Sermon Series

  • 1. Power Over Storms

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2011

    Jesus has dinner with a Pharisee and forgives a sinful woman

    Forgiven The Middle East is an extremely conservative, extremely religious area. For a woman to leave the house without her hair up, hair covered, and face hidden behind a veil would have been extremely shameful. Women were not valued at this time, they were not well respected or considered more

  • 2. Power Over Storms

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus calms the storms and teaches the disciples about faith.

    Power over Storms Well October is almost finished which means its time to start preparing for White Saturday. Every year we have four big vision events that we do to reach out to the community and show them the love of Jesus. Last year for White Saturday we took bags of cookies to over 200 more

  • 3. Power Over Spirits

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Jesus battles demoniacs and wins.

    Power over Spirits Halloween on a Sunday, this should be fun. I am actually really excited about this because our text today is perfect. We are in Luke 8:26. I didn’t plan this it just so happened that in our text this morning we are dealing with a demon possessed man. What a perfect more

  • 4. Power Over Sickness

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Jesus heals a woman with a bloody problem

    12. Who is Jesus? November 07th, 2010 Power over Sickness The more we look at Jesus life the better we understand how amazing He really is. Jesus has had large crowds coming to Him. He has been traveling all around Galilee, He has been teaching, healing, and performing miracles. He is so more

  • 5. The Sending

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus sends out His disciples.

    13. Who is Jesus? November 14th, 2010 The Sending Our text this morning is extremely important for our Spiritual development. As we see how Jesus trains His disciples to be leaders in the kingdom of God. After a long stretch of relentless ministry things have finally slowed down enough more

  • 6. The Sending

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Jesus sends out His disciples.

    13. Who is Jesus? November 14th, 2010 The Sending Our text this morning is extremely important for our Spiritual development. As we see how Jesus trains His disciples to be leaders in the kingdom of God. After a long stretch of relentless ministry things have finally slowed down enough more

  • 7. Power Over Hnger

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus feeds a whole bunch of people with a snackable.

    14. Who is Jesus? November 21st, 2010 The Feeding We are in Luke 9:10 this morning. This is a text most of you are probably familiar with. This is the only event prior to the last week of Jesus life that is recorded in all four gospel accounts. So there is something very important about more

  • 8. Who Is Jesus

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Disciples try to understand Jesus true identity.

    15. Who is Jesus? November 28th, 2010 Who is Jesus We are continuing on in our series through the Gospel of Luke asking the question: Who is Jesus? This is the most important question we will ever answer in our lives and this is what we see in our text today. Just because we know Jesus more

  • 9. The Transfiguration

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus revealed in glory

    16. Who is Jesus? December 05th, 2010 The Transfiguration God made man to exist in community with Him. Out of His love for us He desired to be loved in return. Love cannot be forced it has to be chosen. So God knew that in order for us to love Him we had to be able to choose not to. more

  • 10. Greatness In The Kingdom Of God

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Disciples bicker over which of them is the greatest.

    17. Who is Jesus? December 12th, 2010 Greatness in the Kingdom of God Being in the presence of greatness naturally leads to a desire for greatness. When we see someone who is great at something often we are inspired to want to be great ourselves. Honestly that desire can lead us to doing more

  • 11. Cost Of Discipleship

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Following Jesus is not easy

    18. Who is Jesus? December 19th, 2010 The Cost of Discipleship Jesus has been traveling around Galilee preaching, healing, casting out demons, and performing many miracles. He has dedicated Himself to doing the work of God and He has often done so without sleep or a proper meal. For three more

  • 12. Changing The World

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Jesus sends out 72 to minister for His kingdom

    19. Who is Jesus? December 26th, 2010 Changing the World Today we continue our study through Luke’s gospel asking the question: who is Jesus. We are in Luke 10:1 where Jesus sends out seventy-two disciples to the towns and villages of Judea. This sending is very similar to the more

  • 13. Who Is Your Neighbor?

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Parable of the good Samaritan.

    20. Who is Jesus? January 16th, 2010 Who is your Neighbor? Well I am back from a little vacation with my wife and we are back to study into our series through the Gospel of Luke. We are in Luke 10:25. This is a story most of you are probably familiar with. It is one of the most powerful more

  • 14. Good And Better

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus having dinner with Mary and Martha

    21. Who is Jesus? January 23rd, 2010 Good and Better Jesus primary ministry had been located in Galilee for some time. Now it has shifted south and His ministry is in full swing in Judea. His time here is limited as His mission is getting closer to completion. The shadow of the cross is more

  • 15. A Divided Household

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is accused of being satanic

    23. Who is Jesus? February 06th, 2010 A House Divided In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He made angels who are spiritual beings designed to serve, worship, and carry out the commands God. One of those created angels decided he did not like his lot, being subject to his more

  • 16. Unrepented

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    The danger of not repenting is great

