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Sermons on time to rejoice:

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  • The End Times Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Nov 2, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Someone asked: “What’s all the fuss? Why are some Christians giving so much attention to the end times? There are so many different theories. Everyone thinks his or her theory is right. Where did these theories come from? It is all very confusing.

    Depending on what you’ve heard, it certainly can be confusing. However, it should give us great comfort to know that God has a plan for our world, and it is all coming together according to His Divine purpose. Almighty God, who knows the end from the beginning, will make sure that everything turns more

  • The Time Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Duane Wente on Jan 17, 2024

    There are profound truths around the end times: Jesus will return when we least expect it; there are signs that signal the approaching culmination of time; and, despite uncertainties, we can find comfort that in the end, Jesus will triumph.

    Introduction Video Ill.: No One Knows No one knows. But we all need to be ready. Mark Zuckerberg and others building doomsday bunkers more

  • Signs Of The Times

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 7, 2024

    Some signs of the times, of the end of the age (Points 2 through 5 are from Billy Graham in an article called "Peace with God" and reprinted in Decision Magazine January 2000)

    HoHum: So aliens come to earth and there's a huge televised event with all the world leaders in attendance. The Pope asks, "Do you know of Jesus Christ?” The aliens say, "Do we Ever? Awesome guy!! Swings by the planet every couple of years to say Hi!” The Pope exclaims, "Every more

  • Decision Time! Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Feb 10, 2023

    The final message in the series, calling us to make a decision to follow Jesus. Based on the book from Kyle Idelman, Not A Fan.

    Fan or Follower! February 12, 2023 In January of this year, Time Magazine ran a series of articles under the heading THE HAPPINESS REVIVAL GUIDE. I was hoping the articles would make me happy or even happier. They didn’t! I tried, but they failed. One article was about a Yale University more

  • Harvest Time

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Mar 3, 2023

    What are you sowing? What will your harvest be, on the Day of the Lord?

    One of the things I loved about living in South Jersey, where I served my first church, was the fresh peaches. I love peaches even more than I love sweet corn. So as soon as they started appearing, I started buying. And every time I went into the local farmer’s market (Puglia’s) I would just wander more

  • Time Is Sacred

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Mar 13, 2023

    We as Christians march to the beat of a different drummer, and that’s also true in how we relate to the spiritual dimension of time.

    Ephesians 5: 15-17; Colossians 4:5 It was a tradition for the faculty of a southern seminary to meet together every morning before their 8 am classes for a time of Bible study and prayer. These sessions were scheduled to conclude by 7:55 at the latest, in order for everyone to be on time for more

  • Fullness Of Time

    Contributed by Dale Miller on Dec 26, 2022


    VIA WAY DEC. 25, 2022 GAL. 4;4,5 4But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, 5to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. THESE TWO VERSES ARE MY FAVORITE CHRISTMAS VERSES. IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME. WHEN THE TIME HAD FULLY more

  • Esther For Such A Time As This Series

    Contributed by Greg Van Heukelom on Dec 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God Statically placed Mordecia and Esther into positions of power for His People. How and where has God placed you to work for HIM---not yourself.

    Esther For Such a Time as This Esther 3-5 Nov 1 2020 Hello, I'm Pastor Greg of Calvary Reformed Church. We've been doing a whole series on the Book of Esther. Before we start let's have a word of prayer. Father God, as we come to You, we give You thanks for this day. We give You more

  • In The Fullness Of Time

    Contributed by Jesse Crooks on Dec 18, 2020

    There's a gospel song titled "Four days late." It is about the raising of Lazarus.

    In the Fullness of Time (Galatians 4:4&5) Introduction: There's a gospel song titled "Four days late." It is about the raising of Lazarus. One verse says," and isn't it great when He's (Jesus) is four days late He's still on time." God's always on more

  • A Time For Prayer

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 4, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Many people have a difficult time developing a strong prayer life in their Christian walk.

    Introduction Many people have a difficult time developing a strong prayer life in their Christian walk. Sometimes prayer is stronger when things are a struggle. If that is true, then we should be a praying people right now! The concept of prayer is fairly simple. Someone once said, “I don’t feel more

  • Perfect Timing

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Dec 26, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God always has Perfect Timing. He says at the "right time" things happen. We just need to remember there are two "right times". One "right time" for Gods plans and a second "right time" for our and other plans.

    There are two kinds of at the “right time”. The first is Gods plans that he wants to happen. In that case it will happen perfectly. Every thing fitting together for His Son to be Born is the perfect example. There's the second kind. The plans we make and we want God’s assistant in making more

  • Now Is The Time Series

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Jan 2, 2021

    “Now is the Time” to come back to what is important to all who love God. God’s sent Jesus, His Son that we would no longer be separated from Him by the sin in our lives. What is keeping you from worshiping God?

    One of my favorite songs is entitled “Heart of Worship.” The Lyrics of the song imply that we have gotten away from worshiping God and let other things replace our worship with things that are less important. Many of God’s people have let the pandemic dampen their desire to Worship God. With the more

  • In The Mean Time

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jun 13, 2021

    Before we leave this world how will we live our life?

    “In The Mean Time” 2 Corinthians 5:2-21 . 2 Meanwhile (In the Mean time or For the time being ), we groan, to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, 4For while we are in this tent (This Body) , we groan and are burdened, we want heaven 1. Paul shares with Corinth in the meantime. The now time, more

  • A Time To Fight.

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Jun 19, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    David faced down Goliath that was over 9 feet tall. Why?

    A time to fight 1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49 In our text today (1a, 4-11, 19-23) is the lead up to this historic and informative true story we are looking at today. I will predominantly be in Verses 32-49. The back ground of a very familiar story: David was taking food to his more

  • Reflecting On Time

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Jul 28, 2021

    This is a message used for the end of the School year, but would also be appropriate for New Year's

    REFLECTING ON TIME [This message has developed around thoughts in an outline by: J. R. Thomson Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ June 27, 2021 INTRODUCTION: 1) Throughout life there are times and events that cause us to take note of the passing of time. A) We do this on our more

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