Mike Hamilton
Contributing sermons since Feb 17, 2003
Newest Sermons
Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness
Contributed on Oct 28, 2003
In a state of humility (poor in spirit), mourning (the natural response of brokenness), and meekness (submitting to Christ), they have a passion to rid themselves of the sin that fills them and to be filled with what they see in Christ (Hunger and Thirst
“Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness” Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Review: The single most important lesson we have learned about the Beatitudes is that they are not eight separate and distinct classifications of ...read more
The Meek
Contributed on Oct 28, 2003
The meek are those who have gone through "brokenness" (Poor in Spirit), mourned their sinful condition (that which led to brokenness) and now they submit to Christ (meek).
“The Meek” Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” Review: The term “blessed” literally means “approved.” True Happiness comes when one receives God’s approval. The fundamental question that everyone who reads the Sermon on the Mount is faced with is, who’s ...read more
Those Who Mourn
Contributed on Oct 28, 2003
Following "brokenness" (Poor in Spirit) comes the natural response of "mourning."
“Those who Mourn” Matthew 5:4 Review: The Sermon on the Mount is a Constitution -- guidelines. The Beatitudes define TRUE HAPPINESS The term “blessed” literally means “approved.” True Happiness comes when one receives God’s approval. The fundamental question that everyone who reads the ...read more
The Poor In Spirit
Contributed on Jul 15, 2003
The poor in spirit are those who REALIZE that they are spiritually BANKRUPT before a Holy God and are in NEED of his Grace.
“The Poor in Spirit” Matthew 5:3 SOM I. Introduction A. Review As we continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount, we are reminded that this sermon is a Constitution for those who enter Christ’s new Kingdom. It is filled with guidelines for how to live as God’s chosen ...read more
A First-Hand Experience With God
Contributed on May 1, 2003
When we experience God like Job, we begin to 1) understand God, 2) understand live, and 3) understand ourselves.
“A First-Hand Experience with God” Job 42:1-6 (Read Text) Illustration: A story is told of a Welsh woman who lived in a remote valley in Wales. She went to a great deal of trouble to have electrical power installed in her home. They noticed she didn’t use very much electricity at all. ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Sermon On The Mount
Contributed on Jul 15, 2003
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Once A Young Man Kneeled Before A Beautiful ...
Contributed on Oct 28, 2003
Once a young man kneeled before a beautiful young woman beside a placid lake. “Darling,” he said, “I want you to know that I love you more than life. I want you to marry me. I’m not a wealthy man. I don’t have a yacht, a Rolls-Royce or lots of money like Johnny Green, but I do love you with all ...read more
In Fact, Most Christians Today Perceive God Like ...
Contributed on May 1, 2003
In fact, most Christians today perceive God like one person noted: God is a lot like our pastor. I don’t see him through the ...read more
Take Care
Contributed on May 1, 2003
Little Suzie finished her prayer and said: Dear God, Before I finish, I want you to take care of mommy, take care of daddy, take care of my sister and my brother and please, God, ...read more
Tony Evans Says, "If You Limit Worship To Where ...
Contributed on Apr 29, 2003
Tony Evans says, “If you limit worship to where you are, the minute you leave that place of worship you will leave your attitude of ...read more
The Baton Rouge Gideon Camp Sponsored A Gideon ...
Contributed on Apr 2, 2003
The Baton Rouge Gideon Camp sponsored a Gideon Day at Angola Penitentiary. They took Bibles into the cells of prisoners to tell them about the love of God. One of these Gideons was named Luther. When he walked into Charlie Frazier’s cell, the prisoner started cursing him. Charlie Frazier was a ...read more