Guidelines For Christianity
Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 26, 2015 (message contributor)
1. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
Spiritually speaking, your attitude determines the depth of your faith and how passionate you are about your convictions.
Tonight we look at the first of the beatitudes. READ Matthew 5: 1-3. For the next 8 weeks we’re going to be talking about the Christian attitude. When I think of how a true Christian should act I think of Philippians 2:5 – “Your attitude should be the same as Christ.” A ...read more
2. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are The Persecuted
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
Do we really feel blessed when we are persecuted?
A Texan billionaire w/ a beautiful daughter loved having parties at his pool which was home to a 20 ft. great-white shark. Every night he’d issue a challenge to the men: “½ my fortune or my daughter’s hand in marriage to the man who swims across the pool!” He never had a ...read more
3. Guidelines For Christianity: God's Gift Of Sex
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
Most people in our culture today don’t often associate the word "God" with the word "sex". We’re going to try to answer these questions. What does the seventh commandment actually address? Why is adultery wrong? What leads people to adultery?
Today we’re gonna talk about sex. Now that I have your attention. . . God does not have a Commandment about worshipping Him in a temple or sanctuary. He planned to live in the body of His people. He wants to be glorified in your body and carry out His ministry through you. Here’s a ...read more
4. Guidelines For Christianity: Commandment #8
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
There's soemthing inside of us that fascinates us with the concept of getting something for nothing.
Let’s start this morning by taking a little informal survey. -Anyone here ever had money stolen from them? -Ok, how about tools, anyone ever have tools stolen, how about borrowed and not returned? -Anyone ever have a bicycle stolen. -Anyone ever have a car stolen. ...read more
5. Guidelines For Christianity: Liar, Liar
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
The only problem with lying is that God takes it a lot more seriously than we do.
Ex. 20:16, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Don’t lie! Joe the Butcher had only one chicken left, and he didn’t want to keep it over the weekend. The pastor of the church in town came into the store. He said, “My wife sent me to buy a good ...read more
6. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
It’s one thing to be spiritually poor and acknowledge it; it’s another to grieve and mourn over it.
On a visit overseas, a wealthy man was fascinated with a powerful microscope that allowed him to study the petals of a flower. He was amazed at their beauty and detail, so he decided to purchase a microscope and take it home. He enjoyed using it until one day he examined some food he was planning ...read more
7. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are The Meek
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
Jesus wasn’t focusing on outward performance like going to church, giving, or serving. His concern was to mark out how a disciple should be on the inside.
When’s the last time you heard someone say, “If you want to succeed in life, try being meek?” Or, “If you want to rise to the top and get somewhere in life, display meekness along the way?” Unfortunately, meekness isn’t a valued quality in our day. The ...read more
8. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
Without the proper intake of water, your body will suffer greatly. The same can be said of your spiritual life if you don’t have a proper intake of righteousness.
We’re in a series focusing on the (8) attitudes Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount we’re to have as His disciples. We are learning that each of these attitudes determines our altitude. Jesus offered these beatitudes to remind us that God isn’t focused on man’s outward ...read more
9. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are The Merciful
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
Having mercy is when God doesn’t give us what we really deserve.
Tonight we continue with the beatitudes—the attitude we are to be or have as a Christian. Let’s talk about being merciful. Having mercy is when God doesn’t give us what we really deserve. We live in a world where it's so easy to become callused and indifferent. We are ...read more
10. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
Purity isn’t just being clean; it’s being single-minded and intentionally focused. In this instance, God wants us to be focused on His kingdom and righteousness.
Tonight we’re going to look at the next attitude Jesus said we’re to have as His disciples. – “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” I wonder what that means, for they shall see God. Remember we said that “Blessed” means happy. We ...read more
11. Guidelines For Christianity: Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Contributed on Mar 26, 2015
History shows that most peacekeeping efforts by and large have failed. So what does Jesus mean by being a peacemaker?
We live in a world characterized by fighting, wars, and animosity at every level of society. It’s everywhere. Lady Astor once said to Winston Churchill, “If you were my husband, I’d put poison in your coffee.” Churchill responded, “And if you were my wife, ...read more