    24. Who is Jesus? February 13th, 2010 Unrepented Last week we saw a showdown between Jesus and Beelzebub. Jesus cast a demon out a man and in response the religious leaders starting making wild accusations against Him. They could no longer deny Jesus power so they claim that Jesus’s more

  • 17. Woe To You

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Jesus vs. religious people

    25. Who is Jesus? February 20th, 2010 Woe to you We have seen Jesus in a battle against Beelzebub now we get to see Him battle against religion. This is actually a major theme in the Gospel of Luke. Over and over we see this conflict between Jesus and religious people. Religion is a more

  • 18. Woe To You

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Jesus vs. religious people

    25. Who is Jesus? February 20th, 2010 Woe to you We have seen Jesus in a battle against Beelzebub now we get to see Him battle against religion. This is actually a major theme in the Gospel of Luke. Over and over we see this conflict between Jesus and religious people. Religion is a more

  • 19. Disowned

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Those who disown Jesus now will be disowned later

    26. Who is Jesus? February 27th, 2010 Disowned Quick overview of what has been happening. Jesus casts a demon out of a mute man. The religious leaders, nice guys that they are, claim that His power comes from Beelzebub. There are confusing God with Satan. Jesus says no way you are guys are more

  • 20. The Rich Fool

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The parable of the rich fool

    27. Who is Jesus? March 06th, 2010 The Rich Fool Jesus has been putting the religious leaders in their place. As a result crowds have gathered by the thousands. These people have been trampling over each other trying to get to Jesus. While Jesus is teaching about hell someone in the crowd more

  • 21. Worry

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Don't Worry, it's a fear thing

    28. Who is Jesus? March 13th, 2010 Worry As we read through the Gospel of Luke our goal is to learn who Jesus really is so that we can model our lives after Him. Jesus gives us instructions on how to live with His teaching and He shows us how to live with His life. The Bible is all about more

  • 22. Be Ready

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    It is important for us to live ready for the Lord's return

    29. Who is Jesus? March 20th, 2010 Be Ready We have seen a lot of really amazing things about Jesus, but the best is yet to come. We are in the final months of Jesus life. Jesus has been healing people, performing miracles, casting out demons, battling the religious, and answering questions more

  • 23. The Great Divide

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus comes to bring division

    30. Who is Jesus? March 27th, 2010 Biblical Division Our study through the Gospel of Luke will take about 60 weeks. This is week is week 30 marking our halfway point. We are spending a lot of time in this book studying Jesus life as our goal is to get know more about who Jesus really is. For more

  • 24. Repent Or Perish

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus call to repent for the kingdom of God is near

    31. Who is Jesus? April 03rd, 2010 Repent or Perish Luke 13:1. Jesus has been hitting some hard points as teaches these crowds who have gathered around Him. He has brought up one of the more controversial ideas in Scripture: hell. So let’s talk about hell for a minute. We have some more

  • 25. Illegal Healing

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Jesus heals on the Sabbath

    32. Who is Jesus? April 10th, 2010 Illegal Healing Jesus is not looking for fans, He is looking for followers. It is very difficult to follow someone if you don’t pay attention to where they are going. Jesus shares His life with us, living among us so that we can learn how to live by more

  • 26. Getting In

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus at the feast of dedication

    33. Who is Jesus? April 17th, 2010 Getting In After doing some traveling and teaching in the region of Judea Jesus returns to Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication. While He is teaching in Jerusalem He gets into a little bit of trouble over the issue of His deity. Once again Jesus claims to more

  • 27. Dinner With Jesus

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus eats with religious people

    34. Who is Jesus? May 01st, 2010 Dinner with Jesus We are back in our series through Luke looking at the life and mission of Jesus. Last week we had a great Easter service, record attendance. Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the Gospels we are going to see more religious more

  • 28. I Lost My Coin, And My Sheep

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    Parable of lost coin, and lost sheep.

    36. Who is Jesus? May 15th, 2011 I lost my Coin, and my Sheep Jesus finished His dinner with the religious people and went on His way. As He traveled crowds of people gathered around Him to hear Him speak and so Jesus starts telling them what it means to follow Him. He says you have to hate more

  • 29. Evaluating The Cost

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    Following Jesus is not easy, be ready for the long haul

    35. Who is Jesus? May 08st, 2011 (Mother’s Day) Evaluating the Cost Happy Mother’s day to all of our moms, we have a really special text for you today as we continue in our series through the gospel of Luke. Grace is free. Salvation is expensive. We spend a lot of time in the more

  • 30. The Lost Son

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011

    The Prodigal Father's love for His lost son

    37. Who is Jesus? May 22th, 2011 The Lost Son Our journey through Luke brings us to one of the best known stories in all of scripture, maybe even the best known story ever told; the story of the prodigal son. This is the longest parable that Jesus tells and probably the best short story ever more