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  • Ruth - Part 3 - Ruth 3 Series

    Contributed by Todd Blair on Mar 16, 2022

    Ruth chapter 3 shows us how to know God better and how to hear from Him better.

    Do you know who this is? It's the Queen of England. Does anybody here know her personally? Bruce, you know everybody. Do you have her cell #? I'd like to give her a call. I have some questions. No? Well, let me ask you this. If you wanted to know the queen, what would you do? Let's say more

  • Gideon – A Faith That Challenges Life

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Sep 19, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Gideon didn’t start out with strong faith, rather he started off weak, and scared, but God still used him to do great things. When we face times when life’s challenges are bigger than we are, that is when our faith in God, like with Gideon will see us through.

    Gideon – A Faith that Challenges Life Watch: This morning we are continuing our study on the forefathers of our faith by looking at the highlights of several people God put into His Hall of Faith found in Hebrews Chapter 11. And what we see are living more

  • The Crib Is Clean And The Church Is Empty Series

    Contributed by Dallas Mcgill on Jun 1, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Every Church can have growth by observing the characteristics of the ox found in this text.

    Subject: The Church Theme: Church Growth and Stewardship Preposition: Every church can have church growth. Transitional Sentence: By observing the characteristics of the ox set forth in this text. Proverbs 14:4 “Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the more

  • Developing A Vision For Spiritual Growth Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    This is the third sermon from Ruth. It shows how Naomi had a vision and developed a plan which affected her future. Our Purpose Driven Vision is included.

    Developing a Vision for Spiritual Growth Ruth 3:1-3, 18 Review: Chapter one shows Naomi is in a bad situation. She has left her own country, lost her husband, lost her two sons and one of her daughters-in-law left her too. In chapter two we find that Naomi and Ruth had returned to Naomi’s more

  • Gideon: To God Be The Glory Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Aug 16, 2022

    God used Gideon not because he was strong or a military genius, but because Gideon was weak. There was to be no doubt that the glory for the victory and deliverance of Israel goes to God. There is a hero in the Gideon story and the hero is the Lord God Almighty.

    Gideon’s name is synonymous with victory against the odds. Gideon led an army of 300 elite fighting men and whipped up on an army of 135,000. When they were through the enemy had over 120,000 casualties with the remaining 15,000 running for their life. But when we really look at Judges 6-8 Gideon more

  • Priests & Levites (Numbers 18)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 21, 2024

    What lessons can a twofold ministry of priests and Levites teach a twofold Christian ministry of elders and deacons? Let's look at Numbers 18.

    Was Israel given a two fold ministry of priests and Levites, similar to that of early church elders and deacons? Were they to live from offerings? Does this relate to modern preachers living from the Gospel? Let’s look at Numbers 18. Who were to be the ministers to help the priests in their more

  • The Restoration Of Israel – Jeremiah – Part 10 – Chapter 33:15 – The Incredible Names For Jerusalem In The Bible Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 7, 2025

    The message this time is more a study, not a delivered message. It is a bit technical but most interesting. Do you know how many biblical names for Jerusalem there are? This might surprise you. Enjoy what God thinks of His Holy City!

    THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL – JEREMIAH – PART 10 – Chapter 33:15 – THE INCREDIBLE NAMES FOR JERUSALEM IN THE BIBLE After the lovely study of The Branch in scripture we continue with our consideration of the passages in Jeremiah relating to the future restoration of redeemed Israel that begins more

  • Why Is This Happening To Me? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 6, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore God's call, purpose, and faithfulness in the midst of suffering, using the biblical story of Gideon as a guide.

    Good morning, church family! Picture this: You're going about your normal day, minding your own business, when suddenly you're confronted by a divine messenger with an enormous task. That's exactly what happened to Gideon in the book of Judges - specifically, Judges 6:11-16. Let's read the passage more

  • Ruth - Life Lessons During Difficult Times Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Apr 5, 2013
    based on 23 ratings

    We all face difficult times in life. It is helpful to know what to expect when we face difficult times so we can prepare to respond in a way that will glorify the Lord and be beneficial to us. What can we learn from the story of Ruth so that we can face

    Ruth – Life Lessons during difficult times Ruth 1:1 – 4:21 Running from God does not prove beneficial (Ruth 1:1-5) Following God will lead to… Times of Sacrifice Provision of Needs The Hope of Redemption Intro Slide Good Evening/Morning, We are so glad you are here today. more

  • Part 4: Gideon V. Midian Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on May 4, 2021

    For the fourth time, Israel repeats their sin cycle. Why can't they just stay saved?

    [Open with video of opening scene from "The Incredibles," where Mr Incredible says, "No matter how many times you save the world, it always ends up in jeopardy again] How many of you have ever felt like Mr. Incredible from that video? “No matter how many times you save the world, it more

  • Interpretting The Input Series

    Contributed by Chris Stephens on May 2, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    Distinguishing the voice of God and determining what He is saying are essential to living in the power and purspose of God

    Interpreting the Input Judges 6 December 2, 2001 Last Wednesday, I was in the office preparing for last week’s sermon about inviting God to Shatter the Silence, and this man literally just busted into the room. No telephone call, no knock, no announcement of his intentions he just barged in. If more

  • I Refuse To Offer That Which Costs Me Nothing

    Contributed by Matt Krachunis on Apr 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon about giving God your best and not your leftovers. Give that which is costly!

    *Disclaimer- I apologize if I don’t have the correct citations, please contact me if I may have inadvertently quoted someone inappropriately. I give anyone anywhere full use of this sermon in any format for any application with or without citation of me. Its all God’s word. If it blesses you and more

  • Faith, Loyalty And Honor ( 24th Sunday After Pentecost November 7, 2021)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Nov 4, 2021

    Ruth had lost everything. But, not all hope was lost because God’s blessing was at work behind the scenes. Ruth was asking Boaz to fulfill her request to be a “Kinsman Redeemer”.

    FAITH, LOYALTY and HONOR Text: Ruth 3:1- 5, 4:13 - 17 Ruth 3:1-5  Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you?  (2)  Is not Boaz our relative, with whose young women you were? See, he is winnowing barley more

  • Micah 1-4

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Jan 23, 2021

    Destruction in Israel and Judah; Woe to Oppressors; Rulers Denounced; Peaceful Latter Days

    Chapter 1 and 2 is a Witness against Israel, Samaria is to be destroyed Destruction in Israel and Judah (735-710BC per Marilyn Hickey Ministries) 1: 1 The (A)word of the LORD which came to (B)Micah of Moresheth in the days of (C)Jotham, (D)Ahaz, and (E)Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and which he saw more

  • The Table Of Shewbread Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Sep 12, 2008
    based on 48 ratings

    We see His perfect life in it, as well as His painful death, His precious resurrection, and His provision of salvation, security, and satisfaction for all who will believe. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint.

    Table of Shewbread Exodus 25:23-30 Now we enter into the Tabernacle Proper...the actual tent structure. We go into the Holy Place and see the Golden Candlestick, the Altar of Incense, and the Table of Shewbread. There’s a distinct difference in more

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