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  • Lesson 11 -- Exhortation Against Error (James 1:16) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 26, 2021

    Many have said, “God is the source of evil -- Instead, the He is the author of all that is good: every good gift and every perfect gift (v. 17) is from Him (v. 18).

    Tom Lowe 1/30/2021 LESSON 11 -- EXHORTATION AGAINST ERROR (JAMES 1:16) Text: Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. (James: 1:16; KJV) Introduction Many have said, “God is the source of evil -- Instead, the He is the author of all that is good: every good gift and every perfect gift (v. 17) more

  • Are You Using All Your Resources? Series

    Contributed by Alis Cerrahyan on Jul 31, 2019

    Our God who is not bound by space or time has closed every gap there is by sending Jesus, his only begotten Son to this fallen place; just so we'll have every resource we could possibly need in order to conquer all obstacles. Either we are for the Lord or we are not! It is as simple as that!

    God did not make us to be a part of this demanding lifestyle, to struggle through it and to be swayed by its complexities, and to be buried eternally without even a trace of our spiritual identity. If this is what we think life is all about; we really don't know a thing about God's more

  • Woman Of Sorrows, Hoping Only In Christ Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 15, 2020

    Whatever honor and respect is due to Mary is solely because of the life, death and resurrection of her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Lady of Sorrows, Woman for All September 15, 2020 If there is one title of the Virgin Mother of Christ that all Christians should agree on, it is “Our Lady of Sorrows.” John the Evangelist is very clear that in the hour of Jesus’s passion, crucifixion and death, He was guarded by a handful of more

  • Messiah Was Presented, But Few Were Ready Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    It is startling that so few people anticipated the Advent of God’s Messiah. However, few look for His presence today; and few will be anticipating His return.

    LUKE 2:22-38 MESSIAH WAS PRESENTED, BUT FEW WERE PREPARED “When the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, ‘Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the more

  • Goliath Of Gath Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 19, 2022

    Some of the most popular and enduring stories involve an underdog who overcomes tremendous obstacles and secures victory against the odds. Arguably the most famous of such stories is the unlikely triumph of David—the young Israelite shepherd—against the battle-hardened Philistine.

    Tom lowe 3/17/2022 bDavid and Goliath Goliath is a character in the biblical Book of Samuel, described as a Philistine giant defeated by the young David in single combat. The story signified Saul's unfitness to rule since Saul himself should have fought for Israel. Scholars today believe that more

  • The Unchanging Call To A Changing Time

    Contributed by Jeremias Fababier on Aug 27, 2023

    We are in a time where changes is inevitable and this fast changing time in one or another affects us but we should focus and remain in unchanging call that God gave to us as His children and as His church so that we will be able to face the unchanging time that is before us.

    TOPIC: THE UNCHANGING CALL TO A CHANGING TIME Text: Matthew 28:18-20 “18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy more

  • God’s Christmas Plan

    Contributed by Pastor Charles Wilkins on Dec 9, 2023

    Thanksgiving has come and gone. And we are in the Season of Advent. Advent is what we call the Sundays between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    God’s Christmas Plan 10 Dec.23 Matthew 1:18-25 (NIV) “I Been Thinking” Thanksgiving has come and gone. And we are in the Season of Advent. Advent is what we call the Sundays between Thanksgiving and Christmas. And it is also the season of waiting and expectation for Christmas celebrating the more

  • Remove The Veil Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 21, 2002
    based on 85 ratings

    A sermon on 2 Corinthians 3:16-18.

    Sermon for 5/19/2002 2 Corinthians 3:16 Introduction: A. My favorite movie is Hoosiers. Explain the movie. Explain this quote. A. "Forget about the crowds, the size of the school, their fancy uniforms, and remember what got you here, focus on the fundamentals we have gone over time and time more

  • He Left As A Rebel

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Feb 19, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This shows how devastating it can be when you choose to leave your parent’s authority.

    “HE LEFT AS A REBEL” Text: Luke 15:11-24. Pastor W. Max Alderman Introduction: The prodigal son was a rebel. It may not be that obvious as the story begins, but it still is so. Much could be said as to why he wanted to leave home. The younger son wanted to leave home more

  • Corporate Versus Private Worship

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Feb 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A Sermon for Ash Wednesday, with outreach to two congregations without pastors.

    Ash Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, this evening we begin another season of Lent, another journey in faith as we attempt to follow our Lord on the road to Jerusalem and the more

  • How To Better Understand The Bible (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Will Langford on Jul 16, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    The sermon provides believers insight on how they can better understand the Bible.

    Understanding What You Read Part I Psalm 119 You know…THE BIBLE IS AN AMAZING BOOK Most people who are believers would tell you that the Bible is a remarkable book. But the Bible is not only an Amazing and Remarkable Book. • According to Hebrews 4:12- it is a living and powerful book. • The word more

  • Who Do We Follow?

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Jun 9, 2010

    We are all followers of something or someone, but who/what is really worthy of following, that would never go out of style but goes on forever?

    Who do we follow? 2 Sam 7:12-16; Mt 21:1-5 (Zech 9:9) Big Idea: We follow a King who reigns forever I am a follower. I follow sports teams. It is such a guy thing. Right at this time is every sports fan favourite time of the year - NBA playoffs, Stanley Cup playoffs, MLB with my favourite team more

  • The Making Of A Great Nation

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jul 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message seeks to call us to the understanding of and the reponsibility for making & keeping this nation GREAT!

    The Making of a Great Nation Proverbs 14:34-35 * I ran across this editorial written a few years ago by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television commentator. The following text was printed in our nation’s Congressional Record: “This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most more

  • Keep Living By Faith, Not By Sight

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jun 21, 2015

    1) What you see with your eyes is temporary and groan-worthy 2) What you see by faith is eternal and guaranteed

    Shortly after the Christmas of 2006, Dave and Sharon Stuht descended on St. Albert with their three boys, Shannon, Trace, and Jesse. Dave had been called here by the Holy Spirit to work as outreach coordinator. Dave didn’t have to come. He could have continued working as an x-ray tech in New more

  • The Wisdom Of God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jan 31, 2012

    God's wisdom is unsearchable, therefore we must trust in His wisdom. We are to be humble before an all-wise God. Ask God for wisdom.

    Romans 11:33-36 33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! 34 "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counsellor?" 35 "Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?" 36 For from more

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