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  • God's Call To The Poor Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Poor Christians are special people to God. He saves each of us on the basis of the work of Christ on the cross & not because of anything that we are or have. But the poor are more receptive to the gospel message therefore they seem favored by God.

    JAMES 2:5-7 GOD’S CALL TO THE POOR [1 Corinthians 1:26-27] Preferential treatment of the rich is wrong. James makes his case that biased judgment is wrong through four rhetorical questions he will ask, expecting an affirmative answer. Those who have entered into a faith relationship with Jesus more

  • The Poor Lazaruses

    Contributed by Ken Harris on May 28, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    To motivate the hearers to use their personal finances to care for the POOR Lazaruses (the sick, hungry, and less fortunate in this life) in order to ensure their HEAVENLY destiny hereafter.

    Luke 16: 19-21(KJV) U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Church of God in Christ Spring Retreat 2005 Seoul, South Korea BIG IDEA: How we use our finances to care for the sick, hungry, and the less fortunate in this life - determines where we spend eternity hereafter. REFERENCES: Movie: more

  • The Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by Mike Hamilton on Jul 15, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    The poor in spirit are those who REALIZE that they are spiritually BANKRUPT before a Holy God and are in NEED of his Grace.

    “The Poor in Spirit” Matthew 5:3 SOM I. Introduction A. Review As we continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount, we are reminded that this sermon is a Constitution for those who enter Christ’s new Kingdom. It is filled with guidelines for how to live as God’s chosen people. These more

  • Responding To The Poor

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 25, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    The duty of all Christians to remember the poor.

    RESPONDING TO THE POOR. Acts 11:27-30. When Paul made his second post-conversion visit to Jerusalem, it was in response to a revelation (Galatians 2:1-2). A prophet named Agabus had signified by the Spirit that there would be a great dearth throughout the Empire, and Paul and Barnabas were sent more

  • Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by David Smith on Feb 4, 2011

    Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they wil

    We have as our Gospel reading this morning what is certainly one of the best known and best loved portions of the Bible. Along with 'The Lord is my Shepherd' and 'For God so love the world ...', these verses from the beginning of Matthew Chapter 5 must be amongst the most frequently quoted words more

  • Remember The Poor

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Dec 28, 2004
    based on 71 ratings

    Caring for the poor is a basic tenant of the Christian faith. Here’s how to do it the Biblical way.

    Remember The Poor Boxing Day 2004 Galatians 2:10 Nowadays when we think of "Boxing Day," the word "sale" almost immediately follows. But in it’s tradition Boxing Day is not about getting more stuff at reduced prices. The Boxing Day tradition began in Britain possibly as early as in the more

  • The Poor Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 11, 2014

    This message focuses on the mission of Jesus Christ: proclaiming the Good News for the Poor.

    For the Poor Isaiah 61 How many of you have seen the Mission Impossible movies? Age check! How many of you remember the original TV series airing on Saturday nights. It ran from 1966 to 1973. There is one line which defined that series and it was, “Your mission, if you should choose to more

  • Rich & Poor Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Sep 21, 2024

    Continues series in James. Deals with finances. Why there in equities in our incomes, and how the Lord uses finances to test us.

    James 1:9-12 Rich & Poor For the past several weeks we have been looking at trials, difficulties in life and how Christians are to respond to the difficulties that come in life. This morning I would like us to look at a trial that we are all familiar with. A trial that demonstrates what we more

  • Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 26, 2015

    Spiritually speaking, your attitude determines the depth of your faith and how passionate you are about your convictions.

    Tonight we look at the first of the beatitudes. READ Matthew 5: 1-3. For the next 8 weeks we’re going to be talking about the Christian attitude. When I think of how a true Christian should act I think of Philippians 2:5 – “Your attitude should be the same as Christ.” A more

  • Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Dec 26, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Until a person realizes they are in sin they will never turn to God for forgiveness. As we look at our society today we see many lines getting blurred. What is the difference between Christians and the rest of the world? How has Jesus changed your life

    Poor in Spirit Matthew 5:3 #1 of 8 in series During a children’s sermon the preacher asked his little listeners, “What must you do to receive God’s forgiveness of your sins?” A child quickly declared, “First of all, you have to sin.” From the mouth of a child comes, almost, the key to becoming more

  • God's Heart For The Poor

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Dec 30, 2005
    based on 76 ratings

    What responsibility does a Christian have for meeting the needs of the poor?

    God’s Heart for the Poor March 2005 I was about 27 years old, Still in the Navy, and I was driving across the country, to some Navy base or other. stopped in at this truck stop for dinner. Business was slow, only 3 or 4 other customers in there, and I sat down and ordered a dinner. The waitress more

  • Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus teaching on the mountain was more than a long sermon, it was the discipling of all that call themselves Christian.

    Blessed are the poor in Spirit Matthew 5:1-5:12 Turn to Mathew 5 We will be starting a new series on the Sermon On The Mount this morning. It is a familiar passage, but a lot of times it is just more

  • The Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by Edward Cook on Jun 8, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    This is the first sermon in a series on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5.

    The Poor in Spirit Scripture reading: Matt. 4:23 - 5:16. Text: Matt. 5:3. I. INTRODUCTION Part of the Sermon on the Mount 1. Make a few remarks about the sermon generally. a. The longest recorded continuous discourse of our Lord. The greatest single sermon of all time. b. Remember Who is more

  • Decisions For The Poor

    Contributed by Daniel Keeran on Dec 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Scriptures teaching one's responsibility to the poor.

    In recent decades, a number of benevolent organizations and non-religious efforts, have made extensive appeals for contributions from the public. Undoubtedly, we will see more presentations of this kind as world population increases and as the gap widens between rich and poor nations. Every more

  • Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by Dan Brown on Feb 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Part 9 preaching through Matthew, the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, covering the first of the Beatitudes.

    Sermon-2/9/03-Matt. 5:1-3-Poor In Spirit/Dependance on God The Sermon on the Mount-Vintage Christinianity-Taught on this passage more than possibly any other in the Bible-learn more and more each time. When we look at the Christian faith as it is practiced today it can appear to be clouded by more