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  • Listen To Jesus, The Prophet

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Dec 15, 2022

    Jesus is our Mediator, Brother. Jesus always speaks the truth.

    LISTEN TO THE PROPHET, JESUS (Outline) November 27, 2022 – Advent 1 – DEUTERONOMY 18:15-22 INTRO: The busy, busy hectic holiday schedule is upon us. The world messages many distractions. They want us to listen to their appeals to buy and buy more before it is too late. There is merchandise more

  • Jesus The Prophet Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 28, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Jesus was confrontational, uncomfortable even

    Jesus the Prophet – “Portraits of Christ series” Matt. 12:1-14 – Steve Simala Grant – Jan. 19/20, 2002 Intro: This is the CNN report from December 18, 2000: MEXICO CITY, Mexico -- Fire lit the sky Monday night as lava, rock and ash spewed from Mexico’s Popocatepetl (pronounced more

  • The Servant Arrives - He Is Prophet Series

    Contributed by Buffy Cook on Jan 17, 2015

    Third in a 12 part series examining THE most important week in all of history: The Passion Week, when Jesus fulfilled Mark 10:45. The Servant Arrives: He Is Prophet. Jesus is asked a question of authority, responsibility, eternity, priority & identity.

    The Passion Week of Christ: A Study from the Book of Mark Week 3:The Servant Arrives - He Is Prophet Mark 11:15-19 I. Introduction A. Did ya'll hear about the very prestigious psychologist who was called to testify at a trial? A severe, no-nonsense professional, she sat down in the more

  • The Greatest Prophet Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Prophets say such high and lofty things, for they are speaking for God. Jesus, however, did not speak for God, but as God. He was the very voice of God, and when people heard His Word, they were hearing God speak, and not just His spokesman.

    F. F. Bruce in his commentary on Hebrews concludes (Jesus) "is the prophet through whom God has spoken His final word; He is the priest who has accomplished a perfect work of cleansing for his people's sin; He is the King who sits enthroned in the place of chief honor alongside the more

  • How To Pick A Prophet Series

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jan 28, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Too many people say they speak for God. How can you know who really is? The occult is not the answer. God through Moses gives us two tests for discerning real prophets from false ones. And we find that Jesus is the greatest prophet of all!

    Deuteronomy 18:14-22 How to Pick a Prophet Prophets with a Purpose: Week 3 We are in a five-week series called “Prophets with a Purpose.” We began with Samuel, the great priest and prophet of Israel. Last week we looked at Jonah, the reluctant prophet. And today we’ll discuss two of the greatest more

  • Jesus The Prophet: Advent 1 Series

    Contributed by Robert Warren on Dec 1, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    Shows that Jesus is the Prophet of God, speaking God’s Word, and thus demands our response.

    Jesus the Prophet: Advent 1 Acts 3: 17-26 Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Robert Warren December 2nd, 2001 When most people hear the word prophet, they think of someone who tells the future, usually in a mystical sense. We tend to think of someone like Nostradamus, one of the most famous so-called more

  • The Prophets And Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Floyd Johnson on Dec 24, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Over the past few weeks we have looked at pictures of Jesus in the Pentateuch, the Historical books, and the Writings. Today we look at how Jesus is presented in the Prophetical books.

    Intro.: Take out a pen or pencil. 1.Not long ago, a professor of psychology in one of our great universities gave a word suggestion test to his class of 40 students. He instructed them to write the word “Christmas,” and all the class did so. “Now,” said the professor, “right after the word more

  • The Gift Of The Prophet Series

    Contributed by John Knight on May 2, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    Third in series. The gift of the prophets and of Christ, the ultimate prophet.

    The Gift Of The Prophet John 9:1-17 Intro: Head that I bought as a senior in H.S. -made fart sounds -some would consider this gross -Time when consumption of gross items rose -Nickelodeon’s slime; "You can’t do that on Television" -‘snot’ purchased out of gumball machines Behavior/ more

  • Heirs Of The Prophets

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on May 27, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    We are heirs of all God’s promises and stand at the end of a long line of folk God has chosen for His own.

    Heirs Of the Prophets Acts 3:24-26 INTRO.: Driving through highway construction, you will see many signs: "Men working," "Lane closed ahead," "flag man ahead," "construction area," "slow men working," "fines doubled for violations in construction areas," etc. If we wanted to associate a slogan more

  • "Jesus" More Than A Prophet

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Aug 17, 2011

    The sermon examines the idea of Jesus as prophet, however the sermon explains Jesus is more than a prophet.

    Matthew 16: 13-21 “Jesus” More than a Prophet Jesus ask who do men say that I am the response is , Matthew 16:14 "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." 1. Is Jesus really just a Prophet? A. Jesus is the Prophet whom more

  • A New Prophet Series

    Contributed by Scott Jewell on May 15, 2024

    Moses' writings conclude by stating there has not been a prophet like Moses since, yet he tells us a new prophet will come. Who is this prophet and what does it mean for us?

    A New Prophet- Deuteronomy 18:15-22 We are the New Testament Church. As such, we like to study the New Testament. After all, that’s where we learn about Jesus. That’s where we see how the church was formed. That’s the part that prepares us for what’s to come. Sometimes, we get more

  • The Prophets Foretold It

    Contributed by Michael Wiley on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The coming of Christ: The Prophets foretold it, history proves it, your life confirms it.

    The Prophets foretold it Michael Wiley 12/14/08 Isaiah 11:1-4a Introduction: Are you a history buff? Many people hate history. But we forget that we can learn a great deal from history. We home school our two youngest boys. I teach history. It can be daunting, from memorizing all the names and more

  • The Prophet [*] Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 2, 2021

    Jesus is the Prophet of whom Moses spoke. His first advent set in motion the fulfilment of God's redemption of sinful man.

    “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen—just as you desired of the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God or see this great fire any more

  • Jesus - Prophet, Priest, And King

    Contributed by Austin Lamos on Jun 16, 2021

    Jesus In Scripture we find that Jesus held three primary offices. These three offices define, or rather are defined by, who Jesus is, and what he did. These three offices, or roles, are Prophet, Priest, and King.

    Jesus In Scripture we find that Jesus held three primary offices. These three offices define, or rather are defined by, who Jesus is, and what he did. These three offices, or roles, are Prophet, Priest, and King. We are going to look at these three defining offices this morning. The first more

  • Building Prophets

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Jul 12, 2021

    a prophet is never recognized for their worth in their own hometown

    Mark 6:1-13 May the words of my mouth be acceptable to you, O Lord, and encourage us to be ‘sent out’ to spread the Good News. Amen. We heard in the Gospel: Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and more

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