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  • Waiting On The Lord Series

    Contributed by Floyd Steverson on Apr 6, 2017

    Sermon from the series "Practical Christian Living" on the topic of waiting on the Lord.

    Waiting on the Lord James 5:7 Therefore, brothers, be patient until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth and is patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. 8 You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts, because the Lord’s coming more

  • The Lord Provides

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Apr 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This is a good psalm that turns our minds and hearts to thank God for his provision and good works.

    Psalm 111:1-10 The Lord Provides 1/16/11 D. Marion Clark Introduction This is a good psalm that turns our minds and hearts to thank God for his provision and good works. Text Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the more

  • Lord Of The Sabbath Series

    Contributed by Christopher Howitz on Oct 30, 2017

    What are we to do with the Old Testament?

    “The time has come,” Jesus said, “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (1:15) That was Jesus’ great announcement that is at the start of Mark’s gospel, at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. And with that great announcement, the battle-lines were drawn, not more

  • The Lord Be With You

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Apr 21, 2024

    Isn't it a wonderful thing to be aware of the presence of God! The psalmist said knowing that God was with him made it so that he was not afraid, even if going through the valley of the shadow of death.

    Alba 4-21-2024 THE LORD BE WITH YOU II Thessalonians 3:16-18 Richard Wurmbrand, of Voice of the Martyrs, told the story of a church leader he met while imprisoned in Romania. He was sentenced to 22 years for being a good man, a Christian. The man, his wife, and six small children were eating more

  • One Lord Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Mar 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this seven-week series, we explore the seven "ones" of Ephesians 4 and how they can help us experience the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace! Week four: One Lord.

    ONE LORD Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 1/28/2018 A three-year-old girl was listening intently to the children’s sermon one Sunday morning at her church. The minister explained that God wants everyone to get along and love each other. “God wants us all to be one,” he said. more

  • The Lord's Supper

    Contributed by Neil Olcott on Nov 6, 2002
    based on 126 ratings

    A sermon to help teach the biblical basis for the Lord’s Supper with a lot of help from John MacArthur’s commentary on this text.

    Date: 11-3-02 Title: The Lord’s Supper Bible Text: Matthew 26:26-30 Intro: What is the Lord’s Supper really all about? Do we fully understand what this monthly ritual we participate in is supposed to mean? Or do we just do the Lord’s Supper because, well, because that is what a person does at more

  • The Lord Of Today

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 8, 2000
    based on 70 ratings

    There is nothing in your past...or heinous, that God cannot forgive a repentant heart.

    “It’s not what’s happening today that drags a man down. It’s remorse over what happened yesterday, and dread of tomorrow.” - man to bartender on Perry Mason episode. Think about that statement for a moment. There is really a lot of truth in it, you know. Man is basically a fighter. A more

  • The Resurrected Lord.

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Mar 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at the resurrection and the implications for believers and non believers in his presence.

    THE RESURRECTED LORD – TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE. • SET THE SCENE THE RESURRECTION MORNING It was the first day of the week the resurrection morning, the disciples were locked away in a house in Jerusalem in fear of the fellow countrymen the JEWS. For the disciples it is the fight or flight more

  • The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by David Moore on May 19, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    To show the conditions before, the condemnation by and the comfort in the Day of the Lord.

    Zephaniah The Day of the Lord Text: Zephaniah 1:1-7 Introduction: I would dare say that not one person in a thousand has heard a message from the book of Zephaniah. This little prophecy just three chapters long is one of the most overlooked passages of Scripture in all God’s Word. Unquoted from more

  • Worship The Lord!

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 8, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Worship the Lord! 1. Because Jesus is our supplier (vs. 1-11). 2. Because Jesus is supreme (vs. 15-17). 3. Because Jesus is our Savior (vs. 12-14, 18).

    Worship the Lord! Colossians 1:1-18 Sermon by Rick Crandall Twin Oaks Baptist Church - Sept. 14, 2015 BACKGROUND: *As I was trying to find what the Lord wanted me to say tonight, I thought about a lot of things, but the thing that kept coming back to me was, "Worship the Lord". So I would like to more

  • Lunch With The Lord Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jan 24, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    How to handle lunch with the Lord: 1. Give the Lord your hospitality (vs. 1-8). 2. Give the Lord your hope (vs. 9-14). 3. Give the Lord your honesty (vs. 11-15).

    Old Testament Encounters with Christ Part 9: Lunch with the Lord Genesis 18:1-15 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Jan. 18, 2012 *Jesus loves to sit down and eat with people. Luke’s Gospel shows the Lord sharing meals with people ten different times. (1) *Luke 5:27-31, for more

  • Fear Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 20, 2018

    Message 12 in our exposition of Nehemiah continuing the exploration of the fear of the Lord.

    Chico Alliance Church FEAR OF THE LORD REVIEW Nehemiah has rallied the once discouraged and despondent people of Jerusalem to join together in a difficult project against tremendous opposition. Because of Nehemiah's prayerful leadership, the once crumbled walls of Jerusalem were restored and its more

  • Labor For The Lord Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021

    Joseph was a peanut shell in Yankee Stadium, and that is the level of notice he would have gotten in history from that point on. But God gave him the ability to interpret dreams, and he impressed the Pharaoh. He was instantly exalted to the highest level of power in the powerful nation of Egypt.

    Grace Kelly, the American actress, married into royalty when she became the wife of Prince Rainier of Monaco. This became world wide news back in 1956 as an American girl became Princess Grace. But it was far from being a rags to riches story, for Grace grew up in wealth and luxury. Her father more

  • Trust In The Lord

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Mar 2, 2025

    Psalm 37, Trust

    TRUST IN THE LORD (PSALM 37) An article titled “Are You Evil? Profiling That Which Is Truly Wicked” talks about Selmer Bringsjord, a logician, philosopher and chairman of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Department of Cognitive Science who has developed a sort of checklist for determining more

  • The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jul 4, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The major theme of Joel is “Day of the Lord,” and how great and terrible it will be. But this theme is not exclusive to Joel, but it is seen throughout both the major and minor prophets, as well as in the New Testament. And we’ll see all of this in our time together.

    The Day of the Lord Book of Joel Watch: Today we are once again in the minor prophets looking at the major themes that comes from each one. And today, as we go through the prophet Joel, this is one of the major themes of the Bible, and the one that more

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