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  • The Church’s Time Of Tragedy

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 5, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    On the whole, our churches are not what they ought to be, as evidenced by the conditions brought forth in this message, which are actually indications of the need for revival.

    The Church’s Time Of Tragedy Text: Acts 20:28-32 Intro: As you listened to that title, you may have entertained the thought that the Church has always experienced tragedy of one form or another since its inception. If you did, you would be right. The Church of Jesus Christ has endured physical more

  • A Working Church Is A Healthy Church PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 20, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages embracing the power, honor, and health of the church through active participation and spiritual nourishment from God's Word.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this beautiful gathering of believers. Isn't it wonderful to be here, in the house of our Lord, surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ, ready to receive His Word? I am so glad you have chosen to be here today, to share in this time of fellowship and learning. It is a more

  • The Church At Thyatira: A Corrupt Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Thyatira

    The Church at Thyatira: A Corrupt Church - Revelation 2:18-29 - 1/31/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 2. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we more

  • You've Lost That Loving Feeling Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Oct 28, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    When a person becomes a believer, the spiritual journey is much like a honeymoon. There is passion, zeal and enthusiasm for the Lord. But as time rolls by, that “first love” can subside. This is what happened in the church at Ephesus, and Jesus gives the

    You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling Sermon 1 in the series “You’ve Got Mail” Chuck Sligh July 24, 2022 For the PowerPoint for the sermon, write me at Skeleton outline borrowed from “When The Honeymoon Ends” by LeLand Patrick. The meat on the bones is mine and I hope does not more

  • A Great Church Is A Generous Church Series

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Apr 6, 2016

    Here we see another mark of a great church. A great church is a generous church.

    A Tour Through Acts ~ part 7 A Great Church is a Generous Church Acts 2:45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. (Acts 2:45) The Sunday School Teacher asked her eight eager 10-year-olds if they would give $1,000,000 to their church. "YES!" they all screamed!! more

  • Life, Love And Liberty

    Contributed by Mark Hensley on Jun 27, 2001
    based on 174 ratings

    Ruth is a 44 year old stay at home mother of five from Pennsylvania when asked why don’t you attend church she replied:

    West Greeley Baptist Church July 1st 2001 Galatians 2:20 “ Life, Love and Liberty” By Pastor Mark Hensley "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." more

  • Love, Acceptance And Forgiveness

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Sep 30, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    "When love, acceptance and forgiveness prevail, the church becomes what Jesus was in the world: a center of love, designed for the healing of broken people, and a force for God." (Jerry Cook).

    LOVE, ACCEPTANCE AND FORGIVENESS OPENING: Welcome to church. This morning, I want to share with you the vision that I have for our church family. Who are we? Where are we going? What has the Lord called us to do? STORY: There is a story about a man who was walking down the street. He more

  • Love Vs. Fear Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 6, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In part 1 of this series about Love Without Limits, Dave looks at the connection between love and fear, showing how that connection operates in individuals and in the church as an organization.

    Love vs. Fear Love Without Limits, prt. 1 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers January 2, 2010 1 John 4:18 (TM) 18 There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully more

  • A Wonderful Model Of Love

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    After the Jerusalem Council decided to include the Gentiles without their having to become Jews, they needed to communicate that truth to them. The steps they took are a wonderful model of love in the church.

    Passage: Acts 15:22-35 Intro: There he stood, leaning against the lockers. 1. it was “Shorts day” at Wheaton North H.S., and this young man, part of a group we called “greasers” or “hoods” must not have gotten the memo to ignore it. 2. black shoes and socks, white boxers, white t-shirt, but from more

  • The Church Beyond The Church Walls Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Mar 3, 2014

    Our life is a series of "divine appointments" as Christians. While most people think that most ministry is done by "superstars" of the faith or by megachurches, in truth the bulk of Christian work is done by average guys. See .

    Love God...Love Family...Love The Brotherhood...Love Others! We've been on a journey here at Resurrection for the past two months this being the ninth message in this series, Kindred United. The overarching idea is that we must, as a church body (the kindred, the family, the brethren or more

  • Ephesus: A First Love Lost

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    Thesis: A healthy church is one that never leaves its first love.

    Thesis: A healthy church is one that never leaves its first love. Intro.: 1. What one first century church do we know more about than any other in NT? 2. Ephesus! a. Acts 19-20--establishment of church by Paul. b. Ephesians--letter written to correct some developing problems. c. 1 more

  • The Church At Laodicea: A Complacent Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Laodicean

    The Church at Laodicea: A Complacent Church - Revelation 3:14-22 - 2/21/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 3. As you’re turning, think about getting ready for church this morning. If you are female, you probably thought through your more

  • My Church Or His Church

    Contributed by Scott Snyder on Mar 3, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    What did Jesus have in mind when He said, "I will build My church"?

    My Church or His Church? Pastor Scott D. Snyder Matthew 16:13-18 Introduction: (A person’s possessions are an indication of the quality of that person—expound.) You don’t expect, at least you shouldn’t expect, to find a lottery ticket in the pocket of a true disciple of Christ. Or a bill from more

  • The Church At Smyrna: A Crushed Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    A look at the Church of Smyrna

    The Church at Smyrna: A Crushed Church -- Revelation 2 -- 1/17/10 Turn with me this morning to the book of Revelation. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we find the disciple John, living on an island more

  • A Great Church Is An Evangelistic Church Series

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Apr 6, 2016

    We need to think about how we present to our community. Sometimes words or terms mean things to us, but not to general people in the community.

    A Tour Through Acts ~ part 9 A Great Church is an Evangelistic Church Acts 2:47b And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:47b) I was looking online at what churches have on their web page. I wanted to see just how the churches of that city were trying to more

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