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Sermons on the valley of jehoshaphat:

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  • A Place Called There

    Contributed by Dr. Steve Newton on Jul 18, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    God called his servants to a place...a there ...where he empowerd them. Where is you THERE

    2 Chronicles 20:4-5 So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord. Then Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord, before the new court. 1. Jehoshaphat stood up, but he didn’t pick just more

  • The Need For Godly Leadership Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Nov 15, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    Let’s examine the man God used to bring revival to the nation of Judah. As we examine this chapter we will discover the kind of person God will use to turn our nation back to the LORD.

    THE NEED FOR GODLY LEADERSHIP 2 CHRONICLES 17 After the death of King Solomon, the nation was divided into two kingdoms. The Northern kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Israel had 19 kings and every one of them was evil. Judah had 20 kings. Eight were good kings. Five of more

  • Defeating Satan's Wiles

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Aug 13, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Satan has been around for a long time, he knows our weakness’, he has many tactics, Satan uses people, he uses our battles against us,

    Overcoming Satan’s Wiles Text: Genesis 3:1-5 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of more

  • Giving God Praise In The Midst Of A Storm

    Contributed by Ronnie Mcneill on Jan 22, 2008
    based on 64 ratings

    No matter what we are going through we should always give God praise. If you really want to get God’s attention, start giving Him praise and thanksgiving in advance for the break through in the midst of a storm and see what will take place.

    Introduction: We as believers have already been informed that we are going to face trials and tribulations in this life. Sometimes the hardships of life are so great that we even contemplate about giving up. If you haven’t reached that point in your life, just keep on living because that day more

  • 20/20 Vision

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Apr 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A church is headed nowhere until it has a clear vision

    20/20 Vision 2 Chronicles 20:20 What is the most common surgery performed in the US? According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the most common surgery is: Lens and cataract procedures… specifically- laser eye surgery People want their vision restored to 20/20 When it more

  • Practice What You Preach

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 24, 2019

    A study in the book of 2 Chronicles 19: 1 – 11

    2 Chronicles 19: 1 – 11 Practice what you preach 19 Then Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned safely to his house in Jerusalem. 2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to King Jehoshaphat, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Therefore, the more

  • Jericho's Shout Series

    Contributed by Todd Pope on Nov 16, 2013

    Part #3 of "Josh's Journey" series which looked at 3 different scenes from Joshua's life. This message has a bottom line of "Obedience is Trust Tested"

    This is week #3 in a 4-week series on the Old Testament character, Joshua, called “Josh Journey”. • He was one of the 12 spies that checked out Canaan. • He was the one that led the Israelites into the Promised Land. • The Jordan River parted for him • He led more

  • Medicine For America Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Apr 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    When we think about the health of this nation, there are things that must be considered. What is actually being afflicted? What has caused this nation to become so spiritually unhealthy? What is the cure for the spiritual decay of America? What is her

    Turn Your Bibles to 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 Title: Medicine for America Theme: Truths for the Healing of America Series: National Day of Prayer Introduction: When the medical world takes on the battle of developing medicine for treating a medical disorder, it must consider some things. more

  • Our Response To The Unexpected

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 15, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This message is about how we respond to the unexpected events of our lives. As children of God, our core responses should always focus our attention on the One with the answer, not the problem before our eyes.

    Our Response to The Unexpected Scripture: Mark 4:35-41; First John 3:21-22; Second Chronicles 20:1-29 Good morning Strangers Rest. The title of the message this morning is “Our Response to the Unexpected.” I am going to open with a story recorded in the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus and His more

  • The Twin Sister Of Faith

    Contributed by Gene Cullum on Dec 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Source of Safety in the Hour of Our Trial, Is At Our Lord’s Feet In Prayer!!!

    "THE TWIN SISTERS OF FAITH" (Prayer and Praise) II Chron. 20:4-12; 17-20; 21-26 & 30 I love the Object Lessons the Old Testament teaches us... Lessons that will aid you and me in handling our everyday problems... For Instance, How Do You React When You Receive Alarming News... You see, the more

  • Proceed With Faith And Praise, And Prosper

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 7, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The account of Jehosphat's miraculous victory over Moab and Ammon teaches us the benefits of facing every situation with praise and faith toward God.

    Proceed With Faith And Praise, And Prosper Copyright © July 2010 by Rev. Donnie L. Martin. All Rights Reserved. Text: 2 Chron. 20:22 I. JEHOSHAPHAT’S BURDENSOME PROBLEM A. Judah’s Enemies Were Preparing To Fight. B. Jehoshaphat Responded With Proclaiming A more

  • God's Instructions For Victory

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Jun 29, 2023

    This message is about God's instructions that helped me rebound after my job was eliminated.

    Good morning, New Light! Many of you know me, but for those who don’t, I am Barry, your pastor’s brother, and I am honored that he asked me to share the message this morning. My message is a very personal one that resulted from a job loss. It was a difficult and uncertain time in my life, and in more

  • Walking In Victory PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 8, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to seek God's guidance and trust in His power when facing life's battles, drawing inspiration from 2 Chronicles 20.

    Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I want you to imagine for a moment, a scene of a battlefield. The air is thick with tension, the ground trembles with the marching of soldiers, and the sky echoes with the clash of swords and shields. This is not a scene from a Hollywood movie or a more

  • Surrogate Supplication

    Contributed by Jeremy Morford on Jul 27, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    An unusual message on something we do (or supposed to do) every day -- praying for others. See what God can do in answer to our prayer for others!

    Surrogate Supplication Text: 2 Kings 3:6-19 Intro: I don’t know how many people here have heard about the infertility option of paying a woman to carry a baby for you, and after she believers, she gives you the baby. According to Surrogate Mothers, Inc. , there have been 2,000 such babies more

  • Revival: Stronger Than Ever - Where To Turn In Your Darkest Moment Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores where to turn during our darkest moments, using a personal anecdote from the pastor's childhood as a metaphor for finding oneself in unexpected and challenging situations.

    One of my most vivid childhood memories is of an afternoon in sixth grade, when a friend and I decided to swing on a newly-installed bar hanging over the walkway on our way out of school. The bar was about 8 feet off the ground, just low enough for the two of us to reach if we jumped. So on the more

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