew 11:25-26 NIV “At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and more

  • Let Us Astonish Like Jesus

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 18, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The teachings of Jesus were radical and astonishing; if we are to convert the world, especially Islamic adherents, we must be both loving and astonishing in our witness.

    In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen. Today’s communion verse, which is taken from the Gospel lines just preceding these two healing stories from St. Matthew, are as follows: “the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and more

  • Hindrances To Real Revival

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Aug 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Satan does not want the church of Jesus Chirst to have or expereince real revival, so this message identifies ways that hinder revival in the Church.

    Hindrances to Real Revival Acts 16:16-24 Introduction The Encarta Dictionary defines hindrance as somebody or something that prevents or makes it difficult for somebody to do something; and act of obstructing progress. We need to understand tonight, that satan doesn’t want us to have or more

  • Ascention Day!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on May 21, 2013

    To focus on the significance of Ascension Day...

    ASCENSION DAY Several important events mark the life of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Traditionally the Universal Church has been very dutifully celebrating Christmas (day of birth), Good Friday (the day the atoning work was completed on the Cross) more

  • Give Up Pride For Lent And Beyond

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Feb 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    It's time to stop practicing fake Christianity during Lent. Let's give up something meaningful - the sin of pride

    The season known as Lent is starting this coming Wednesday, with Ash Wednesday being the first day of Lent. What is Lent to you? Let's be honest, for many of us, Lent is really, nothing - it's just another time of the year. On Wednesdays many of your churches have extra midweek church services, and more

  • Watchfulness

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 7, 2017

    What must we do to prepare for Christ’s Coming? Should we closely follow world events, research prophecy and draw up wildly speculative timelines? Is there something spiritual that we should be looking at in ourselves?

    Prelude What must we do to prepare for Christ’s Coming? Should we closely follow world events, research prophecy and draw up wildly speculative timelines? Is there something spiritual that we should be looking at in ourselves? Our purpose is to learn how to prepare for His Coming. Our plan is to more

  • Star Of Wonder

    Contributed by David Simpson on Dec 19, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A message about the reaction of the wise men to the star of Bethlehem. The joy they experienced must be ours when we worship Jesus.

    Sermon Lanier Christian Church December 21, 2014 David Simpson Star of Wonder Matthew 2:1-11 There are a lot of symbols at the Christmas season. All represent something. Santa Claus, mistletoe, wreaths, candles, etc. I've always admired the beauty of poinsettias, and decided to do a little more

  • The Real Face Of The Persecuted

    Contributed by Darryl Ward on May 22, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    What does it really mean to be persecuted for following Jesus today?

    Two and a half years ago, Florida charity worker Arnold Abbott made world headlines when he was arrested. His crime? Feeding the homeless. Arnold, who was ninety at the time, had been helping prepare hundreds of meals every week since 1990. In 1991, he founded the Maureen A. Abbott Love Thy more

  • Thirty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time, B: Shema

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 16, 2024

    Prostrating oneself in prayer helps me to mean all the words of this creed, with all its intensity and wide scope.

    This is the most Jewish and Catholic prayer possible, in our Gospel today, from Mark 12:29, which Jews call the Shema, which means “hear” in Hebrew-- we have the first line of the Shema in our Gospel today: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all more

  • How Shall We Live

    Contributed by Amiri Hooker on Apr 15, 2024

    how do we deal with Doubting Thomas, a disciple and a man whose insistence on tangible proof serves as a beacon of realism amidst the fervent belief of his peers.

    How Shall We Live SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER, YEAR B ”When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors were locked where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and more

  • When The World Becomes Too Enticing Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 18, 2019

    Some important reminders for those who are enticed to run with the world.

    - This sermon handles the second vision (1:18-21) and the third vision (2:1-13). - It is tempting to spiritualize the truths contained in this passage, but I think there is a larger truth that is well worth our time in focusing on the straightforward, long-term truth shared here. - In some more

  • Daily News: The Shepherds Special Report #5 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Oct 22, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    What does it really mean that Jesus was born? That everything has changed.

    We gather to celebrate the culmination of our four week trek. A season in the Christian year we’ve traditionally called Advent. This year we decided to step back in time to period when America was a in a transition from being a nation at war with one another, to a country looking for its soul. more

  • Baptism Of The Lord

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 12, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    I once heard a preacher who said something like, “My old man has died with Christ in baptism but sometimes the devil does CPR and manages to resuscitate him.”

    Romans 6:3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. The more

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