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  • The Gospel Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 18, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Focusing on the grace of God, this sermon explores four reasons the gospel is good news.

    Eph. 2:8-9 4/10/16 Intro Last week I shared four awakenings that prepare a person to receive the gospel. Gospel means “Good News.”i When a person has been awakened to the four realities we talked about last week, the Gospel comes as good news. Without those awakenings the Gospel is little more more

  • Finding Your Focus For The New Year

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 25, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    What kind of mindset should we have as we approach a new year? Using Paul's comments in Phil. 3, this message identifies three ways of thinking that should be embraced by all Christians.

    1-1-17 Phil. 3:8-14 Philippians 3:8-14 in NLT “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ 9 and become one with him. I no longer count on my own more

  • The Last Battle Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Feb 17, 2017

    In the end, God will have the final say about human history.

    The Last Battle Text: Joel 3:1-16 Introduction 1. Illustration: Most people think the last battle of the American Civil War was at Appomattox Courthouse. The Battle of Palmito Ranch, also known as the Battle of Palmito Hill, is generally recognized as the final battle of the American Civil War. more

  • An Evil Plan

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jun 27, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The history of mankind is filled with various attempts to destroy the people of Israel.

    A Study of the Book of Esther “An Evil Plan” Esther 3:1-15 The history of mankind is filled with various attempts to destroy the people of Israel. For more

  • Getting Ready For Our Final Goodbye (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 7, 2018

    How can we get ready for our final good-bye? 1. Receive our ministry for God's Word (vs. 22-24). 2. Recognize the value of God's Word (vs. 25-27). 3. Remember the urgent need for God's Word (vs. 28-31).

    Getting Ready for Our Final Goodbye (Part 2) The Book of Acts - Part 73 Acts 20:17-31 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - February 8, 2015 BACKGROUND: *Acts 20 was a pivotal time in the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul. In these verses Paul reflected on the past, and tried to more

  • I Have A Testimony!

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Nov 19, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Nothing is more tragic in life than missing an opportunity to share the Gospel message to someone Jesus has sent your way!

    I Have a Testimony John 4:27-40 Online Sermon: I sometimes think I might have been in darkness and despair until now, had it not been for the goodness of God in sending a snowstorm one Sunday morning, while I was going to a certain place of worship. I more

  • Called To Bless Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    When we serve others we find satisfaction, significance and succession

    CALLED TO BLESS Many years ago there lay a large boulder in the middle of a well travelled roadway. Traveler after traveler walked past the boulder, veering off the side of the road to get around it. All the while, they were shaking their head and muttering, "Can you believe that? Someone should more

  • Remembering The Holy Innocents Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Apr 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This Bible passage, about the “Massacre of the Innocents,” can be applied to abortion. This message shares some insights into the driving force behind the killing of babies, and speaks of what can be done to stop it.

    I’ve entitled our message this morning, “Remembering the Holy Innocents.” “In the New Testament, the ‘Massacre of the Innocents’ is the incident in the nativity narrative . . . in which Herod the Great, king of Judea, orders the execution of all male children two years old and under in the more

  • Nothing Is Impossible Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jul 17, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    The word “impossible” means nothing to God! The birth of a baby born to a virgin was a miracle! The Lord can also miraculously bring light to a dark situation. “Never doubt in the dark, what God spoke while you were in the light.”

    I’ve entitled our message this morning, “Nothing Is Impossible,” as we briefly touch on the account of how baby Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary. I would like to begin with some inspirational quotes and illustrations; and I’ll start by sharing one entitled “Impossible Takes Longer.” Charles F. more

  • God Is Light Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 9, 2021

    God is light. Nothing stronger can be said. This is as far as human language can go in relating God and light. God is light. Light is of the very essence of God's nature.

    The Emperor Trajan said to Rabbi Joshua, "You teach that your God is everywhere. I should like to see Him." The Rabbi replied, "God's presence is everywhere, but He cannot be seen. No mortal eye can behold His glory." The Emperor insisted, however, and so the Rabbi said, more

  • Jael The Assassin Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 11, 2021

    Jael has a plan to kill Sisera , and the best and safest way to do that is to lure him into a sense of security where he will take a nap.

    Assassins are never heroes in the history of Americans, for they are always those who seek to kill our presidents whom we admire. This is not always the case in other nations. The Jews, for example, have some assassins who are heroes in their history. Two of them are Hakim and Bet Zuri. They were more

  • The Little Flock Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 26, 2021

    God's plans are always big, but His means for getting His big plans achieved are always small.

    The world is full of interesting stories about numbers. For example, why does the President get a 21 gun salute. It all began in 1776 when Francis Hopkinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, noticed that if you add up the numbers in 1776 they come to 21. He said to himself, more

  • The Call Of A Father Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jun 19, 2020

    In God’s Call of the Father for disciple and instruction, He presents it through 1) The Negative Command (Ephesians 6:4a) 2) The Positive Command (Ephesians 6:4b).

    Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. (ESV). One surprising factor to some that has been reported during this quarantine is an increased involvement in family elements from men in general and fathers in more

  • And Now, The Weather Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Jun 22, 2020

    The Big Idea: We don’t always like the warnings Scripture gives us. In the parable of the wicked tenants, Jesus warns the religious leaders of of the consequences of not bearing the fruit God is looking for.

    Since we’ve titled this series “Good News,” a lot of the sermon titles have related to the news—“The most trusted name in News,” “A Slow News Day,” “The Rest of the Story—” stuff like that. So that’s where this title comes from, and I’ll talk more about this later. An interesting thing about more

  • Simon Magus Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 11, 2022

    Simon magus, also known as Simon the Sorcerer or the Magician, was a religious figure whose confrontation with Peter is recorded in Acts 8:9–24. The act of simony, or paying for the position, is named after Simon, who tried to buy his way into the power of the Apostles.

    Simon Magnus Simon and Peter were intense rivals until Simon challenged Peter's authority and fell out of the sky. Simon magus, also known as Simon the Sorcerer or the Magician, was a religious figure whose confrontation with Peter is recorded in Acts 8:9–24. The act of simony, or paying for more

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