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  • Great Light Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 30, 2023

    The world of darkness looks for its dawn . The world of strife, sufferings and despair looks for redemption of light. Jesus the great Light has come again on the earth. Let this season of Christmas bring joy.

    Great Light Isaiah 9:1-2 Happy seasonal greetings! The background of Isaiah 7:1-9:7: In 734-732 BCE, Ahaz the king of Judah faced attack from Israel and Syria, so he considered seeking the aid of Assyria. So, he wanted to have an alliance with the “Evil Empire” of his day. Isaiah urged Ahaz to more

  • The Great Harlot

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Mar 11, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    This will not be a popular message with the apostate religions of the world as this chapter deals with the great harlot.

    THE HARLOT OF REVELATION 17 Revelation 17:1-18 The great religious harlot is about to be destroyed, along with its political and economic counterparts. This and the next chapter show how God judges a system that had its beginnings way before the New Testament Church was even formed. This more

  • The Great Divide Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus comes to bring division

    30. Who is Jesus? March 27th, 2010 Biblical Division Our study through the Gospel of Luke will take about 60 weeks. This is week is week 30 marking our halfway point. We are spending a lot of time in this book studying Jesus life as our goal is to get know more about who Jesus really is. For more

  • The Great Charade

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Nov 14, 2011

    Looking at how believers must be serious abou their relationship with Christ and not be a pretender.

    The Great Charade Romans 2:1-29 Introduction We continue today to look at Romans and we will look at all of Chapter 2 because there is a theme woven throughout these 29 verses What is that theme? The Great Charade – title of my message This letter was written to whom? The Roman Church more

  • The Greatness Of God Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 41 ratings


    BIG IDEA: GREAT IS THE LORD AND GREATLY TO BE PRAISED – FOR HIS GLORY AND STRENGTH I. (:1-6) CALL TO THE WHOLE EARTH: TO SING PRAISES TO THE LORD FOR HIS GLORY AND STRENGTH A. Tone of Praise: 1. New and Fresh "a new song" 2. Good News "Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day" B. more

  • The Great Reversal

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 15, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Just when the tree of David seems to be left without hope, without offspring, this Branch emerges to establish justice and righteousness in the world: the LORD our Righteousness.

    THE GREAT REVERSAL. Jeremiah 33:14-16. In a double metaphor concerning gardening and building, the prophet Jeremiah was commissioned by the LORD not only ‘to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy and to throw down’ but also ‘to build and to plant’ (Jeremiah 1:10). There was certainly enough more

  • Great Expectations Series

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on Aug 31, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Christ is the returning King. When He comes, He will judge people with regard to their submission to His rule in their lives.

    Great Expectations Text: Luke 19:11-27 Introduction: In the early 1990s the American media reported on the case of Michael Fay, an18-year-old American residing in Singapore. He was charged with defacing personal property and had to face the state’s legal punishment for the crime...which in this more

  • The Great Announcement Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 24, 2012

    There are four announcements that we will look at in these 5 verses.

    Next we come to the great announcement to the churches. Actually there are four announcements that we will look at in these 5 verses. There were 7 churches in Asia to which this great announcement was being made but this great announcement that is being proclaimed here is to the churches of more

  • Babylon The Great!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Dec 7, 2013

    Every system that is lawless, corrupt, ungodly and wicked symbolizes Babylon! Money, power and fame are bedeviling the world today!

    Babylon the great! Revelation 18:2”And he called out with a mighty voice, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.” Every system more

  • How God's Judgment Is Perfect

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    1. Have you ever wondered why we should leave all final judgments to God? We live at a time when many are quick to weigh in with their judgment of people, politics or the hottest topic on talk radio.

    1. Have you ever wondered why we should leave all final judgments to God? We live at a time when many are quick to weigh in with their judgment of people, politics or the hottest topic on talk radio. Paul wanted to clear up several misperceptions about judging by explaining the nature of God’s more

  • Warning Signs On The Road To Judgment

    Contributed by Larry Finley on Mar 21, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    There are warning signs on the road to judgment that can lead to safety or destruction

    WARNING SIGNS ON THE ROAD TO JUDGMENT 3/19/06 Mark 6:53-56; 7:1-24a S__L__R__ 1. Young Preacher 1st Serm at New Church – 2nd Coming a. very dramatic presentation – forgot next pt. b. backed up –rushed forward – Jesus “I’m Coming’ c. still blank -w. more force – nothing; d. rushed more

  • Judgment Belongs Unto God

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 3, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Verse upon verse study in the book of Romans. Here every reader can see the contrast between God’s love and His wrath. Every man will choose!

    Judgment Belongs unto God Text: Romans 2:1-16 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. 2 But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who more

  • Obedience Is Better Than Judgment Series

    Contributed by Aarron Ellerman on Dec 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God desires judment to result in repetence leading to deliverance.

    Joel 2:14-27 “Obedience Is Better Than Judgment” I. The Repentance of the People (14-17) Vs. 14 • It was the repentance of the people that would restore the blessings back to the land. o God was waiting and ready to once again pour out His riches upon His people, once they turned from evil and more

  • The Reality Of God's Judgment I Series

    Contributed by Bobby Roger on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    a message on the reality of God’s judgment

    The Reality of God¡¦s Judgment Amos 5:18-27 We have looked at three messages to warn Israel of Impending, Imminent, and Inescapable judgment. (3:1-5:17) We will now look at two messages of WOE "an interjection signifying grief or denunciation." This particular word is used often in the Bible. more

  • When The Judgment Of God Comes Series

    Contributed by Bobby Roger on Feb 3, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    some things people need to know about the Lord when judgment comes

    WHEN THE JUDGMENT OF GOD COMES Amos 9:1-10 I. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM HIM 1-4 See Psalm 139:7-12 II. YOU CANNOT HINDER HIM 5-6 He is sovereign and has declared it! He is the Lord God of Hosts. III. YOU CANNOT HAGGLE WITH HIM. 7-10 God’s judgment would be impartial. A. Your rearing more

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