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  • A Plea For Action Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Oct 9, 2022

    his Psalm is a prayer in which God’s inaction confounds the Psalmist against the wicked. Therefore, he beseeches God to Arise (v. 12) and lifts up his hand. Hence we could call this psalm A Plea For Action. There are many lessons to be learned from it:

    I. WHEN GOD SEEMS FAR AWAY (v. 1) A. There are times in the life of the godliest Christians during which God seems afar off and as if He is hiding. 1. A Christian should not doubt his salvation b/c he goes through such times. 2. This will be distressing for Christians. It is not troubling that we more

  • Few Words Sometimes Speak Volumes

    Contributed by Timothy Enns on Feb 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is the first in a series that look at the individual judges from the book of Judges, character sketches

    How many of you remember the old record players? You remember when a record would get a scratch in it how it would repeat over and over and over again, it would always jump on the scratch and you would either have to physically move the needle up a bit so the song would continue or toss out the more

  • Stuff Happens Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 16, 2020

    In your time of need, trust God for direction, protection, and provision.

    After a night out with friends, David Brown, an Englishman, woke up with a series of random numbers in his head. After trying to figure what those numbers meant, he sent a text message using those numbers. In the message, he asked, “Did I meet you last night?” The recipient was a confused Michelle more

  • Lights In The World Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Philippians 2:12-18 teaches us the effect of the gospel on the conduct of our lives.

    Scripture We are in a sermon series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians that I am calling, “The Christian’s Contentment.” After the opening greeting, Paul’s thanksgiving, and prayer, he wanted the Philippians to know that despite his imprisonment, the gospel was still advancing. Then, he urged more

  • Bringing Life To Dead Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 9, 2024

    Throughout the Bible, we read about Israel's faithfulness and unfaithfulness to God. Yet, God is not finished with them. He restored Israel as a nation and will make it the centerpiece of the new earth at Christ's return.

    The thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel presents what on the surface seems to be a story of desolation and ruin that is beyond any hope of restoration by human standards. This chapter describes a tragic episode in the history of Israel as a nation. It paints a bleak picture of its past but also more

  • A Plea From The Pit Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jul 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    God is merciful whenever the sinner seeks Him and His mercy. God will show mercy to the nation, the culture, the society that turns from wickedness to seek His grace.

    It distresses me to preach messages that expose sin within the society in which we live. I could wish that I were permitted to speak only pleasant things, to declare a message that was always positive, to affirm our culture as righteous. However, I am compelled to give an answer to the One Who more

  • Thank You Lord, For The Thorns That Hurt Us

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Nov 24, 2021

    No true child of God gets out of life without enduring some kind of pain, adversity, discomfort, or suffering. Each encounter we have with the difficulties of life need to be seen as lessons the Sovereign LORD teaches us to rely less on ourselves and more on His wisdom and grace.

    I've spent much time in thought and silent prayer, organizing in my mind and soul on how this message should be presented. I wanted to be certain that what I was about to say would be based primarily upon the Word of God and not merely a repeat of topics that I have covered in previous more

  • Tale Of Two Schemers Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    At first glance the story seems to be about two schemers, but it is really about faith and GOd’s sovereignty.

    Genesis 30:25-43 October 5, 2003 Stories have layers. Sometimes you get one picture from the face value of the story. Yet at the same time you can get a different picture if you dig a little deeper. For example, a few weeks ago Pastor Josh gave one picture of the VBS in Wallaceburg. However, more

  • Will God Send Good People To Hell? Series

    Contributed by Wayne Doyle on May 28, 2004
    based on 60 ratings

    How to win this generation to christ

    TWO HOTELS A Sermon on reaching this generation for Christ. By Rev Wayne L. Doyle Main Scripture: John 3:16-17 An Old Scottish farmer was once quoted as saying “If you do what you’ve always done, then you’ll get what you always got”. His way of saying “If you want to change the future, you have more

  • Marching Orders For The Man Of God -- Capture The Flag Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 7, 2001
    based on 34 ratings


    BIG IDEA: 5 PERPETUAL PRIORITIES FOR A MAN OF GOD TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL MINISTRY I. KEEP FLEEING MATERIALISM "But flee from these things, you man of God" Pres. tense -- continuous action Kent: "The designation ’man of God’ is one often employed of prophets (e.g. I Sam. 2:27), characterizing the more

  • What Will It Take To Prepare Us To Meet God?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Feb 7, 2023

    Where is our walk with Christ and do people see Christ in us?

    Amos 4:1-13 This is a story about Amos. He was a common man, sheepherder, a layman; dedicated to serving God and his actions spoke for him. God told Amos to warn the Israelites of judgment coming because of their disobedience, complacency, idol worship, they oppressed the poor, they were more

  • The Wonder Of God

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Dec 14, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    God’s wondrous work should solicit three responses from us.

    Matthew 1:18-25 The Wonder of God Woodlawn Baptist Church December 14, 2003 The Christmas season is a wonderful time of year. It is a time enjoyed around the world by people of all kinds of religious backgrounds and by people with no religious background. It is celebrated by people of differing more

  • Chosen For His Pleasure Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jan 14, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    Second in a series from Ephesians. God has chosen us because it gives Him pleasure.

    Last week, we entered into spiritual basic training as we began to dig into our training manual – Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus. In the first three verses of that letter, we discovered that God has set his followers apart for salvation, for service and for spiritual blessings. Let’s see more

  • How To Find Strength In A Time Of Crisis (Acts - Part 8) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Christopherson on Jan 15, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    overcoming the destructive myths and finding strength in life’s toughest seasons...

    how to find strength in a time of crisis Acts Series: “Completely Irreligious, Yet Radically Christian” Part 8 Pastor Jeff Christopherson March 2, 2003 Acts 4:23-31 I. Three Devastating Myths about Troubles: Myth #1: God’s children are immune to crises. Truth: The more

  • When Bad Things Happen To Good People

    Contributed by Doug Humphrey on Nov 18, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to help people trust God in the midst of life’s suffering and trials. Rather than focus on the "Why" question, I encourage them to focus on the "Who" question. For behind life’s trials stands a God who is good, loving and sov

    When Bad Things Happen to Good People Acts 9:32-43 Introduction: The Bible teaches that we live in a fallen world. This is not the world as God originally created it. It is not the world as it will be one day. But when Adam and Eve sinned everything changed. The Bible says that creation itself more

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